Sore nails while on Herceptin


I have just had no. 9 of 18 Herceptins and in the last couple of weeks the tips of my finger nails have been practically peeling off, they are so sore and I can’t even pick things up now they are so short. They look so awful, I am considering either false nails (although this option wouldn’t help!) or wearing gloves 24/7!!

Has anyone else experienced this while on Herceptin?

Tracy xx

hi tracy
yes im exactly the same, i have always had great nails and they wee really strong even through chemo, im on my 11 of 18 herceptin and it was around the 7/8 th my nail tips just peeled off, and they are breaking down more at the moment and are getting really sore, i have been rubbing savlon on them !! think gloves is a better option than falsies !!
galen x

My nails seem very weak, and splitting easily, so I’m keeping them short. Finger nails don’t hurt, but toes do! At first I thought it was because of the shoes/boots I was wearing, but as they’re not new, but old favourites, it seems more likely that it’s caused by the herceptin.

My nails seem weaker but they are also curving and sticking into the sides of my toes and fingers. It gets much worse when I need to trim them and I am now scared of cutting my toenails as It feels like an ingrowing toenail. Hang on… they are ingrowing toenails.

I am on 14 of 17 Herceptin

Anyone know the remedy?

I blamed Herceptin for my split finger nails but it is now 4 months since I completed the course so now I am blaming Tamoxifen!

My fingernails are fine (had 12 Herceptins so far), but they were badly affected by the Taxotere, as were my toenails which are still a bit weird, but then I suppose they grow more slowly than the finger variety. I’m on Arimidex.


Hi All,

Thanks for your replies, it sounds as if it may well be Herceptin that’s causing the problem. I also had Taxotere and they took a battering then.

I will definatley try rubbing in Savlon to see if that soathes them a bit - or maybe even good old Vaseline which I swore by when my lips were sore during chemo, it really helped.

My job doesn’t help the nail situation either, as I am a window dresser and will now be opening loads of garland and trees for Christmas!!

Best wishes to you all,

Tracy xxx

My nails are awful and break all the time. Also my skin is very fragile. I am on both Herceptin (17 done now so almost there!) and Arimidex so wasn’t sure which was causing the problem.

My nails too are dreadful. I have put it down to being on so many chemos over the years but I am wondering now if herceptin has something to do with it. I have been on herceptin now since the beginning of 2004. The last chemo I had was in 2003, and taxotere was back in 1999.


My nails are disgusting and although have had 8 sessions of chemo altogether, the last 4 with Herceptin and now just on Herceptin - the last few weeks my nails have fallen out. My baby toe nail came off a few weeks ago but there was already another one growing underneath it, but my finger nails are awful. I have always had lovely nails now they look terrible and I feel embarrassed by them. I have bitten them so they look a bit better now and will just moisturise my hands and hope they grow soon. I wouldn’t bother having false nails put on incase they do further damage - at least it is Winter - we can wear gloves!!!

Hi there
My nails are really bad they just keep peeling off like Tracy 1961’s I lost all my fingernails after Tax and put my poor nail condition down to this so thanks for this link as I only have 2 more Herceptins to go, finished on Dec 5th. So maybe my nails will look a little better at Xmas.

Take care every one

I managed to keep my nails fine during chemo and the first half of Herceptin. I found this great stuff called Nail Magic and after about 10 Herceptin my nails were the strongest they had been in my life. Suddenly they literally fell off. They split, peeled and all the symptoms earlier posters report above. My chemo nurses who were giving me the Herceptin said it was probably the point at which the nails forming in the nail bed at the time I started Herceptin got to the point of being the nail tips.

It was horrible, my nails peeled and I was so embarrassed as it looked like I was a real nail biter like Gordon Brown. I was telling my hairdresser about it and asked him if he could see any effect on my hair as it had grown back so well after chemo. He told me that the salon were just starting to offer some gel nails.called Calgel nails. They are applied on top of your nails THey are not false nails and don’t add length but they protect the nail, give them strength and allow them to grow. Apparently the nail can breathe too. I had my first application 5 weeks ago and already I havve decent looking nails. It has given me some self confidence back

All the best


Just got back from holiday

Finished Herceptin at end of March and my nails are still dreadful. They have improved slowly but it’s taking forever.

Marilyn x

hi just to add my nails are pretty rubbish and seem to be really soft and break more easily. dont know if its related to the herceptin as i just thought it was because i was so run down with chemo, rads and ops…