i have been through 5 cycles of chemo now (one to go) 3 FEC and 2 TAX - have had some minor problems with veins etc but managed to get the stuff in me after getting my veins warm etc. The last couple of days I have noticed that a vein in my lower arm is ‘sticking out’ and the skin is red, itchy and sore - just along the vein. Its not where they put the stuff in my in further down my arm but it is that vein. I wondered if anyone else has had this and what they did for it - i have been putting germoline on it not sure if that is the right remedy. It looks to me as if the vein is damaged in some way and looks ‘burnt’ so whether anything has seeped out into my arm I am not sure. Also worried now about next chemo as I don’t think that vein will hold up and its the only good one I have. any advice?
Hi Saffronseed
Really sorry to hear about your arm, do you think it is phlebitis! l saw on the June chemo thread there were a couple of ladies with it, think it may have been Suze or Sal. l am sure they will come along and tell you.
Do you think it would be worth giving the Onc on the 24 hour line a ring? have you taken anything for the pain, ibuprofen or something warm on the arm
Sorry not much help, hope someone comes along soon with good advice
Take Care
Sandra xxx
thanks Sandra, yes I thought it might be phebetis but not sure what that looks like (or feels like)
I have ibrofen both in tablet and gel form in the cupboard - along with an army of stuff (which I am sure we all got in - my medicine cupboard is bigger than my food cupboard at the moment!)
I am trying not to take any more ‘tablets’ as they affect my tummy which is troublesome anyhow with Tax. I haven’t put any Ibrofen gel on as its ‘warm’ and my gut feeling is that my arm needs to be ‘cooled’ I maybe wrong of course but a cold compress relieves the itching/soreness rather than a hot one but this may be totally the wrong action! and may be making it worse. I will ring tomorrow and ask the unit about it to see how I best treat it.
Hi saffronseed
I have also had problems with veins in my arm. Mine also has swollen up, I went to get it checked out and was told that it was the chemo that was irritating the vein and it would settle down eventually. That was 3 weeks ago and it’s not as sore now but still swollen.
I have had hickman line fitted for rest of chemo (2 more tax to go)as that was the only vein that was any use.
I took paracetamol for the pain as ibruprofen upsets my tummy.
Hope it soons settles down.
Chris x