sore ribs bone scan ? rads


. Had grade 3 ductal invasive WLE SNB  12mm tumour no nodes involved, no lymph invasion, lumpectomy, chemo, 15 radiotherapy . Seen the surgeon today for my 12month check all ok . I mentioned that i get some pain in my rib cage at times it doesnt hurt unless i press on the bone in certain places and it is sore . He is sending me for a bone scan now and i am all of a panic , My bcn says it can be due to radiotherapy I am scared again love Gill  

Hi Gill,

Sorry you haven’t had any replies to your post as yet, but hopefully someone will now see it and and bring you some support.  In the meantime could I suggest you give our helpline a call and have a chat with the staff there, they are here to support you through this both emotionally and practically.

Take care,

Jo, Moderator