I completed radiotherapy 2 weeks ago and my skin is still very sore and raw looking, especially over my scar where I had the wide local excision. The doc gave me an anti fungal cream as she was concerned in case it would become infected so I’m still using that as well as E45 cream but I was wondering how long it took for your skin to recover and if I can be using anything different from what I’m already using?
Hi Mrs.J, I had three different creams from my rads team. As treatment progressed I was burnt. My team did recommend Aveeno, and I was told not to use anything else during treatment as it is all too oily and would exacerbate burning issues. At my last treatment I was sent home with two tubes of stuff from the burns department and told to ring them if any problems, and not my GP. See, even our health trusts are so different! I would be ringing the hospital to get the correct treatment. A GP is really a general practitioner as far as I’m concerned. Keep it all cool, dry and clean. Hugs. X
Hi, not all health trusts operate the same, but you should be able to call in at your radiotherapy unit to be checked by a nurse who will give you appropriate ointments and dressings- there are great cool-gel dressings if the soreness feels ‘burny’. And I take it you know no hot baths/ showers, nothing perfumed, no deodorant and no clothing which causes friction. Quite a list but I had problems and stuck to all they advised and it did settle down. Hope this helps and you’re not in too much pain.