South Wales girls
South Wales girls Hi All,
Hope everyone is doing OK. Just thought I’d message to see if anyone is going to the breast friends support group this Friday? I’ve got an oncology appointment that Friday, so am off work. Might be a bit of a tight squeeze to make it though, as my hospital appointment is at 12pm, but I’m sure they w’ont mind if I’m a bit late! It’s about employment law this time, which as I’m back in work does interest me.
Take Care, Lisa x
Hiya, Lisa!
How’s it going? I’d like to go this Friday, too, but don’t know if I can get out of work for it… Ironic, really!!
If I can, I’ll see you there and maybe we could go for a coffee afterwards. If not, you’ll have to take notes and pass on the info for us!
Good luck with onc appointment.
Mel x
Sorry to butt in Mel- but when I looked at the post "Wales " I looked at your profile. Its very similar to mine.
I was originally diagnosed in 1999 had Masc (with no further treatment as they felt they had got it 99%), but last year Nov 06 I went to gp as I was suffering from stress and asked him to check out my breathing - he felt there was something not right and sent me for a x-ray. Short version is that I then had a scan and they found a tumor in the gland behind sternum. When I saw my original surgeon I asked him why he thought it had come back and he thinks it was there all along - same as you said. When I saw my Onc this time she said she didnt understand why I was not given further treatment 7 years ago.
What a coincidence. I have just finished 6 FEC (they were able to give me this as I had no treatment before) and they have now started me on Tam.
DIANE from Pontypridd
Apologise for not coming yesterday after posting that I was! But didn’t get out of oncology till 2.15pm!! So far too late to drop by then, plus I was absolutely starving! There’s another session coming up on the 25th June, with a guest oncol speaker, might try and make that one.
Hope all’s OK,
Lisa x
I did make it to the talk in the end and it was really interesting. If anyone wants to know anything in particular about what was said, let me know and I’ll try my best to pass the info on.
I plan to go to the evening talk on June 25th too, as it’s my onc (PBL) who’s doing that one and I want to see what he’s got to say for himself!
Hope to see you there. Take care,
Mel x
Hi everyone. My name is Paula and I was diagnosed on the 3rd May this year. I have had surgery and I go for my first chemo appointment next Wednesday. Can anyone tell me what the treatment is like. I have to have 6 sessions of FEC the 4 weeks of radio therapy…
I also have to take Tamoxifen which is worrying me too. Can anyone tell me what the symptons of that is like aswell.
Hope everyone is well and I await some replies.
Paula x