Spondylitis & can only get worse on Tamox

After years of problems with a ‘pain in the neck’ other than my hubby :slight_smile: I’ve just been told it is Spondylitis.

It’s been gradually worsening since starting Tamoxifen last year and unfortunately my GP says it can only deteriorate because of weakening of the bone structure through taking Tamoxifen…so there’s something to look forward to then…

He’s sending me for physio to hopefully un-trap the nerve which appears to be trapped in my neck.
It causes me to have dizzy bouts, which I find very frightening and very debilitating.

Is anyone else troubled with Spondylitis and if so, how do you cope with it ?


I don’t suffer personally but my Mam has had this condition for many years. She has a wonderful physio (private) who has given her excercises to do at home … at times these have involved pullies to put over doors and other contraptions. When she has a really bad time - which thankfully is not too often now as she can usually get any flare up under control with the excercises - she has had cortizone via ultrasound.

Be careful as to what you carry and make sure anything you do carry is carried into your body and not dangling off the end of your arm… it’s amazing what a difference that makes. Be careful not to have a tardis of a handbag too - try to avoid shoulder bags but if you can’t then wear it across the body as opposed to on one shoulder.

One thing that my Mam finds really aggrivates her condition travelling, but worse still if the car is idling - the vibrations make it worse … if you are in a car and it’s standing still turn the engine off until you are able to move off again.

Good luck with the physio - I trapped a nerve in my neck years ago and I got those nasty dizzy spells … not nice at all.

Sorry - forgot one thing - I had trapped nerve, frozen shoulder and tennis elbow (no idea how I did it but I did it grand style) acupuncture was the answer in that case … am not good with needles but decided to give it a go and was amazed at the results.

Bless you Lilacblushes…it’s great to know I’m not alone with this. Excellent advice, thank you.

Linda x

welcome - hope it helps

My onc has referred me to a neurologist for an EMG which invloves sticking needles into the muscles cos my neck shoulder and site of mastectomy are constantly painful having MRI tomorrow then the EMG next tuesday I am now worried sick that they are going to put needles in my mastectomy arm cos I have always been told to avoid this … can anyone out there help cos I really dont know what to think xxxxx
thmx maz

Not an expert on this but I was told no blood samples, no injections and not even blood pressure in my WLE side, might be worth just asking the question tho.

I know lilac …I have already rung them bout it cos I was stressing so much the consultant has advised not there is something else he can do xxxxx

Hi all

Just to add to this thread, I thought you may find the information published by BCC on the subject of reducing the risk of lymphoedema helpful to read, you can read it via the link below:


Hope you find it useful.

Best wishes