Sport after reconstruction

I had a mastectomy with LD flap breast augmentation last May, 6 bouts of chemotherapy last July-Nov & 15 bouts of radiotherapy in Feb this yr.
I’m very interested in joining my son doing Judo, but I’m really not sure wether I am able to (or if its safe) with a silicone implant!
Anybody have a clue?


How cool and your implant should be fine Samliverbird. There are about 20% of implants that have pec shifting but that usually comes about if women are lifting weights or climbing. You may want to check in with your PS and get his/her opinion. Depending on how many lymph nodes were taken, it’s lymphedema for woman like us that is a great concern. The Step Up Speak Out website for info on all things LE. Here’s a brochure from Step Up Speak Out with detailed info on starting and maintaining an exercise program, including lifting weights, when you have or are at risk for LE:…