Sports after LD reconstruction.

I had an LD reconstruction 6 weeks ago. I feel OK with just minor discomfort although my new boob is still bruised and hard. Does anyone know when I can start running and playing golf?


I was running five weeks after my LD flap last year, although it took four months to regain full energy.

I don’t know about golf - I assume that it all depends on being able to swing the club? I am a church bellringer, and I resumed that after three months.


My PS said to be very careful with sudden or jerking movements for at least 12 weeks. Think he would also have been wary of the ‘jiggling’ of running, even with a sports bra.

You have to do enough excercise/stretching that allows the back to heal without the scar tissue forming adhesions.

Can you take up cycling for a while?

I started horse riding again about 9 weeks post op - gently at first. Was more wary about leading horses that might jump about and wrench my shoulder.

Better to take it slow and easy I think.

Thank you Ladies.
No one mentioned scar tissue to me! I have been doing the exercises but not as often as I should as I thought that when my arm regained full movement it was “job done” Oops!
Thank you for the cycling suggestion I’ll try that first along with plenty walking and gentle swimming. The golf and jogging can wait - what’s another 6 weeks? I drove for the first time since LD yesterday and had a few funny sensations in my reconstructed side especially when changing gear!


I found getting second gear a bit weird for a couple of weeks (2 hands sometimes!) - it all gets better. My physio also recommended gentle self massage of the back area with the flat of your hand.

Hope your recovery continues as well.

Getting on great 6 weeks after LD flap but noticing that my reconstructed boob is very red and I’m not sure if it’s bruising or not!! It was very black/blue and hard at first but then softened and the bruising seemed to be going away. However the last 2 days I noticed that the bottom half is very red and it looks like the redness is under the skin. The top half is fine. Anybody have any ideas?

Hi MairiMac

It might be worth getting it checked out, especially if it feels hot at all, just in case there is an infection that needs stamping on.

Another explanation could be just that it’s all part of the settling down process. It’s the bottom half of my boob that’s taken ages to start softening up and feeling like ‘normal’ tissue.

Good luck
