Having tried several of the mastectomy swimsuits I’ve finally hit on a gem. It’s from a range of swimwear from a company called Aqua Sphere. It’s in their infinity range and ideal if you swim regularly and want something that can cope with chlorine and is a bit more sporty and young looking. Not sure why mastectomy equates to loss of fashion sense and love of lurid designs my grandma would have found too aged!! It’s not perfect in that you’ll have to make a small cut in the pocket to slide in your prosthesis but it’s great on and black with a lilac trim. I’ve always found Amoena swim prosthesis perfect for swimming, infant I wear it in my regular bra as I prefer the clear light version. Don’t let bad swimwear stop you doing what you love! And don’t conned into paying a fortune for the privilege of having a pocketed swimsuit, this was only £30. Happy swimming!
Hi just gone on the Aqua website but not coming up with anything related to infinity can you give me a bit more info please
Cmcr, I can’t find the Infinity range on the Aqua Sphere website. I’ll keep looking.
I got a lovely bold striped tankini from Aqua Beachwear in Florida in April this year for just under 80. I was determined that I was not going to pay more than £40 for a tankini, so this seemed the perfect bargain for me. I had been looking for a mastectomy tankini since my mastectomy, but hadn’t really seen anything within my price range. It ended up the tankini I bought wasn’t even a mastectomy one. It had pockets with padding in, so I just slipped my Amoena Aquawave prosthesis in and off I went for many swims.
I bought the great aqua sphere swimsuit I mentioned from Wiggle. It’s currently on sale at £19.49 wiggle.co.uk/aqua-sphere-ladies-scarlett-combishort-swimsuit/
Really comfy as well as flattering !