St. John's Hospital, Livingston, Scotland

Has anyone undergone their reconstruction surgery at St. John’s in Livingston?

I have just been put on the waiting list for my recon at St. John’s and just wondered if anyone has had their’s done at this hospital.

I had mine done thee 2 weeks ago (tram flap) the staff are all fine. Foods even ok. You may be in ITU for the 1st night. A pysiootherapist will wake you up 1st thing and tell you about breathing excersises (lovely …not)
No keep positive the staff are alvery goood and patient is CR your consultant. He is very good as are the whole team.
Let us all know how you get on.

My consultant is Mr Bahia. I have met him twice and he is lovely. I am going for the big operation. The one where they take the abdominal area and muscle. Think it will be January. I asked if it would be possible to have it done before Christmas but he said it would be very unlikely as he had a few to do. I am desperate to get it done although I know I will be nervous before hand. It’s a bit like child birth, you don’t know how much pain you are going to experience and nobody can really prepare you for it. Mr Bahia did say that the first couple of days I will feel terrible but by the third day I should turn the corner. Roll on Christmas (never thought I would say that!!)

Thanks for your comments.

The pain isnt really that bad, its scary due to all the drains, catheter etc. You will feel terrible for a few days. It was day 3 after the op when I got out of bed for the 1 time. the next day they took out the catheter. Day 5 I was up walking. It is a long hard slog so make sure you enjoy Chrismas.
I am sounding negative as it is important people realise the effect this op has, but on the up side i only for a couple of monthe out your life and it gives you your body image back.
Im still knackered most days but its only 2 1/2 weeks.

Louise xxxx

Thanks Louise. How long were you in for? i’ve been told I will be in for a week, which I can cope with. I am sure I will need the rest. Not too bad at home as my son is 21 and my daughter 14 and I have an absolutely brilliant husband.

I will just be so glad to get this last hurdle over and done with. I see it as the final stage of this horrible illness and then I will get my life back again.

How did you manage once you got home? Not sure if my husband will be able to get any time off or not. Will I need help once home?


Hi lesley,
I was in for a week and have had my mum staying, she has been driving me about and taking care of me other wise it would have been difficult. I suppose depending on your husbands job he will be entitled to time off but Im not sure.
You will need some help as you will be Knackered and weak so take any help that is ofered. Im 3 weeks post surgery and still pretty tired.

Louise xxx

I too am on the waiting list for St. John’s, bilteral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. Have been told it will be just before Christmas, oh joy, but at least can start the new year with it all behind me (once again). CR is my plastic surgeon and MB my breast surgeon.
Hope you road to recovery continues Louise and that you get your date soon Lesley.

Jane x

Hi - I had a MX with immed free tram flap recon 9 weeks ago in St John’s. CR was the PS and I think he was great. I was worried about the flap failing immediately after in the ITU when I was very scared but the nurse assured me I would be fine - she said she had never known one of his patients’ flaps to fail. It was tough the first week - I wasn’t quite prepared for being quite so helpless and I was very nauseous with the effects of the sentinel node biopsy. No doubt about it, it was hard but it got better. I found an arched pillow was a good thing to help me sit up and sleep - a previous patient advised me to get this and I still use it sometimes. 9 weeks on I am still sore and uncomfortable and need to get my bra and pants off and dressing gown on by about 7! Finding the perfect bra will be my life long challenge! But apart from numb parts of my tummy (and an 18" long scar) and a boob that still doesn’t feel like mine but is getting softer, it GETS BETTER! Good luck girls.

Hi folks
Well its now 6 ish weeks post op and thingsare progressing. It is getting better. My stomach is still tight and when im lying down its as if a heavy weight is on top of it. My new boob still feels strange. I also need dressings changed every few days but they are healing nicely. Want to get back to some sort of work after november but my job involves lifting and standing so will have to adjust a bit if possible.


Hi everyone.

Got my date in for 30th November - yikes. Thought it would be Jan/Feb. Operation is on the monday - 1st December. Really excited but anxious too. Hopefully I will be ok for Xmas, although doubt if I will be dancing on the tables!!

Thanks for all your comments.

Lesley x

Wow Lesley that is not giving you much notice is it, hope you are all organised.
Good luck - may the force be with you x

JUst back from seeing CR, everything fine hes pleased with his handywork and is happy for me to return to work but says p/t might be an idea to begin with.
Lesely good luck on the 30th. Take all the help you can, there are breast care nurses there as well as the ward staff, they may have lexperience of breast surgery but the senior nurses are both very good. It is essentially a plastic surgery ward. (assume u are in ward 18)

louise x