Hi all, I hope you can help.
I had a mastectomy/reconstruction 14 years ago for a Grade 3 tumour, no clear margins on chest wall. So it was followed by chemo/radio.
Just the last few months I’ve been getting intermittent really sharp stabbing pains underneath the lower part of my reconstructed breast. Had a poke around (as you do!) & am not sure but think I can feel a lump there. Is it possible to get a lump in the reconstruction? Or could it be something I’m feeling underneath it? It was a lat flap with a silicone implant.
The area where the pains are is quite tender to the touch. My mind is overdrive ?
Hi Neeldes
This area is mainly used for Forum users to talk with us at BCC towers!
Please try posting your question in Going through surgery category where others will be able to offer you their own experiences. Or, Ask Our Nurses here on the Forum or call them on our Helpline 0808 800 6000.
We have a wonderfully supportive community on this Forum and I feel sure that someone will be along very quickly to offer support and share experiences.
Best wishes
Digital Community Officer