Stage 4 Cancer

This is the first time I’ve used an online forum, but having read various posts feel that maybe someone can offer some support.

My mother is 59, and had a mastectomy 10 years ago, and for a few years free of cancer. Within the last 3 years the cancer has spread to the bones, liver, lungs and also to a bone in her brain.

She is currently undergoing going Chemo (Navelbine), but we have been told if this isn’t effective they would have to stop the treatment and my mother would have 3-4 months left. Unfortunately, they’re not able to say of her life expectancy if the Chemo is successful.

As a family we have been looking into drugs available via private treatment but this would entail us losing all NHS support. I have read about various other drugs/treatments such as Tykerb, Dichloroacetate, Celluar Zeolite but it’s all becoming too much to take in.

My mother is not ready to go and nor is her family ready to lose her, we are desperately trying to find out about other treatments.

Does anyone have any advice, and how to deal with this?

Dear ragicray

I am sorry to read that your Mum, you and your family are having such a difficult time at the moment and can appreciate your need for further information. Please feel free to contact our team of specialist nurses via our helpline on 0808 800 6000, the team can offer you support, information about treatments and a ‘listening ear’.

The helpline is open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 9am-2pm.

Best wishes
Breast Cancer Care