stage 4 - Oligiometastatic disease

2x that is absolutely fantastic news! Just brilliant. I’m so pleased for you. Thank you for sharing, I love good news stories, especially just before bedtime, it gives me something positive to dream about.


2X that’s absolutely wonderful news, you must be feeling so relieved. Reading your potted history, I was interested in why the long gap between dx of your lung met and the surgery to remove it - did they try chemo first?


Hi 2X,
I’m going into hospital later on this morning, for an operation to sort out an unresolved seroma, but before I do, I just wanted to say how delighted I am about your news.
I met another inspirational lady yesterday, who has metastatic bowel cancer. she was diagnosed nine years ago, would you believe. She, like you and I, decided to take a pro-active approach, with chemo, rads, and three lots of surgery, and it has paid off.

Thank you for the kind is a little surreal


To answer your question,yes I had chemo first then surgery.
My first 2 oncologists wanted to put me on hormonals and have me come back in 3 months to do scans.I laughed at them both and fired both on the spot.the third oncologist said ok to chemo,and surgery.she’s my oncologist today.


2X good for you- I would have done the same!

Lemongrove - will be thinking of you today and hope all goes smoothly.

finty xx

Fantastic, fantastic news 2x - i’m really pleased for you !!!


Well done 2x, very pleased for you.

Sue x

2x - just seen your fab news (a bit late, sorry). Really wonderful and what we all hope for.

Good for you for standing up for what you wanted !

Liz x

Hi there,

Just wanted to share the results of my last CT scan. The tumour in my sternum is now just 6mm after all the chemo. That’s almost a 90% decrease from its original size - 5cm. One of the tumours in my liver has shrunk to just 4mm. the other one hasn’t changed but my doctor thinks that it might be that some of it’s scar tissue or not all tumour. Anyway, she’s very happy with the results and I’m elated - even though I’m still very cautious about my getting my hopes up ! Am now waiting for a liver specialist to get back to me and also waiting for a date for sternum operation.

I had a full body scan (including brain) and there’s no evidence of disease anywhere else - I’m so relieved I could kiss all the radiographers involved !!!



I just wanted to say congratulations, that is such wonderful news! You must be on cloud 9, I’ll bet you’ll have a wonderful weekend. Just brilliant :smiley:


Great news chili!
Step one,chemo is move on to surgery and keep looking forward.not back


Fab news Chilli - hope all goes well with the next stage. xxxx

So pleased to read your news.