Standard of care and treaments, Homerton, Hackney

Is anyone being treated at Homerton Hospital, or has been in the past. Would love to hear about your experience in relation to standard of care etc
Thank you.

If you are being diagnosed inititially at Homerton, won’t you being doing the chemo and radiotherapy at Barts? I had diagnosis and surgery at Whipps, and had chemo and radio at Barts.
I suspect these hospitals are broadly similar in terms of standard of care. In general, the healthcare professionals (Doctors, nurses, radiographers etc) are friendly, undertanding and patient. More importantly they also seem competent and professional.
There can be long waits at some out patient clinics, so bring a good book.
Occasionally the system creaks a bit, so you need to keep an eye on things like appointments.
BCNs are very helpful and return phone calls.
You will probably be having lots of appointments in the course of your treatment, so there is an advantage in being treated somewhere local.

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Yes, I am in middle of treatment at Homerton. I was diagnosed end of May and had my first operation within a week. Had mastectomy and then node clearance. Got my final results from the node clearence yesterday. it’s so difficult to write comments in terms of feeling positive or satisfied as I wish I didn’t have to be receiving treatment in the first place…Waiting for results is frustrating and stressful, and it would be better, mentally speaking, to get news quicker, but on the other hand, your body needs time to recover between procedures, so I guess things have gone at a reasonable pace. I have had great support from my breast care nurse,Tess, and have started to see the psychologist, so in general I can’t find fault. I am waiting for my appointment with the oncologist, which should happen next week. Not sure if this is helpful.