Here I was patiently waiting for my hip replacement op to repair my pelvis ravaged by bone mets, and with just 3 weeks to go, a rash has appeared on the site where 8 months ago I had radiotherapy following a mastectomy. My Onc thinks its skin mets so I’ve had a biopsy and will get the results tomorrow. I am so fed up, I’ve had to postpone reconstruction plans twice because of re-occurences and I am certain that the hip op will go the same way. I just wondered if anyone else has any experiences of skin mets?
Oh Linda I so sorry to read this. I pray that it is not skin mets. Hopefully your surgery will still go ahead…why should it stop it…its not as if it is on the area where they will operate and therefore it should not interfer with wound healing. I really do hate this disease and the effect it has on our lifes. My thoughts are with you and pray for good results tomorrow.
Hi Linda
I really hope it’s not skin mets so I’m keeping my fingers crossed for your results today. Apart from all the cr@p that will bring it also means it’s stopping you having the hip operation.
Good luck
Nicky x
Just to let you know, yes, it is skin mets. I will have a CT scan next week to see whether it has spread, then my Onc will decide whether to start Capcetabine (+ Lapatinib if still Her2+) straight away or to have hip op first. Onc is quite upbeat about it, just hope the CT doesn’t hold any nasty surprises.
Am really sorry about the skin mets just what you didnt need!. its good news that your onc is feeling positive about it. Hope you are managing to cope with this latest setback. Fingers crossed you get your op soon.
Hi Linda, sorry to read that you have skin mets. Hopefully you will get a CT scan very soon and you op will go ahead as planned in March…you deserve some relief from the pain in your hip and also to get out walking with your family and dog again. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
So sorry it was bad news for you. If you want to talk to someone else who is living with skin mets quite a few of the IBC ladies do. Mabel (Jackie) has just had an op to remove hers. You can find her in the IBC threads on here.
Good luck with your treatments and I hope the hip replacement isn’t delayed for too long.
Oh Linda I’m really sorry to hear this news. I’ll be thinking of you for your scans and hoping like you say there are no nasty surprises. I really feel for you and know that not knowing is just awful and so is the waiting.
Hi Linda
Sorry to hear that it is skin mets but it sounds like your onc is confident that this can be sorted. Hoping that the CT scan goes OK and results don’t take too long to come through - the waiting is the pits isn’t it? Good luck with those results.
Nicky x