Start new topic

Start new topic

Start new topic I know this has been mentioned before, but I think it’s really important that the “Start new topic” button or line is made MUCH more prominent or moved to a better position. This is particularly important for people new to the forums who so often add their first tentative posts to quite inappropriate threads, because they don’t know where else to put them.

The moderators do a good job of moving some of these posts, but it’s more difficult when replies have already been posted and it means that threads often get fragmented and some new posters get overlooked.

It may be my worsening memory, but I don’t remember this happening much, if at all, on the old forums, where the “Start new topic” and “Add a post” buttons were side by side on the top line of the page, instead of being widely separated as they are now. If they could be brought together again, that would probably do the trick.
