Start of Treatment

Hi. I started my first treatment yesterday. Denosumab and Palbo (ibrance). I have been on Letrezole as well since I was diagnosed back in July.


I have to say I have had no side effects from the injection, they should develop within 24 hours, so to all those who have yet to have this treatment…its fine don’t worry! Took seconds for the injection. The waiting around for the blood results was the worst part, as I had them at the Marina Dalgleish Centre a couple of days earlier and the injection at The Royal in Liverpool and they are on different computer systems so have to rely on the telephone to get the results! I’m sure that some side effects from Palbo will develop but nothing that cant be managed and certainly better than chemo side effects that we all know only too well.


Whilst I was there I had a chat with my Oncologist who reassured me that I was on the best treatment there is for secondary ER positive breast cancer with spread to bones. She said that 10 years ago a new drug would be available maybe once a year. Now its 3 or 4 a year. She knows of new drugs at this present time that will become available that are even better. She told me to keep positive, eat a healthy diet and just carry on with life. I must admit I came out  lot more positive than when I went in!


My boss is an expert on healthy foods and told me to drink Pomegranate juice daily, eat lots of broccoli, peppers, tomatoes and take Vitamin C and Vitamin B complex supplements to keep my immune system tip top. Just thought I would share this with you as it cant do us any harm. The only thing I was told not to take was Grapefruit Juice or the fruit as this can increase the side effects of the drugs.


Hope this has helped and wish those starting treatment all the best. xx



Hi Paris, I love your post. Very upbeat and accepting of where you are. I quite agree with the healthy diet, but Pomegranate is on my list of no no’s with the Ibrance. Just thought I’d let you know. There is a supplement which I think is excellent as it contains selenium and iron. Selenium is such a good anti oxident. The Ibrance does crash the neutrophils, and it really did a number on me at first. Unfortunately there seems to be little you can do except stay well clear of snuffles and sneezes. I’ve been on the Letrozole-  Palbocilib combo for two years now and it’s keeping me very well indeed. Not that it’s been plain sailing, but the body needs to adjust, doesn’t it? As my Onco says, theres plenty more little tricks in his black bag!  Good luck, and stay strong. X