Started chemo today


Bit of a lurker here. Really i only looked at the forum a few nights ago. Buried my head for a few weeks to manage Christmas for the sake of my children. 11, 8 and 4.

Im sat having my first chemo and immunotherapy at velindre. So glad to have started.

I have tnbc. Having weekly chemo for 12 weeks and then 3 weekly after that. Planning 6 months chemo, mastectomy and then radiotherapy.

Its been an emotional rollercoaster to get here. Really cant imagine what the side effects will be like. Just taking it a day at a time. Glad to have this forum xx

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Just wanted to wish you all the best for your treatment.
Where is velindre?
Best wishes x

Thank you so much. You too.

Sorry Velindre is the name of the local cancer centre. Im in cardiff.