I was diagnosed end of Feb 2012, MX & ANC in March, and starting chemo (6 x FEC-T) on May 1st 2012, followed by rads. (Pre-chemo visit April 30th.
Currently I have an internal battle going on: public concept of chemotherapy/radiotherapy (ie how bad it is), versus the exclusive club we all belong to (those people actually living and/or affected by it). I am aware of the possibility of the side effects thanks to this forum, and will try to ensure I am prepared (or as prepared as anyone can be), but am trying to remember that in alot of cases only the worst possible scenario is reported.
Apart from the treatments, I have just been through a few weeks of feeling pretty sorry for myself as the realism of the diagnosis sinks in - but now I realise this is probably just another stage I have to travel through before I get to the finishing line. I am hoping to meet other people here that would be willing to share this tightrope journey with all those starting chemo in May.
I would also like to take a moment to thank Care_N and PesteringPixie for giving me the confidence to SOL.
Hi Merc,
I saw the topic of your thread and realised that the May 2011 girls had definitely moved on a year.
You can check out our thread: share.breastcancercare.org.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=31082&p=665802#p665802
Our timeline will mirror yours.
Good luck with the chemo. It is not as bad as I thought - but not good either. It’s doable.
Hi Merc - I’d echo what Cherry said, and what you have already discovered…This forum was a life-line for me (and many others) as we journeyed together last year. We shared the frustrations, the hard days, the uncertainties. We found information and advice and we had a good laugh at times as well. All very important! Bless you… If it’s OK with you guys, some of us may pop in from time to time to cheer you on from the land of NED (No Evidence of Disease), to share wrinkles, and to encourage you that there iS light at the end of this ere tunnel. Bless you… Jane
I’d echo GI Jane and Cherry’s comments. You will find huge support from others who are travelling your path at the same time. As you can see we three are from May 2011 and HERE WE ARE!! Loads of love and (((Hugs)) to you and others who will join you. You will all get through this but do use this place as somewhere to moan and cry and scream or laugh. Cos everyone here will really ‘get it’.
As GI Jane said we will probably pop in from time to time to see how you are all doing and do look at our thread from May 2011 to see how it went for us…
When I started the April 2012 thread (the Easter chemo bunny gang) I didn’t know if there would be any take up. Within the first week, we had a gang of bunnies and the love, support and laughter we are sharing is wonderful, it is making the world of difference.
You will soon be joined by other ladies. I start my own chemo this coming Wednesday so not much in front of you. I found that following the thread the month ahead of me very helpful. I don’t contribute but do read the posts so have a realistic view of what to expect. One thing I have learned is that we all get through it.
Will keep hopping in to see how you are getting on.
I too am from the May 2011 thread!! I remember vividly being in your position, about to embark on a shed load of treatment and not knowing how I’d get through it all and how I’d feel. But, like the other May '11 girls, here I am!!! Ive come through the “other side”!!!
I too had FEC-T. I personally found the FEC ok. I had no nausea AT ALL. But bad fatigue. I poo pooed fatigue when they discussed it with me, but believe me, it truly exists!!! But just take it easy and be kind to yourself, and you’ll come through it. I used to feel ok again after about 6-7 days. The Taxotere was much tougher for me. Again no nausea at all. But even worse fatigue, and bone/joint aches. I just took to my bed for a few days so I could rest my body/joints. After about 10 days I felt relatively ok again.
Then after all that, the radiotherapy feels like a breeze!!!
Just remember though, as my BCN said to me, no 2 breast cancers are the same. Therefore no 2 people experience the same side effects with the treatment. I went into my treatment with an open mind and thought I’d deal with things as they arose. I think thats the best way to face it.
As the other girls have said, all of it is doable. Bit like childbirth! Not pleasant at the time but you get through it and the memory fades.
Wishing you the all the very best. I’ll pop back on here from time to time to see how you are doing.
Lots of love
Mandy xx
Thought I’d join you if that’s OK - I’ve got my first chemo on May 2nd (6 x EC) I was diagnosed in February too with WLE and SNB on March 6th followed by ANC on March 27th.
I’ve been on the April thread as I thought I’d be starting in April -in a way quite relieved it’s May as I get to enjoy my bithday next weekend without feeling poorly!
I don’t get to have a pre chemo visit - it’s just turn up on May 2nd and go for it!
great thread because I am starting my chemo in May 2012 too.
I do not have the date and do not know much about it but I have my oncologist appointment on 24 April and I have been told that I will be starting chemo 2,3 or 4 May followed by radiation and herceptin for a year.
Good luck to all and I will be a regular on here <3
Cherryorchard, GIJaneH, Wanda, Mandy - Thanks you so much for the words of wisdom. I keep popping in to May 2011 thread for tips and keep thinking to myself - where will I be on this journey a year from now? Well, hopefully I will be popping into the May 2013 thread and saying hey guys - it’s really really worth every moment of anguish and we are all here holding your hand!
Pixie - Good luck for Wednesday {{HUGS}} I will certainly be thinking of you!
Julie - thanks for posting - and thank goodness you get your birthday chemo free Are you doing anything special? I do so seriously hope you are going to be spoilt silly cos anyone going through this deserves to be pampered !
Kelly - Good luck with your Onc tomorrow. I found the hardest bit so far was the wait between seeing the onc/treatment planning, and getting the call from the chemo unit to confirm dates.
Planning the treatment schedule, my Onc was very thorough in describing the possible side effects and how it could increase my ‘chances’ by 15%. All that was going through my head at the time was ‘Hell - if work made me an offer like that for 15 poxy % I would tell them where to place it’! (well - words to that effect???).
I would like to wish everyone good luck at whatever stage you are at and send {{HUGS}} to all - look forward to chatting again.
Hello! I’m from May 2011 as well - I now have hair and eyebrows and everything :o)
The treatment they give us can be quite nasty at the time but it’s a life saver and just take one day, one week, one chemo cycle at a time and remember, it is DOABLE.
Can I gatecrash your little group. I see a friend of mine kelly is on here (Babychops) and hello to all you lovely new friends.
I am Laura, I’m 36 and a Glaswegian living in South Wales, Had a mastectomy 2 and a half weeks ago and am meeting with the Oncologist next weeks. Am having the full monty of treatment, chemo, radio etc and also Hercertin and maybe something else in the form of a clinical trial as I am HER2+.
Am going to be around for a while so expect to see me around.
Hope you are all having a good day and making the most of it xxx
I am starting chemo on 9th may. I live in cyprus and they dont really give you much info. There is no pre chemo visit and i know im going to have radio therapy as well but i dont know when that will start or for how long. I am just turning up for the chemo and we will see what happens. Maybe they go for the, ignorance is bliss, policy.
Hello ladies, I am really pleased to meet you all as I start my chemo on May 2nd. I have been folowing the April thread but hoped there would be one that was more relevent to me.
Hi Pixie, well done on your portacath ordeal and good luck tomorrow, you have certainly cheered me up over these last few weeks.
I had to have a seroma drained last week which was ok as the area was still numb from the WLE and SNb on March 30th. My breast is still an angry red colour by the end of the day but they say it is all right. It looks like I have raging mastitis but all these experiences are broadening for the mind I suppose.
It will be really greatto have company on these next 4 months -I have 6 X FEC followed by Radiotherapy.
Good luck everyone
Hey Ninja - you have the full package again already? I have to say its the lack of waxing, plucking, shaving, bleaching, and blow drying that I am most looking forward to! I’ve even let the old hairy legs grow wild just so I will be able to see it come out easier!
On a more serious note - thank you for you words of support - it is comforting to think that we can face the future by taking bite sized chunks at a time.
Weelauradoll - welcome! Good to meet you! Glaswegian living in South Wales - I would so love to hear your accent! Of course, I have no accent at all - unlike everyone else! {{winks}}
Well done for getting through the MX - I had mine nearly 2 months ago now, and I think it’s only now I am starting to recognise the magnitude of the surgery - let alone the actual diagnosis and other treatments involved. I hope all goes well with the Onc next week, and can’t wait for your next update!
AGN11 - its great to hear from you! Do you know what chemo you will be having? There are some very knowledgable members here and you may find some helpful contacts through the share.breastcancercare.org.uk/forum/not-living-in-the-uk-t26167s24.html posts. I know I already have 2 pages of A4 full of questions ready for my first appointment, so I guess you must have quite a few too?
I can hear my bed calling me, so I will love you and leave you for now.
Merc - no I’m not doing anything special for my birthday - probably just go out for a Sunday lunch somewhere.
Feel slightly more prepared for chemo now - have ordered a hat from Surburban Turban and a scarf from Annabandana. The scarf came today and as a bonus I don’t look too much of an idiot or like you’d want to cross my palm with silver!
I just put my first ever posting on the April thread but now have found a May one further on so am joining that.
I feel so battered after lymph node removal (positive for cancer unfortunately)then mastectomy, reconstruction, multiple visits to drain fluid from my back and now I am having my portacath put in on Tuesday and chemo (6 time FEC-T) starts Friday 4th May. I thought portacath was like having a cannula put in but they have just told me I will be at the hospital for over 5 hours.
I hope soon to feel able to contribute to the humourous posts but at present it all feels so overwhelming.
I welcome this becoming a May 2012 community and us all supporting each other through this horror!
What does WLE mean? Also, I have been looking at wigs for the first time in my life - does anyone know whether a particular type of wig is most suitable for people with hair loss due to chemo? There are ones called “capless” and ones called “hand tied” amongst other labels. I don’t have a clue. I don’t want to order one on the internet, I want to try some on. Anyone know of a good retail outlet in East Berkshire or North Surrey?
Hi All,
Big M -I am near Reading and going for my “wig Appointment” on 1st may at the hospital. There is a specialist hairdresser list on a charity called my new hair with a web site mynewhair.org and a telephone number 01798812547 which my breast care nurse gave me. You might find it helpful as they told me not to go and buy any wigs until I saw what they had to offer.
a WLE is a Wide Local incision and is breast conserving surgery so just the lump and some surrounding tissue is removed.
Keep positive we will all support each other and enjoy the summer chemo trip!!
Hiya ladies will soon be joining you on here have to see my oncologist on the 4th May so will know shortly when my first chemo date will be so look forward to chatting to you all on here.