Hi Viv. Sure is me. Glad we chose a good name. Do you shorten it at all?
Bikerchic curry was good thanks my OH had to learn to cook when i got preg as i had morning sickness for 4 months. He is really good and tidy to. I love to cook but do make a mess…
Lol I make a mess too Harryduck, but OH seems to use every pan all utensils, and everything is everywhere, bless him, I’m just glad I’ve got a dishwasher
Rattles, so sorry I missed your earlier post couldn’t have timed it better if I tried, looking forward to getting out in the garden and having a good old dig and evict a good few weeds, Toni x
Hi Ladies,thank you for your birthday wishes.I had a lovely birthday thank you.
Today im feeeling really anxious about my first chemo tomorrow,aswell as ive booked in to get my hair cut as i have long hair and collect my wig! Think im more worried about getting my hair cut as ive had my hair long since i was in my early twenties.
On a brighter note the weather is fab,so i need to get out and about and cheer myself up as there is always someone worse off than myself.
I hope you lovely ladies all have a nice day.
Donna xxxx
Donna, will be thinking of you tomorrow, make the most of the sunshine,
Hi Donna
Good luck for tomorrow, it’s my first chemo tomorrow as well.
Take care
Gillian xx
Gillian, good luck for tomorrow, will be thinking of you too
Well i had my Onc app, half an arm of blood and more biopsies today and feel much more positive about thurs. Dr Chang says the lump has shrunk hooray. I have lost half a stone in 3 weeks… He is reducing my dose by 15% and changing the way i take my steroids. He has also given me some extra drugs to help with the side effects. Bring it on.
Rattles and Donna all the best for tomorrow. Will be thinking of you xxx
Good news that your cancer is shrinking, HarryDuck.
Good luck Rattles, Donna and Gillian for your chemo tomorrow
Squeakymouse xx
Gillian im sorry i missed you xxxxx
That’s wonderful news Harryduck, hope the extra drugs help with SE’s , Hope everyone has managed to enjoy the sunshine, I got out in the garden and blitz the weeds, they were toast by the time I’d finished, lol, I’ve done ALL my washing done ALL the housework, it’s been great, I feel great, amazing what the sun can do
Hi Buddies,
Harry Duck she kept that beautiful name until she went to secondary then managed even to get the teachers to call her “Lizzie” and i’m stuck with it now but i actually use both names, i still feel it’s a strong name and she is an amazingly strong young lady, she is my Elizabeth and Lizzie either way wonderful daughter.
Gain strength where you can, my Elizabeth picked me up of the bathroom floor crying and put me to bed the day after my first chemo.
Good Luck Ambrose, Gillian, Ambrose, Rattles, Bikerchic each chemo is another down and closer to being well again.
Luv viv x
Hello lovely ladies. Have been following posts but never get round to posting as on the phone I can never see all the other posts. Going to have to take notes to keep up with all the different people! Few first timers tomorrow. Good luck with it. Hope it goes well. Mine was last Tuesday
And I can honestly say I feel great. The first couple of days I was out of it! Restlessness, unable to read or watch tv. Was up to date on house work!! By Friday (day 3 or 4? Is day one chemo day) I was back to normal. Have had thrush, constipation and heartburn though! But consider myself pretty lucky.
I am off to Newquay next week. I cannot wait. Might go with hair and come back without! Must pack hear gear. Have been wading scarves and wigs this week as had hair dye disaster. Am now ginger but this weekend have been bright red, blondish, pink and then ginger. Have given up now. If my hair doesn’t fall out I will peed off!!
I am enjoying the weather. Really nice when working outside. My Picc line is not a good look in a vest top though. Bikerchic have some veggies to be planted out if you’re up for some more gardening…?!
Good news about the shrinkage Harry duck and beautiful picture x
Take care all xxx
Sorry Donna, Good luck to you also
I had my hair cut short after having it long for years, actually i love it now and it takes very little management, for as long as it lasts!
I’m doing cold cap, so at the moment it’s still with me, but next chemo on Fri
Luv viv x
Donna, Rattles and Gillian - and anyone else having chemo this week… good luck tomorrow will be thinking of you. Belated Happy Birthday Donna!
Harry duck - that’s great news and good luck with SEs.
My wig was free on prescription from Christies and as I got it straight away I thought she might be called ‘free and easy’
Got a phone call from Christie BC nurse this afternoon…she confirmed that the cold cap adds 2 hours onto your appointment and can cause headaches so may give it a miss. Heart scan on Friday and results of that and CT scan on Monday and then chemo starts next Wednesday (assuming no issues)…so I just squeeze in to the May buds group:) Don’t know why the smile…but it is nice to have your support:)!
Langdon - hope you are feeling ok after chemo and cold cap.
Hi all, I hope you’re all doing well. I’m popping in from the May 2011 Chemo thread (which is still on-going) and it will be one year ago tomorrow since I had my first FEC-T chemo.
Sending big hugs and smiles to everyone who is due in for their first treatment tomorrow, I will be there with you in spirit and thinking of you all. For those of you who have already started treatment, I hope that the side effects are minimal and are being effectively managed. For those of you yet to start, I wish you all the best too.
I pop in from time to time to check how things are going for the May 2012 ladies, but have never yet posted.
Good luck to all May buddies over the coming months and remember, be gentle with yourselves…
I’ve read all the lovely posts. Good luck for everyone tomorrow and Thursday…
I have had a busy day- saw onc this am for review and bloods. He confirmed he wants me to have 6 cycles but he isnt sure whether I will manage it. Lovely, but I thought I can deal with this- I will pretend I am going to have 4, then if I have to have 2 more, it wont seem so bad
Then had my hair all shaved off at hairdressers- this turned out to be a relief. No more in in my breakfast, tea, toilet. Working on the pants though (sorry, for any offence, but need to laugh- see below).
Had to see my surgeon as an emergency this evening. Oh my God, where do I start. I am so upset. My mum is here and can’t cry as I don’t want to upset her but I need to get this out of my system…
I don’t think I have posted all my history on this thread as it depresses me so much. Basically, a year after finishing treatment for first breast cancer was diagnosed with a brca 1 mutation- this means you have a lifetime risk of 90% of developing breast cancer, 60% ovarian cancer. So, opted for biltaeral mastectomies with reconstruction. Had op in Feb. Alas, a new tumour (hence chemo). I had such a crap time post surgery, had 3 ops, in intensive care, an infection. It was awful but consoled myself that it was over and I my decision would keep me safe.
Now a new complication, it seems that the breast that had radiotherapy is not coping with the reconstruction- it is all so complicated that I cant explain it.
My surgeon said a few women have had a few problems with radiated breast reconstruction using this method so I am not alone. I keep getting severe inflammation in this breast and he says this is the radiotherapy. He has now almost completely deflated the implant (you would not know as it is so swollen).As the inflammation goes down when I am on chemo due to the steriods, he wants me to get the chemo doctors to agree to prescribe it for 10 days. If they won’t, have to delay my chemo…
They have never tried using steriods to treat this reaction before but I agreed to be a guinea pig to see if it works! If it doesn’t I have to stop chemo to have the implant removed. I know I have to put this out of my mind and think positive but I am really scared. I am way past caring about the breast, but the thought of another op AND chemo. I think I have had more than my fair share of bad luck.How much more can I cope with?
I am so sorry to dump this out there on you girlies.
This is a real cyber vent so I can get my feelings out without worrying about anyone else.
Sending you all love and enjoyed reading all your sunny posts and good news.
Hi Rattles
I can’t begin to think how you have coped with all this …my heart goes out to you. I know what you mean though about cyber venting so I hope that it helped at least a bit. You have every reason to be upset but you sound very strong and I hope that between the the doctors can sort something out for you. I am a real novice in all of this so hope that some of the more experienced ladies can say something more constructive…Just wanted to say that I am thinking of you.
Rattles: big hugs to you. You really are going through the mill and there you are trying not to upset your mum. I hope that the inflammation gets sorted. It sounds an uphill struggle but, forgive the cliche, you will get through it. Keep going and all that. I really mean that sincerely and wish we could hug you.
Glad you can still smile and your NHS Brazilian will have your pants sorted in no time
Rattles: so sorry to hear your story, you have certainly been through a lot. I hope you manage to get your treatment sorted out between your surgeon and your onc. Perhaps there are others in the rads threads who have had similar experiences.
Take care, sending hugs
Squeskymouse xx