Had 2nd FEC, feeling woozy, and bad head at the moment, hair falling out in big clumps now day 23, think OH will have to shave it all of soon, driving me mad, I need one of those small hand held hoovers to pick up all the hair lol, prob won’t post for a few days, SE’s and all that crap, take care everyone xx
Doggirl - glad your FEC2 went OK, surprised you didn’t automatically get an onc appointment after having been in hospital. The white blood cell injections are OK as its a smaller needle than they use for the other stuff and as one of the other ladies here said earlier there are lots of people with diabetes who do their own injections so if they can do it so can we. I was a bit scared too at first but couldn’t be bothered to try and negotiate an appointment with the nurse at short notice so I just did it myself. It did seem to work as my white cell count was fine for FEC 2 so if it saves you a hospital visit with neutropenia or a delayed chemo like Em its worth it.
JosieJo and anyone else worrying about hair loss - I shaved mine on Day 17, after getting fed up with hairs dropping all over furniture, food etc. It started shedding about day 13 - I had dialled into a work meeting from home, flicked my hand through my hair, a whole lot came out in my hand and I started crying - luckily the meeting wasn’t a video conference and no-one noticed me losing hair or crying! I somehow managed not to cry in front of other people after I shaved but it was very hard. Before I did it I hid all my shampoos, conditioners etc away in the back of a cupboard so that I wouldn’t get upset seeing them around the house. You do kind of get used to it after a few days though.
Squeakymouse xx
Will be thinking of you bikerchic. If I can think at all! Feeling sick now
At least I know what to expect this time round - as long as it is the same.
Squeakymouse; my lovely onc was coming to see me when I was in hospital but I checked out (liken to spa day!) before he got there and this was first working day that we were back from hols. He was quite cross, some admin error? No harm done. But some people might have been fobbed off with the don’t have to see him line.
Just remembered two positives today: free buff from hospital and had aromatherapy whilst having chemo today get in lovely chemo suite!
Hi everyone, hope those suffering from SE’s are not doing too bad, hair has started to fall not a lot but is noticable, go for wig fitting tomorrow, been having all these really stupid thoughts ( try wig on and when I take it off all my own hair comes off with it ) must remember to take scarf with me just in case lol , already had it cut really short.
love and hugs to everyone xx
Just a quick one on injections. I have them and OH does them. They really dont hurt at all. Bikerchic and doggirl hope you come through the fog fast with min SE. Lots of love x
Hello everyone and hope you are all doing ok and managing the SE.
I have decided my new best friend is Lemon & Ginger tea, the only thing that my taste buds seem to acknowledge. Someone earlier (sorry hopeless with names) mentioned that food was like eating cardboard and that is definately the case with me, spicier the better for our household at the moment which then leads to heartburn and the delightful Aniseed flavour Gaviscon the hospital provided!
Have had some bad news though as the doctor rang to give me the results of my MRI on my liver. Apparently it is a secondary although she did say that the treatment for this is the same as I am being given, just a bit of a shock really. Whole thing is, feeling a bit mind blown today. Am hoping that doesn’t mean I have to have more chemo treatments than the 8 I have scheduled but needs must I guess.
Lost all enthusiasm for work now so I think that I shall read some more posts on here instead.
Love and hugs to everyone and hope all is going well
Hello everyone and hope you are all doing ok and managing the SE.
I have decided my new best friend is Lemon & Ginger tea, the only thing that my taste buds seem to acknowledge. Someone earlier (sorry hopeless with names) mentioned that food was like eating cardboard and that is definately the case with me, spicier the better for our household at the moment which then leads to heartburn and the delightful Aniseed flavour Gaviscon the hospital provided!
Have had some bad news though as the doctor rang to give me the results of my MRI on my liver. Apparently it is a secondary although she did say that the treatment for this is the same as I am being given, just a bit of a shock really. Whole thing is, feeling a bit mind blown today. Am hoping that doesn’t mean I have to have more chemo treatments than the 8 I have scheduled but needs must I guess.
Lost all enthusiasm for work now so I think that I shall read some more posts on here instead.
Love and hugs to everyone and hope all is going well
Hi ladies, well I was well shocked, apart from foggy head, and bit of a headache, I’ve got no sickness at all, oh what bliss :-)) , I’ve the usual arms hurting, and tired, I will admit tho, the foggy head started before treatment was finished, and was quite bad, to the point I was very wobbly when standing lol, bit like having too much to drink lol, but don’t feel too bad today, just tired really and foggy, hope everyone else who had their treatments yesterday r feeling not too bad, thinking of u all, lots of love and gentle hugs Toni xx
Polarbear - so sorry to hear about your liver secondary, must be horrible beyond belief to be told this when your head is already all over the place from only recently being diagnosed and first chemo . Sending lots of cyberhugs. Hope somebody is there with you giving you support. Sorry I didn’t post earlier, I was working. Suggest you look in the IBC forum as there are some other people there with secondaries.
Squeakymouse xx
Good to hear how you are all doing. Just keep saying to yourself ‘Another one down!’
Polarbear- i ts bloody crap. Sending you a big hug. I hope knowing your treatment plan is the same gives some reassurance and as Sqeakymouse says, make sure you ask for help/support. I am sure I speak for us all when I say we are here and want to help. Suggest reading Emma Flannagan’s Talk to the Hand. She had stage 4 cancer diagnosed after having bilateral mastectomies. Forget work. Do something wild and crazy.
I have had some disappointing news.Surgeon thinks my left reconstruction has failed due to inflammation/swelling as a results of rads. Chemo not going ahead on Wednesday. Unless my Oncologist can come up with some other option, I am looking at the prospect of a mastectomy on the 16/23 June (I got mixed up about which date he said). Even though I knew this was a possibility, it was hard to believe and I keep thinking that in a minute I will wake up and find this is all just a nightmare. This will be my fourth op in four months. I am really scared about whether I can do this. So far, only told my poor sister. Just can’t face the thought of sharing yet more bad news. I hate cancer.
Hi darling bud ladies can I join in please? (I am very new to this - I have never posted on a forum before) I have been following this thread since the beginning and only now just able to post after the moderators sorting out a problem for me. Like many of you I started chemo TAC on 24 May.
I hope you are all doing ok and not suffering too badly. I ended up in hospital for 5 days with neutropenia 6 days after chemo, anyone else had this? I am now home and feeling completely normal no noticable side effects now apart from I can’t stand the taste of tea, and I still have my hair on day 14.
How are the ladies that have had their 2nd chemo, are the SE’s worse/same compared to 1st chemo??
Also I have bad veins so been told today I need a PICC line pput in. Feeling a bit apprehensive about this, has anyone got one - how was it getting put in and how is it living with it? Really appreciate this thread, hoping I can join you on this journey.
Hi Itsmelou. Welcome to our club. Not a good one to Join, but this forum is so good to keep your spirits lifted no the not so good days.
I am ddue my second chemo next tues ( bloods permitting) I am just starting to lose my hair and will probably shave it this weekend.
I have a picc line and it’s fine. They had trouble getting mine ins s my veins are small and seem to flatten when poked but now all the bruising is gone it’s fine. I can function as normal and I don’t need anymore needles for the rest of the treatment I would recommend getting something called a limbo for when you bath and shower as it keeps it dry and is easy to put on yourself.
Love Josie x
Hi itsmelou,
Welcome to the BCC discussion forums where I am sure you will get lots of good, honest support from the many informed users of this site. If there’s anything you want to know, just ask. Also if you would like to talk to someone in confidence then the helpline team are here to support you, calls are free, 0808 800 6000 lines open Mon-Fri 9-5 and Sat 10-2.
Take care,
Jo, Facilitator
Hi Itsmelou. Welcome to our club. Not a good one to Join, but this forum is so good to keep your spirits lifted no the not so good days.
I am ddue my second chemo next tues ( bloods permitting) I am just starting to lose my hair and will probably shave it this weekend.
I have a picc line and it’s fine. They had trouble getting mine ins s my veins are small and seem to flatten when poked but now all the bruising is gone it’s fine. I can function as normal and I don’t need anymore needles for the rest of the treatment I would recommend getting something called a limbo for when you bath and shower as it keeps it dry and is easy to put on yourself.
Love Josie x
Heres the link to the limbo site, x
Rattles - so sorry to hear about your reconstruction, after all that you have been through. Sending cyberhugs your way too.
Squeakymouse xx
Polarbear- so sorry about the liver secondaries - this cancer thing is really crap. Good that your treatment is already underway and zapping those cancer cells into oblivion. Thinking of you and sending big hug, X
Rattles - what a bummer. Such a disappointment after all youve been through with it - big hug, X
Hi thanks for making me feel welcome.
Josie Thanks for the advice about the limbo, I have just been on the website and ordered one, sure that will give me more confidence when bathing/showering with it. Now just to get it in - getting it next thursday - same day as my next chemo.
Also interested to know if many/any of you are still working through chemo. I am off for the duration.
Keep well everyone x
Welcome Itsmelou, I’m not working for the duration, work have been brilliant right from February, when I was diagnosed. Well OH got the clippers out and hair all gone, I cried not for long tho, went and had a shower and had a look in the mirror, and to be honest doesn’t look as bad as I was expecting, OH cut it as short as he could, just the clipper blade so I’ve got a shadow, with a few bald patches, but at least I should be able to sleep better tonight, hair was tugging a bit last night, and looking forward to not having to pick up hair wherever I go lol. Rattles so sorry about your reconstruction . Polarbear sorry to hear of your secondary life can be a bummer at times. Ok well I’m off to bed hope u all sleep well, love to all Toni xx
Hello darling buds,
Have not posted for some time so sorry about that. Welcome all newcomers, this thread is so supportive and helps me-often i just read it and don’t post but know we are all there for each other. I had second FEC on 23rd May and had Emend as an extra anti sickness and it was brilliant. I was counting the hours until due to start vomiting and nothing happened and I could eat which was great. Even went out for a curry on Day 3. FEC 3 due next week on 13th and have planned to visit daughter and go to Cheltenham Food and Drink Festival on Day 3 so hope all goes as well as last time. I also do the Neulasta injections and they are fine, they give them routinely in my NHS hospital they told me.
For those who asked about working. I am doing 3-4 hours a day at work, whatever I feel like really. I am a nurse but my job is possible and all my team are very protective of me on the neutropaenic week. I find it so therapeutic to have work to take my mind off the cancer treatment.
Anyone going to the Look Good workshop in Newbury on Monday 11th June. I am really looking forward to it and both my daughters think it quite hilarious that I might eventually learn how to put some make up on.
Love to all