Hello buddies, Ive lost the thread and cant remember all the new posts. You all sound like you are suffering and I am esp thinking of squeaky mouse and doggirl. Squeaky mouse- just in case water makes you feel blah, I found fizzy water and elderflower really helped and also the nasty taste went away more quickly. My chemo ‘thing’ i is vanilla mini magnums…
All I can suggest is resting. Hopefully you will recover sooner. Keep chanting ‘it will pass’ ‘it will pass’
On the plus side, you will all be feeling a bit better when the sun finally arrives whereas this time next week, it will be me in bed…
I have been out with OH and daughter (yeah!) Daughter said ‘are we going on a family outing?’ !! Even though I have a cold, feel SO much better and so dont want to be ill.
Thinking of you all. My turn soon.
Hi Buddies, I’m day 3 post TAX and not feeling bad at the mo. still no taste buds and a few aches and pains, kept in check with co-codamol. I’m expecting post steroid crash in day or too though. Dorothy I also had the bright red steroid face for a couple of days but has now gone. Rattles glad you are feeling good and hope you had a lovely day out with the family in the SUNSHINE - woohoo!!! Hang on in there Doggirl and Squeskymouse, a day makes all the difference in this mad chemo world!!! Take care all, Em xx
I’ve also taken Jellipops advice about lemons anc tequilla and had a marguerita sat on the patio in the sun, and i could actually taste it- yippee! I followed this off with a vanilla magnum (not a mini one either!) as per Rattles recommendation. See how susceptible I am to the influences on this thread ???!
Have had a cuppa and peanut butter on toast for some energy. Yeeeha! Actually am back in bed lol. BUT am chanting “it will pass”.
Very emotional today. Which is not like me. OH will tell you I am heartless
Feeling bad and a bit of a waster for being in bed all the time. Also aware how much work for OH. he has just come back from walking all the dogs for the second time today (guests included totals 11 today). He has been getting uP at 5 to walk before work so is knackered. Flippin guilt! Cannot even blame Catholicism! My lovely boy is out on the trampoline by himself now. Bit bored today as OH have been catching up on jobs and sorts out things. He misses a birthday party today because I forgot so more guilt. He is off to Legoland tomorrow though. I’ve decided not to go (nephews birthday) as theme
…parks are tiring normally. Did consider mobility scooter for the craic! Husband is staying home too. Hopefully he can go out on the new bike whilst I drink cocktails and eat ice cream. I too am easily lead! Thanks jelli and Emylou.
Emylou what the lowdown on tax vs FEC? Or still too soon. I understand from reading the bunnies thread (love them, campo and pixie are finished chemo) the tax truck parks up later in the cycle than FEC. Fingers crossed it arrives smoothly and leaves quickly.
I love this thread. It’s a real lifeline. They (bunnies) are going for a meet up in October when their chemotherapy is done for all. AnyOne else fancy similar?
Right downstairs I venture again… XxxxxX
Rattle will be getting fizzy water and elderflower. Find drinking such a drama. I like fresh orange but od’d on it this time. Came out my. Backside looking the same as t went in TMI??!! dont care hahaha!
Doggirl, seem to remember you reminding a few of the buddies that guilt was B-A-N-N-E-D. You have plenty of time to make it up to your OH. And all that walking will be good prep. for next year’s tour de france…! I have been getting up at 6.30 with daughter since Wednesday for my OH as he will be in full ‘nurse’ mode from Friday when I cant lift my head without a Dom Peridone (uugh!!!)
My daughter went to legoland (without me) and had a great time. Your son will have a fab time esp with the weather. You can make it up to him when you are better.
Em, you still sound a bit high, is that post-steriod or the maghertia? Hey you may be onto something there- lets all just so drunk we dont remember a thing about it all?! A bit of vodka in that elderflower cordial!!
For what its worth, I lost weight on FEC but have put it on with tax- all those mini magnums ( I eat about 2 a day!!) got a pile of the dark ones in the freezer is anyone wants to swap!
Night, night, Rattles
Hi Buddies,
You all sound as if you are suffering at the moment except Rattles and I hope tomorrow is better. Doggirl, I found Fec4 the worst so far and am absolutely dreading Fec 5 next wednesday esp as have to have Picc put in first then have bloods done, then go to clinic, then go to chemo unit, then take Emend at least 1 hour before juicing so by my reckoning, I’ll still be there when night falls!! And I bet wednesday is a hot sunny day too so how bad can it get. However, I am trying to stop those thoughts and stay in the day and today took grandson( aged 6) on 5 mile walk through the beautiful shooting estate near us that I told you all about before. We took a picnic and I taught him lots of wild flower names(learned when I was a Brownie Leader) and we had a really special time. There was no complaining and he and I walked the same pace so it was great.
I think its a great idea to meet up at the end or shall we ask to join the April bunny gang (if they get Gok Wan to do anything, I fancy that!)
Hope tomorrow brings us all some sunshine
Love Sarah
Id love love love to be Goked. Pixie is a legend!
Have dispatched husband to a friends house for a cold one and am watching Date Night. Perfect. Have also sorted ds a wee bag for Legoland. With his camera (bets on whether that will come back) poncho for the wet rides and more cash than I have to my name. I love Legoland. We had a season ticket last year. I can get there in an hour if I speed lego rules in our house. My oh and his twin still get Lego every Christmas from their mum. I can take it or leave it. Ohhhh for a girl! (not when they’re 13 though!)
Sarah you must be leading with the chemo if your number 5 is next week? One more after that?
Sounds like you have had a wonderful day with grandson. You kit stay in the day you are right, although I do find myself looking ahead on my last weekend.
Rattles I love dark chocolate. We cOuld do a deal…
Interesting theory about drinking our way through treatments. Shame about hangovers though. I did Think I d opt for an induced coma. On a toning table. Could wake up well, fit, toned and slimmer maybe a fake tan too?
As you might beable to tell 3 days of sleep have caught up with me. I may post all night long. Thank god I don’t have steroids! Lol.
Hi Lovely Ladies
Sorry have not posted for long time but am sat in front of a computer all day at work so don’t often switch mine on at home! I thought that I would check back in as have now got through 3 sessions of FEC and wanted some info on what to expect with the ‘T’ I will be getting next week so have been reading your posts. I would like to saya big thank you for those that do post regularly as it is really useful stuff.
I still have hair as have been using the cold cap and am pleased with the results so far though it has thinned a lot. I felt really sick with the FEC but I see that the ‘T’ is not so bad for making you feel sick and that is what I have hated the most.
Claire x
Hi Langdon, it’s still early days for me (4 post TAX) but so far i have to say i’m finding it better than FEC. I was quite sick the day of fec and felt pretty sick/weak for several days afterwards. With tax I felt fine for first 2/3 days although taste buds disappeared on first day. Last night I had bone aches but these could be a result of my injections for my white blood count. OH and I found out at last chemo that he had been using the wrong needle (ie the big one!!!) to inject me and as s result the meds may have gone into muscle instead if fat which may explain why they didn’t help my neuts much!!! It wasn’t really his fault as the nurse at my doctors surgery told us to use the big needle, so I have forgiven him!! Have just taken my last 4 steroids, washed down with some freshly squeezed orange juice so hope to get through today ok but expecting a crash tomorrow!! Hope you find the tax ok Langdon, keep us posted,X. The marguerita was lovely especially as kids were staying at mum in laws for a couple of days but don’t think I should only drink marguerites because they are the only drink I can taste -not a good idea for my liver. Will give the fizzy elderflower a go I think…For those that mentioned a meet up sometime, I would love that!! Not sure how widely dispersed we are but we could start plotting coordinates… I’m in cheltenham, so southwest ish. Have a good day buds! Em Xx
Good morning Ladies , feeling sooooo much better and much more positive , funny how this chemo train affects you, so many SE’s that no-ne tells you about or taht you expect , so lovely that we can come on here and see that we are not going mad ( think I already was lol) and that the SE’s we have are actually real !!! Got my appointment for genetics, 30th July , so many different cancers in my family that I think they may have a hard time figuring us out ( 3 out of 5 sibling fighting different cancers at the moment) always thought we were a weird bunch :), hope you are all having a good weekend ( still raining here and no sign of any sun , and that those of you with SE’s are coping ok and that they will be over soon .
Love and hugs to all of you xxx
Reading back at some of my recent posts I’ve come to the conclusion that steroids are seriously damaging my spelling ability!!! Could be the chemo brain too I suppose. Ginger, you must be up north somewhere to not be getting any of this sunshine I keep banging on about? Had a nice day at mum in laws for lunch ( most of which I couldn’t taste but looked good!!) and now back home eating ice lolly. Doggirl my son was a massive Lego fan too but thinks he’s too old for it now at 12!! He still has loads of it though and won’t get rid of it. Hope everyone suffering SEs are ovet the worst and those that arent are making the most of it!!! Em x
Hi All
I haven’t posted for a while. Had my 4th chemo last Wednesday. That is the last one of my first lot! My second regime starts on 8th August. I have been told this one may make me feel more tired so work my be off the agenda in a while.
Having my usual SEs which no doubt will all change on the new regime just when I think I have worked them all out!
I loved the post about the walk with your grandson, that brought a tear to my eye, he will remember doing that I am sure. Also bought a tear to my eye was the induced coma, with the toning tables! There are so many people on here with fantastic ideas and wonderful wit! It does make me laugh and cry at the same time.
I have been back down South to my mums this weekend and went to the River Festival where there were hundreds of people! Went on the fairground rides, all the usual things they recommend you do when you are having chemo! I had to hang on to my bandana on one of them and could see people thinking what on earth is that woman doing. Spent some lovely time with my OH, son, mum, sisters and nephews.
Hope everyone who can is enjoying the weather. It definately helps when the sun is out.
A xx
Dear Ladies
I am up for meeting up too. I am down in the South West (north Devon). Emylou - thanks for the update on how Tax has made you feel. I too was quite sick on FEC - worst hangover I have had for a long time without any of the pleasure! I haven’t suffered too badly with tiredness apart from the 2 or 3 days after the steroids stop.
I think that if I used the longer needle there is still no chance of hitting muscle as have put on quite a bit of weight. I am not having Tax until 2nd August so will let you kow how it goes.
Also wante dto mention the chording I have been struggling with following lymph node clearance, which got so bad I couldn’t even straighten my arm. When I treied to straighten it I got this cellulite effect amnd choriding all the way down to my wrist. I went to the breast care nurse who told me it was the worst she had ever seen but that physio would not help and I just needed to keep the stretching up. I decided to start sleeping with my arm in a stretched position which was painful for the first 5 minutes or so but then the pain died away and within a few days was managing to sleep with my arm above my head and now the chording has gone completely. I feel that the extra time it was being stretched really helped or it may have just been a coincidence. It is a relief though as I am now back playing netball!
Speak soon…
A quickie from me (what I hear you say- a short post from Rattles?!) Glorious sunshine here in London (yes, would be quite something to meet up wouldnt it?) but daughter ill on sofa. I have beeen racing (yes, racing- and not even on the steriods- btw curious that you are still on the steriods Em - what is your dose?) around doing all my jobs.
Good to hear everyone is feeling a bit brighter. I wish I had taped date night for next week. Hope you will be able to pick me up when I fall next week. The hot flushes - or shall I say sweats were terrible last cycle. Dreading it.
Lots of love to you all.
PS I have lost my eye-lashes. That didnt happen last time.
Rattles I had to take 8 tablets (4 and 4) starting day before TAX then same amount on chemo day and day after, then dose reduced to 4 a day for next 3 days. Took last 4 this morning. Does that tally with what others are having? Does seem a lot hence my endless posting and still being up and wired at this time. I assumed it was the norm for TAX…? Big crash coming soon methinks, gulp…
Hope everyone is doing ok. Just got back from a week in Spain, had a very relaxing holiday with my family. It was nice to get away. Seeing the onc tomorrow hopefully having 4th FEC on Weds. The last couple of FEC my bloods have been low but still been able to go head. Off to work today for a couple of hours.
Its lovely to have the sun shining today
Take care
Gillian xx
Alesha and Claire, missed your posts last night as I did not see new page. Claire, it must have been terrible to sleep with your arm over your head! But, glad it worked! I would say keep going with the physio exercises. Little and often. You would be surprised how quickly it seizes up - well, I do at least.
Gillian - really good to hear you had a lovelu holiday. You brought the weather back with you!
Alesha, well done for completing your first ‘lot.’
Em, I take 8 for 3 days starting the day before chemo (4 at 7am and 4 at 2.30pm (supposedly helps sleep). I hate taking them and wouldnt want to take 4 for another 3 days BUT the ‘crash’ is hard and its when I stop taking the steroids that I feel pretty bad for two days so if it is working for you, I wouldn’t worry. I wanted to know if I could take fewer (hence interest in your dose) but they said no, but I could drop 2 on the last day. Seemed a bit pointless. They make me feel agitated and my heart rate goes up and am convinced they make the flushes worse.
Anyway - the sun is shining!! Yes! I can enjoy it today and tomorrow so about to take daughter out on her bike. I cant tell you how much energy I have had these last three days. I am really enjoying it (sorry to all those feeling ill and reading this, but my goodness I have been ill for ssooo long, and hopefully it will remind you that you will come out of this bit soon).
Lots of love, Rattles x
Pleased to hear that many are getting away and enjoying the sunshine.
Emylou, you seem to be having more steroids than many of us - maybe heading for a bit of a cliff after the last day?!!
Like you I and Rattle had 8 tablets (4 and 4) starting day before TAX, but then cut down much more gradually taking 5 (4 + 1) on chemo day, 3 the day after, 2 the next day then 1 and 1. So tailing off much more gradually. All three times I have then felt pretty groggy for a few days, pretty useless so just take it easy… I also suffered from red flushes (not unusual as I have rosacea), but people kept saying how well I looked, perhaps I should have whipped my wig off - but not yet bold enough to go public yet!
Langdon - good luck with the Tax, I ticked the boxes for most of the se’s with the first dose, and as a result given a lower dose and second and third were much easier.
Like Rattles I’m also feeling excellent at the moment (apart from looking somewhat lop-sided from a large seroma still bumping against my arm), and intend to make the most of it before my first FEC next week. So am of shopping - will be topping up on Tequilla!
Jellipops xx