Hi guys, I’m home and at the moment I’m fine.
After much blubbing to OH on the phone this morning , a couple of hours out with my best pal to chill out, I had a complete meltdown just as my daughter arrived to take me to hospital. Had a real stress head on, but once I got to hospital I was a little calmer but a bit weepy. However you will all be pleased to know that it’s not anywhere near as bad as we have all been thinking it is. Cannula went in with no probs. saline drip first while they sort out all your paperwork. Then the swamp juice and all I kept thinking was have some of that Damion and enjoy!! The unit staff were absolutely lovely. Even had tea and bikkies. No foot massage though!
The whole “experience” was under four hours. Long time first off because of all the info they go through and give you. Next time will be shorter as it will just be treatment but they have changed my day to Wednesday next time
(25th). Barbs can you update list please.
Have come home with bag of drugs, anti sickness, steroids and stuff to protect stomach lining, injections which start on Thursday. Decided to have district nurse to do first one then my son is doing them for me. He has lots of experience with needles.
Advice is to drink lots of water to flush system through which I am doing. Cannot believe how quickly Chemo wee starts!! At the moment just feel as though I have had one glass of wine too many and I am developing a slightly odd taste in my mouth. Other than that, keeping fingers crossed, I feel fine. Trying to stay positive but have a feeling this may not last.
Right enough about me. How are all you guys. Hope Tracey and Ally are ok.
Lovely to hear from you Avonlady, just sorry to hear that things have not been too good. Hope things continue to improve.
Kate I also asked about flu jab today. Definitely have it. Also one for pneumonia if possible.
Sam, so sorry you didn’t manage to get away. Just make that the first thing you do once all this c**p is out of the way. We are already planning a family holiday for spring next year to make up for everything we have missed out on! Something to look forward to.
Have appt with wig lady on Thursday. Free of charge wig , can’t be bad. Think I’ll go for a shortish one to wear when I’m fed up with the long one. Incidentally Georgina it’s blonde. Btw glad to hear your scan results were ok. That’s one of the important issues I think. Good luck with the swamp juice tomorrow. Also hg12 and Kate, much love to the three of you. xx
Anyway yet again I am writing a novel. So I’m off to chill out now, once I’ve put the sick bucket in place. Lol.
Take care all you beautiful Stars. Good luck with things tomorrow to everyone who needs it. Thanks for being here for me while I’ve got this far. Only 5 sessions left. Keep smiling everyone. xxxxx
No Bonnie, was advised that it will fall out with the Taxotere anyway so didn’t see the point in prolonging the inevitable. x
Pas-the-boss - glad to hear everything went well today - I too found the actual experience was far better than what I had been expecting. It’s so good to feel that you have actually started on the chemo “journey” .I hope that you manage to avoid the side effects.
Georgina - you made me laugh about the wig - my hubbie was very hopeful about a lovely long blonde wig until I ruthlessly opted for the short practical bob that just looks like my own hair (except it is styled far better than I usually achieve). I am trying the cold cap, altho’ I know that FECx4 will test it and Tx4 may well get rid of any that has hung on - and so I have been told not to wash my hair more than twice a week just to try and help it survive - you can’t blow-dry it or do anything much with it as it will be too fragile. I’m willing to give it a go as I know that even if I lose alot of hair, apparently it will grow back quicker once chemo has finished.
Deb - It’s good to have a start date - try not too worry about it too much if you can - certainly I imagined that the whole dunking thing would be awful and I would be struck down with all manner of SEs, but, touch wood, it has all been straightforward so far.
Best of luck to Katepb and Hg12 for tomorrow.
hello all
just to let you know, chemo is do-able. i am not saying it is fun, but please try not to dwell on posts people make when they are at their lowest.
i finished fec-t at end april. i wasnt sick once - i took all drugs as told and was fine
i have 2 young boys aged 5 and 7 and i took them to school every day and picked them up
i even managed to work some of the time
its very emotional and tough at times but try and make the most of when you feel good
lots of luck to you all
Avonlady…hurray you’re ok…just about! We were worried about you! Here’s hoping you continue to feel better! PTB welcome ack glad it wasn’t too horrendous am thinking ill be having a melt down of my own Monday but you made me feel better about it! Hope the drugs you scored off the chemo ward (lol) are effective! Much love to you list updated. Date bs have updated list for you too, you are up the day after frenchfancy and me yikes!! We will let you know how it gets, try nt t worry too much there’s nothing we can do so gotta go with it! Lots of love to Maseo, hg12 and Kate tomorrow fingers crossed for you girls xxx
Avonlady/no details. 28/8. #1. No details
Rachelr/WLE gde3 ER/PR/HER2- 29/8 FEC-T. #1. Reading
HEvg123/MX/ANC(3/?). 29/8 FEC-T. #1. Kent coast
Jo43/WLE/ANC(2/20). 30/8 FEC-T. #1. Bucks
Gold63/MX. 30/8 no details. #1. No details
Pips64/WLE ER/PR/HER2- 30/8 FEC. #1. Cheshire
Tracey46/no details. 3/9 FEC-T. #1. No details
Ally51/no details. 3/9 no details. #1. No details
hg12/no details. 4/9 FEC-T. #1. No details
Katepb/no details. 4/9 ??? #1. No details
Maseo/WLE/ANC4/18gde1/ER/PR+HER2- 4/9 FEC-T. #1. No details
Beam67/WLE gde3. 6/9 FEC-T. #1. No details
Thebatman/MX/SLN(0/2)gde2ER8-PR3+HER2- 6/9 TC. #1. E. Anglia
Barbarella63/MX ANC(2/16)gde2 ER+PR/HER2- 9/9 FEC-T. #1. Lincoln
Frenchfancy/MX/ANC(8/22)gde3 ER/PR+HER2- 9/9 FEC-T. #1. Chester
Dtebbs/MX/ANC2/? ER/PR+HER2- 10/9 FEC-T. Unknown
Hazey85/MX/ANC/(24/43)gde3ER/PR/HER2+. 11/9 #1. Warwicks
Samjs/WLE. 18/9 FEC . Northants
PTB/no details. 25/9 FEC-T. #2 Wrexham
Lulu34/TBNC lung mets. ?? CARBO-T. #1. Unknown
Cinderssarah/WLE/ANC(1/16)gde2ER+ No date yet.
NIkki49/MX/ANC(0/11)gde3ER/pR/HER2- ". ". #1 Fareham
Elma55/MX/ANC(12/15)gde3ER/PR/HER2- ??? FEC-T #1 Chichester
Bonnie8862/MX/ANC(14/16)gde3HER2+ER/PR- ". ". Gatwick
Sarahsomething/MX/ANC. ". ". Berkshire
Jinxy12. Kent
Bonellie/MX/ANC(4/7)gde2 ER+|HER2? ". ". Unknown
Austigirl/MX. No other details
Evening Stars
Just wanted to welcome Avonlady back … good to hear from you . We were all so worried about you. Sounds like you have had a rough time of it but so glad your back and feeling well enough to post.
Welcome back PTB so glad your dunking went well today dispite a few wobbles along the way hun.
Hope Ally and Tracey are doing ok too??
Sam , keep your chin up hun, start planning next years BIG!! holiday instead , something to aim for. xxx
Good luck !!! to you ladies taking your dunking tomorrow. xxxxx
How do I join the Stars FB Group??
All still ok with SE"s nothing major to report except the horrible furry mouth the last 2 mornings Yuke!!
Love to you all. xxx
Hazey where abouts in warwick are you??
Evening all, had a mini-meltdown, nothing serious, after hosp appt yesterday (another post) but getting to grips with all this again now.
-PTB, glad all ok today. Your dunking’ tells me what to expect (same hospital as me in case anyone wondering) and I have to say not impressed with no foot massage…I’m going elsewhere!! Although, you did say tea & biccies right? Maybe I was being a bit hasty haha ?
-Tracey & Ally, hope you’re doing ok after your dunks as well.
-Kate, Hg12 & Maseo wishing you all a restful nights sleep, if its possible & good luck for tomorrow
-jenny(Avonlady) glad to see you’re back with us & hoping next round is a lot easier on you ? And going off chocolate is deffo one SE they should warn you about. Simply not acceptable! Haha
-Nikki, seroma again…seriously!! These things just don’t know when to quit. Stay strong lady & good you have start dates now as well
-Debs, big welcome to you. We’re a friendly bunch & happy to help with explanations (wherever possible!) for any bits you don’t get first time round. It does take a few goes to understand it all. Too much info all at once sometimes.
-Sam, you know how bummed we all are about your hols. Try not to dwell on it too much if possible. I’m finding slightest thing sending me into tailspin @ mo & it just means we lose more control. We will not let this thing beat us!!
-Elma, I’m with you! The hair stays on…at least for a little while longer anyway. My OH seems to think might be less traumatic not to actually see it coming out & get rid of it in one go but as yet I’m not convinced. Watch this space though! My PICC goes in on Thurs & have to say do have slight reservations but in comparison to cannula, hands down the right choice for me
-Bonnie, fab tip for nails as only found out about that poss SE recently. Silly things like that are just gonna make us feel even less attractive, like that’s possible with one boob and no hair. Woohoo can’t wait!!
That’s all for me checking back in for now.
Bonne nuit tout le monde xx
Hello Stars,
I haven’t posted much on here but I try to read every day and it really is so informative - I have a notebook full of tips and questions. Shame I didn’t know about the flu jab thing, as I had my pre-chemo talk thing today at Cheltenham Oncology Centre. It makes it all so real and scarey now, D-Day is Friday for me. There seems to be so much to take in! Does anyone know where I can get large containers of hand sanitizer? With two strapping lads at home, who are always out and about, I have decided that is one way to keep germs at bay. I looked in Asda today and they only had travel sizes.
The boys have been much better this week, I think a talk from their dad has helped. Mind you, I have my own demons there as he is getting remarried the week following my first chemo, so I don’t even know if I will be able to go and see my boys all suited and booted, I just hope the SEs will be minimal. The lack of planning is doing my head in! Everyone at Oncology was so kind, I have visited the ward, and reckon I will bring one of those eye masks you get on an airplane and just “zone out” for the duration.
Managing to keep the stress, fear and utter panic at bay with Diazapam - well, with all they are going to give me, I figure one more drug can’t hurt too much.
Still scared beyond all rational thought. Am going into work/school tomorrow to see the new Y7s and Sixth Form, I will have 2 days before Friday and FEC.
Best of luck to anyone who is having it tomorrow. And if anyone is attending Cheltenham, do let me know. x
Am just so bloody tired of this, literally and figuratively speaking. Had this mega long post written, telling you all why the last couple of days have not been good at this end, but figured, as we’re all going through our own dramas in different ways, that it would be very unfair to do this. So, enough to say is…its crap, I hate it, so **bleep** off and leave me alone!! NOT you ladies, of course! Everything else!!! I will be more positive next posting, I promise!!!
Hi all hope those of you who have had your treatments are doing okay and those of you about to have them have minimal se’ s.
Unfortunately I won’t be joining the September Stars, my appointment has come through with the oncologist and it isn’t until the 25th :smileysad: . Hope you don’t mind if I lurk around with the Stars although I will join the October group.
Should have the results from the node clearance next Tuesday and also my referral has come through for the complimentary therapy and appointment for that is on the 26th so will hopefully get some Reflexology. Also got to have the interview with HR for the first stage of MOA (Management of Attendance).
Anyway think it’s time to get back to some sleep. Goodnight everyone, take care and stay strong xxx
Goodmorning all,
Awake early but one of the best nights sleep I have had for weeks. Luckily only SE at the mo is metallic mouth so might make for an interesting taste to food later and water tastes extremely unusual. not much of an appetite yesterday either before or after chemo, but was advised just to eat little and often, so will try that today.
Barbs, totally understand the meltdown bit. Hopefull like me you’ll be fine once you get started. In fact it was quite a weird experience. I actually felt quite relaxed. Drugs seem to be effective so far but only starting on the more powerful stuff today so we will see. Emend is apparently is the “king” of anti sickness drugs and kinda like a last resort one.
Bonnie, thanks for the tip on nails good excuse for another treat - new nail polish!
Frenchfancy, we are all entitled to a meltdown mini or otherwise. Why do you think I have been on diazapam for the last few weeks., I can’t imagine what I would have been like without it. I think all of us feel the same as you about airing our views. I agree though thtis is all crap and none of us should have to deal with it, life can be hard enough. Je
Sorry Frenchfancy. Hit the send key by mistake. Je t’envoie beaucoup d’amour. X
Now back.
Beam67, lovely to hear from you and glad to hear things are improving on the family front. Hope you manage to see your boys all suited and booted. For hand sanitiser try the discount shops. If you have one locally I got some from UK discount. Btw Diazapam rocks and it’s ok to keep taking it through chemo apparently. We’ll all be junkies by the end of this. Lol.
Lulu, thanks again for all your info. What would we do without you. Hope everything is going ok with you
BonEllie, sorry to hear we might be losing you but please stay with us for now at least until you know your date. Then perhaps if it’s October you could start a new thread and pop in and out of both. Best wishes to you
Right that’s me done. Off to attempt Breakfast. Good luck to everyone today. Have the best day you can. Lots of love to you all. xxx
Just read Barbs list - sending wishes to Katepb and hg12 who I understand are being dunked today.
Will have to compare experiences later? Big hugs to you both. Stay positive.
Hi everyone i have been absent for a while just getting my head around starting on the band wagon. Anyway 1st one done & dusted and feeling pretty good today. Like you Barbs i was a little in the dark as to the procedure as i had my assessment & chemo on same day (yesterday). It was a little overwhelming going into the unknown but everyone was great. I opted for the cool cap which is uncomfortable but not unbearable. Had to wear it for 1/2 hour before treatment and 2 hours following so 4 hours in all. I took mags with me and a snack but was supplied with tea all day long. The one thing that was stressed to me was to look after my mouth, regular teeth cleaning and to gargle with salt water after taking in food. I have a nasty metallic taste in my mouth but no other effects…hope this carries on ? Not sure if i will continue wth the cold cap as you cant use heat on your hair or have colourants and with my hair being a little unruly i dont feel as though i can give in to looking a mess…Ha Ha ! i have to pick up wig on Friday following a delay with the suppliers so i guess i will make the decision following that. Barring any infection my next session is on 23rd September but good luck to those just about to start…If we keep on sharing experiences & tips we shall pull each other through xxxxxx
Ladies what thermometers ahve you brought? I know i have to get one as my hospital doesn’t give them out. x
Breakfast was ok. Had porridge, thought it might help line stomach. Everything still ok. Just chilling really and doing odd bits and pieces around the house. Have tried the laimon, Barbs, but maybe I should have tried it before chemo gob. It is quite pleasant though. Wonder if I can get it on prescription! Good luck with the wig later. I’m sure you’ll look fantastic. GP will do my flu jab. Will check with onco when is the best time to do it. Ally glad to hear everything is ok. Seems we are on a similar level at the moment. Let’s hope it continues. Stay in touch if you can and try the laimon for the metallic taste, it seems to tone it down a bit. Love to all xxxx
PTB- I find the laimon nice but rather strong so I am using it almost as a juice and diluting it with sparkling water. Also it is really high in calories!!
Thanks Sam for that. I am only taking small sips at the moment as I’m drinking so much water to flush everything through. Not eating too much at the moment either so hopefully extra calories won’t be a problem. How’s things with you. Have you started planning that holiday yet? It will be nice to have something to look forward to after all this crap is behind us. xx