So there’s the ‘lucky’ 7 of you up today!! That’s got to be our busiest day yet girls. And even better, i notice some if you will now be half way through, woohoo!! Good luck with your results Lulu. And for anyone else up for bloods, tests or results hope all is as it should be! I shall be keeping my eyes open to make sure you all get back safely. Have a lovely day Stars xx
Lulu that’s great news (if that’s the right word to use!) slow / normal / minimal…all what you want hear. So next week (?) all systems go then I take it? Hope you’ve got something fabulous planned for the weekend. Enjoy xx
I think most of our cocktail gals have made it home safely and are resting up now. Hope the next couple of days are easy on you all. Caroline, will keep everything crossed that bloods go the way they need to for next week.
For all you other lovely stars, have fab weekends. Xx
So pleased for you Lulu. That’s the news we like to hear !! x
Hi girls quick update Jinxy12 dunked today, backs ace and sound so all good!! Maeso bone scan results clear phew and the batman has had some genetic testing…results at a later date! In other news…I’ve had a flu jab and not feeling too clever after it tbh but I always feel pants when I have it with good immunity!! Temp is up but I’m hoping its gonna settle don’t want to have to go to hospital I my good week ffs!!! Hope everyone is ok today. Tomorrow’s unlucky chemo contestants are…
Ally51/no details. 15/10 no details. #3 Solihull
Tracey46/no details. 15//10 FEC-T. #3. Hertfordshire
Lisabeth. 15/10. #2.
Elma55/MX/ANC(12/15)gde3ER/PR/HER2- 15/10 FEC-T #2. Chichester
Lulu34/TBNC lung mets. 15/10&17th ganetesib #1. Edinburgh
Fantastic news on bone scan results Maseo. Huge relief I’ll bet!! Glad jinxy12 is back safe and well and I’m sure the water is sloshing through you as I type haha?.
Quite a few up tomorrow, so nice to see some half way through and for 2nd timers at least you have better idea what to expect this time round. And Lulu, here’s to starting again!
Hope all goes well for everyone xx
Myself, started to feel more like me again the last few days which is so good. Actually went for a drive yesterday, to see somewhere we might actually get a few days away at if all goes to plan with next dunking. 30mins away from home but it’s like we’re worlds away. Just what we need! Then out for dinner last night which was delicious. Feeling the effects of it today and realise may have overdone it slightly but spent the day doing very little today to compensate.
Hope all our other stars are doing ok, and se’s are being kind to you xx
Just a quick posting to wish all the Stars up for dunking today good luck. Hope you all get through with minimum SE’s. You all know the rules by now so I shouldn’t have to remind you, but here goes. Drink the water,you know it makes sense, and get plenty of rest. It seems to have served me well so far. I’m just psyching myself up for tomorrow when hopefully I will reach my halfway mark, bloods permitting which are being done this morning.
Love and hugs to all Stars whatever you are up to today. xx
Fec 2, Day 15
Good luck today to our star dunkees, hope all goes well and you stay clear of the dreaded se’s. Remember to drink that water it’s so important in my opinion, I can’t believe how much better I felt this time around.
Also big congratulations to 2 of our dunkees today for reaching the halfway club whoop whoop xxx
Just a quick posting to wish all my fellow dunking buddies good luck for tomorrow. May all our SE’s be non-existent! I will have reached my halfway point so I really hope my blood results are ok and I am not delayed. Love and hugs to all you brilliant shining Stars. xxx
My goodness what a list. Stars shining all around the UK tomorrow. Good luck everyone. Will be thinking of you xx
Evening Stars, well despite worrying about my bloods had final FEC today so officially halfway through. Yippee. Saw oncologist and have good and not so good news. The chemo has significantly reduced Damion, my uninvited interloper, but have been given my diagnosis now as triple negative. Staying strong and positive though. Feeling ok this evening. No SE’s as yet but will be having an earlyish night.
Need to send good luck to the ladies up at the bar tomorrow. Hope you follow in my footsteps and avoid the SE’s. You all know the rules on water, rest and meds. Fingers crossed for all of you.
Love and hugs to all you wonderful Stars. Without you things would be a lot different for me. xx
I’ve got a picc line in. Had it since 23 sept. they leave about 3cm movement on it anyway in case it gets pulled. I had tegaderm dressing but it made it itch so have gone back to original dressing which I can’t remember the name of !! First two weeks after insertion were quite uncomfortable but now don’t notice it. Have to go to the hospital every week for it to be flushed as DN’s locally don’t do it but each time I can taste the saline which is vile. They then put through Hepsal which is an anti-coagulant to prevent any clots.
Morning Stars,
Awake early this morning so I thought I would send a quick message to wish all of you up at the bar today good luck. Hope everything goes well and you escape with minimum SE’s. Remember the golden rule. Water!
I had a very lazy day yesterday. My final FEC had a very different effect on me this time. I had hardlly any energy yesterday and was very lethargic. Luckily no sickness but not much of an appetite either which is a first for me. Usually I can’t stop eating! Looks like I might need a couple more sofa surfing days to recover this time. Going to try for a little more sleep now.
Love and hugs to all Stars wherever you are twinkling. xx
Sounds like a bit of a nightmare with your picc line Pots which is not good. My district nurses are fab to be fair and no trouble with flushes. However, when they can to take bloods on Friday ready for my next chemo tomorrow, they couldn’t get any of the red stuff at all. Ended up in the chemo ward where the nurse had to take from a vein (had to go hunting for it!!) in my hand. Apparently, they are able to move the picc line a little if they need to and they will try to remove it by a fraction tomorrow before drugs go in. They reckon it could be stuck to the vessel wall!! Hope to god no more problems as am not letting them take it out in case they can’t get it back in! Hopefully yours will be fine now as well xx so pleased you have a wig now too. How does it feel? First did a little getting used to bug I’ve found the more I wear mine, it starts to feel much more natural. Do panic it will come off if too breezy outside but they are surprisingly well stuck down.
Lisabeth, I had a reaction to my dressing til but they seem to think it was the fluid that comes in a little ‘click’ dabbler thing do have changed me onto to iodine to sanitise/clean around entrance site. Think its a little better.
Hope everyone is getting on with se’s or finding the best way to deal with them at least. Enjoy what’s left if the weekend and see you on the other side of my dunking tomorrow xx
Struggling a little with sleep patterns , tiredness, lethargy and fatigue at the moment and because of it am awake early today. Luckily other SE’s seem to have escaped me so far. Just want to wish our ladies up at the bar today good luck. Hope the SE’s are minimal this time round. Sending all Stars much love. Stay shining bright. xx
Fec 2, Day 21
Good luck to today’s dunkees, hope all goes well and the se’s stay away xx
I’ve got mixed feelings about tomorrow’s dunking, I’m dreading feeling poorly for a week but sooo looking forward to saying I’m halfway and Fec Off Fec. Just got the T se’s to worry about, although I have been told there’s little to no nausea thank fec for that eh?
I’m not on this site much these days as prefer fb but I don’t want to miss anybody so can the stars that do not use fb let me know who you are please.
The weather is absolutely pants on the coast of Hampshire today, which is a shame for my last day of freedom for a week
Hope you all have a great day, take care xx
Hi I am due to start chemo in mid November and are a member of the November newbies.
I am to have Fec x 6 over 18 weeks.
Could any of you lovely ladies tell me if the cold cap helps. I have really thick hair and I am hoping this and the cold cap will minimise the loss. Does having thick hair help at all?
I really would like my hair to hang on for the Christmas day dinner at my in laws. I am scared the kids will pull a wig off they can be quite giddy.
Thanks Janey x
Still not feeling 100%,so while I am still conscious I’d just like to wish tomorrow’s Dunkees good luck. Hope the SE’s keep well away. Lots of love to all the Stars, keep hanging on in there you beauties! xx
Hi all
Here’s the BCC Hair loss support and information which you may find helpful:
Best wishes
Hi stars,
Feeling a bit more nauseous this time but getting there.
Pots I wore my wig out on Saturday night at an event for nearly 200 people that myself and oH had arranged. I knew I would get hugs and I wa sdreading it incase my wig flew off but it didn’t. Rest assured.
Camping on the sofa this afternoon. xx
Found this in another thread. It has 520 signatures, but think we can do better than that!
Free dental checkups and sight tests for cancer patients
Responsible department: Department of Health
All cancer patients should receive free dental check-ups and free sight tests for five years, i.e. during all treatment, as per the prescription exemption certificate received. Especially as chemotherapy is known to cause dental problems, and tamoxifen is known to cause sight problems.
Copy and paste the link below into your address bar:
Pass it on!!!