Starting chemo scared

Hi I am 30year old women who got told 4days after my 30th I have dutal cancer grade 3… I got 2 year old and I never been so scared in my life I can’t stop crying every day I feel sick with nerves…I start FEC first 3 sessions the 3 sessions of taxotere. Then having surgery. I so worried about how different I will look. And how long it will take for my hair eyebrows and eyelashes to grow back. Keep thinking about all the side effects, trying so hard to being positive just so hard keeping this game face on, does anyone have any little tips just to keep up beat feeling good. If anyone wants to speak at all I am always free just message me please be nice to talk to someone else xxx

Hi Leeanne


Welcome to the forum.

You will get lots of support and advice from all the lovely ladies on here.


When you first get diagnosed, that is the hardest time. It takes a while for your head to get round it all. I walked round in a daze for weeks. I wish I found this forum then.

Try to take one day at a time and one treatment at a time. When are you starting chemo? If you go to the chemo monthly threads, you can chat to other ladies there who are also going through it. 

Hair loss is going to be one of the hardest things to deal with, but you will cope. I stuck with scarves , but was able to throw them away only 4 months after completing. And I didn’t lose eyelashes or eyebrows.

Please come and chat, or ask any questions. There is always someone here.

Sending a hug

Sue xx

I have had my first chemo 9 days ago. I’m out and about today. I’ve sent you a private message. Please don’t panic too my. It’s manageable. Rhe support from CCs and other ladies on here will help too. They helped me tremendously.xx

Thank you so much for replying to me. I am so scared I just panic all the time I found out 16th August. But hopefully I can do this and it will be a distance memory this time next year! I hope you ladies are doing well u are amazing people supporting other women and doing it your self. Xxx

PS…my bc was grade 3 too. Apparently that’s good when it comes to chemo. It’s easier for the drugs to attack it. Xx

Sending you a big hug. We are all so so scared when we are diagnosed, but you will be able to do this. I’m grade 3 had mastectomy and getting 3rd of 6 chemo tomorrow. Just breathe and try not to think too much (easier said than done I know) . Xx

Hi Leanne, i start chemo next week and am very nervous about side effects etc but i am trying to stay positive and focus on keeping life as normal as possible for my children. You are young and can do this. There is a thread for younger women too so you will find even more support there. Xx

Hi Leeanne

I am 34 and was diagnosed on 17th August so I know exactly how you feel. It is terrifying. I also have ductal grade 3. I am due to see the oncologist on Thursday and have a PET scan booked for Monday. Hopefully chemo will start sooner rather than later as I’m fed up with all the waiting. It’s scary when you think of all the side effects but there are drugs they can give you to combat a lot. I’m looking at it that I may have a crappy few months ahead but if it means it gets rid of the cancer and keeps it away then it short term pain for long term gain!

Cassie x

Great way of thinking Whytfawn! The drugs may give us side effects but they are our ally, to boot out any unwanted invaders!!! ‘Short term gain for long term gain is fab’!!!

Ali 49
You will do it! Just trying to prepare things to help towards the side effects so that you feel in control helps. We all panic but treatment is so advanced and side effects are now a lit easier to control.xx

Thanks CK. I have my list of everything i need to buy! What are the injections you talk about CK?

Morning Ali
I have GCSF injections for the first week after chemo to build up my immune system and prepare white blood cells for next chemo.xx