starting chemo

i am due to start my chemo on the 12 jan and am absolutley terriffed and to top it all have a major infection from my mascotomy and feel so ill and run down how do you get threw it all as at the moments am so ill and afraid and my treatment hasnt even started is there a way to get threw it please helpxxxxxxxx

Hi Deedee,

I’m so sorry you are feeling so terrible at the moment.

No-one is the same when it comes to chemo but your onc will work with you to make sure it’s do-able. They will help to tailor your drugs to your side effects. I won’t lie and say its a walk in the park but it’s surprising how quickly you get through it - I had FEC5 last week and I’m due my last one in 2 weeks. Now if you’d have seen me in Sept, I was a frightened mess too!

The best thing I did was join the Sept thread, the girls are so supportive - I wouldn’t be where I am without them! Join the Starting Chemo in Jan thread, the girls there seem really nice and are in the same boat as you. It’s surprising how it helps to compare SEs!

Take care - if you need to talk pm me

Big Hugs


thank you so much annie that means a lot ive apply to join the jan thread and hope to hear soon i would love to keep in touch and get advice from youxxxx love denise

You don’t need to apply … I’m sure that you are in the gang now you’ve posted there! :))

Good luck
