Thanks ali that is really helpful
Hope your well
Love and hugs kim xxx

Hi All, Been a few weeks since I have been on - lots to catch up.

Andi seems we are on similar timescales, my last chemo is xmas eve. Will be glad to get it over with and I strangely look forward to the sessions as I want to get of the hamster wheel that I feel I am on. Although I have been extremely lucky compared to some of you ladies. I have not suffered many SE at all. The cold cap is still working too, fingers crossed it will keep doing so.

Had 4th chemo today. Felt a bit flat but I think that is because it does feel relentless and sometimes its just hard to be so damn cheery :slight_smile:

Lulu I am totally with you on the period front - mine are worse than ever, that with a dose of cysitis saw me lying in the bath from 6am to 9am one morning! Nurse reckons they will go soon, if not through chemo then during tamoxifen - am proud my ovaries are trying to hang in there in strange kind of way though. Still having V embarrasing wind too :-S

Jo - my veins are going hard too but 4th session in and the amazing nurses are still managing to get a working vein without too much trauma.

Fitz - I was sent the blog of the C Word - I read it pre my treatment - was quite scary. Not read the book yet but think I will now. My friend also sent me a book called ‘Why not me’ - quite an inspiring story too.

Sending everyone all the positive thoughts I have and hope you get some relief from the nausea and tiredness.


Hi all!
It must be awful for you Andi with all those bugs flying round your house,you have to be so careful. Lots of children in my youngest’s class have all been sick so im waiting for it to hit our house. Look after yourself.
Kim ive been more prepared with constipation since my first bout of chemo,im doing preety much the same as Ali with a daily dose of Lactulose thrown in for good measure!
Bella,give the C-word ago,it is a very good read for us ladies,she had a terrible time with chemo,but ive gone through it before,9 months of it 24 years ago so its no where near as bad this time round for me. Will have look for “Why not me” thanks. We are a day apart,have my last chemo thurs 23rd Dec!
As with regards to the Taxotare,im feeling a bit achy today,not sleeping well so tired too but hey ho,onward and ever upward!Hope i haven’t missed anyone.

Keep well everyone!


Just escaped the infectious household. Spent 4 and a half hours retail theraphy and lunch with great friend. Not bad for day 4. That Emend doing it’s stuff!

Had to call dr out to Nat late last night as huge temp and floppy. Right as rain now. These little ones go up and down so quickly.Mind you it would have been helpful if his dad had given him anti b at lunchtime which he FORGOT to do despite me ringing him. USELESS!!!
Sent him to Asda with a list can’t wait to see what he comes home with!!!

Got a cheap wig £13 from Hong Kong via ebay. Looked like Rod Stewart to start with but neighbour razor cut it under control to a Sarah Harding . Bought little clips and hair bands in Poundland- new look for 15 quid. Bumped into loads of people who appeared to like it. Also wearing false eyelashes,easier to apply then I thought and reusable. Feeling very glam today!!

Keep well.
Andi xx

I meant to say in my last post - has everyone been offered the flu and swine flu jab. It was the nurse who did my pre chemo bloods that mentioned it - they didnt say at the hospital. Worth getting since we all doing this through the winter. I had a wee bit of a sore throat after and was restless in my sleep but other than was ok. Feels good to know I might escape the usual sniffles this year.

I asked my onc prior to chemo starting and he said i didnt need to get it?!
Kim x

How strange. I was told definitely no flu jab while on chemo.

Reading recent posts I see that I am not alone with the constipation blues. Think I should be buyng shares in movicol and anusol :frowning: Previous session saw me take so many remedies (including fruit, juice and of course prunes) I went the other way for a bit - ho, hum. Today I started a daily dose of Lactulose in anticipation of Tuesday’s session so let’s hope I get it right this time. It’s absolutely the worst SE for me …

Oh dear - that sounds a bit down. I’m not so bad generally, but the anticipation is draining. How I wish I had a crystal ball.

LOADS of sympathy Tarragon. Going in to have FEC4 was so hard. It was because we still have the same to go as already done, I actually cried the night before that one so really understand how you’re feeling at mo. The only plus thing I can say is that although se’s were same ones they haven’t seemed so bad as early days probably cause I’ve know what works for them now.
Sending huge hugs your way and roll on 2011 for us all,

Thanks Ali. The strange thing about this one (FEC 4 on Tuesday) is that I started worrying about it a few days ago, but as you say I know what it’s like now so have no real need to worry. I just hope the blood test tomorrow is OK.

I agree - roll on 2011. 2010 is one to forget :-S

hi all
Sort of glad I am not aone. going in to have FEC 4 tomorrow and have felt down about it. unsure why. Be glad when it’s over and done with. I won’t finish chemo unitl February, seems a long time. Have Tax next and am really anxious about it, especially after reading Fitz’s post. glad you are feeling more the thing now
x sarah

Hi Sarah,im sorry ive worried you. Im sure you will be fine,it does happen,the time before i was there having fec 3 another lady had a bad reaction too so quite common and they were so quick to act,so you are in the best hands if you do have a reaction.
Hope your soon back to your normal self.

Claire x

Hi all
FEC4 done and onto the next stuff in 3 weeks. half way there. I will have to celebrate when chemo is done and dusted. I think that i will factor in something nicve to look forward too. Hoping that all you ladies are feeling well,. I don’t know about you guys but I have begun to recognise other ladies and it is beginning to feel a bit like a club( although nobody really wanted to join lol)
x sarah

I completely understand what everyone is saying about fec 4. I felt quite down that day and after, comment on it being half as much to go may be what it was. But that’s it done now so more than half way, I am planning a end of chemo treat (or a few). Have missed eating my favs of seafood and cheese so cant wait to have a splurge on that.

Would ask about the flu jab. After my nurse mentioned I asked at the chemo ward and they agreed I should have it as long as it is not a live vaccine.

For all the fec 4 ladies - how are your eyebrows and lashes doing?


I’m due FEC 5 this week and my eyebrows and lashes are hanging on which is good because I’ve just been away for the weekend and really didn’t want them to fall out before I went! I think they are definately a bit more sparse than they were before but can look normal with mascara and eyeliner

Still have orangutan hair, as well as eyebrows and eyelashes. But, have noticed a sprinking of eyebrows beginning to come out now. Thank goodness for the LGFB eyebrow pencil
x sarah

FEC4 due next week, and my lower eyelashes are nearly gone, upper eyelashes a bit thinner, and noticed yesterday that my eyebrows were going- found that more upsetting than I expected, hope they last out for this weekend when we will be meeting up with our sons to celebrate my birthday. But maybe I would be better off painting in new ones, will look out that LGFB pencil, Sarah!
Mostly I feel much better than expected, but sometimes am very irritable. Note that in my side effects diary “irritable after supper” means got absolutely asterisk furious with (very patient and supportive) husband!
Re the flu jab, I was advised to have it, and oncologist said it could be given at any time, perhaps counter-intuitively better take up of the vaccine was achieved if given when the white cell count was low. My GP and I decided we were cowards and I had it on day 17 with no bother at all.

Hi there

Day 7 of fourth fec and feeling absolutely poleaxed! The worse yet. Could be connected to Nat’s persistent cough and him being at home with me, or not!

Eyelashes thinning, but passable as I always had more than my fair share but try false they look great. Not too worried about brows as covered by wig/fringe/hat etc.

Has anyone noticed a change to their vision? I am having to wear driving glasses to watch our 42" tv!

Keep well
Andi xx

Hi andi

I understand the poleaxed feeling i didnt leave the house all of fec two due to tiredness, it lifted a few days before fec three yesterday.
Eyelashes and eyebrows are still hanging on in there, do you always lose them with chemo?
Sometimes my vision is blurred watching 52" inch tv but i think its one of the many se’s, oh the
Chin up and rest up
Love and hugs kim x

Hi all,im day 5 from first tax and i have to say these last 2 days have been the worst,not long got out of bed! Feel weak,achy and very flu like.Mouths sore,lips are dry and cracked and i look terrible (drawn as my oh half puts it) Finding Tax harder than FEC but at least with this one there’s no sickness.
Eyebrows and lashes are thinning but can still make em up with a bit of makeup when i feel like it…

Love Claire

Kimmie & Andi - asked my onc. last appt. and he said chemo does change vision but usually returns to near where it was pre chemo within 12 months. YD had opticians appt. last month so asked about eye tests/changes and was advised unless it was causing me probs with driving to leave having eyes tested until after last chemo. Did say i probably wouldn’t have to pay for eye tests. My eyebrows have thinned, like them better now but eyelashes struggling to hang in there.

Fitz - sorry to hear you have been struggling with tax. Massive cyber hug on it’s way to you.

Just had a funny moment, my afternoon hot water bottle/lap warmer (he’s the one in the picture) wanted to go out and as usual was waiting for me to open the door, after all why use the cat flap if by just standing there with big pleading eyes someone will open the door!, so opened it talking to him in silly voice with no hat on and there was the meter man reading the meters! Never mind by the time he’s due again I will be back at work…and have hair!!!
Hope everyone else is doing ok