Hi fitz
Sorry your not feeling to good.
You rest up i bet you still look gorgeous and remember as my bc nurse says to me ‘everything is only temporary’
Big hug
Kim x
Hi alicats
Thanks for the info from the onc re vision …and relax.
Least im not going blind on top of everything else.lol.
Would have loved to been a fly on the wall with your meter reader experience. Lol.
Keep well
Love and hugs
Kim x
hi Alicats,
Was also relieved to read your info on vision, thank you! I’ve finished my chemo, started radiotherapy today, am waiting to hear when I am to have a Grommet fitted for glue ear ( yes, it’s normally what children get, but I seem a glutton for anything going, this year!) and I have 2 dodgy fillings to get sorted soon, BUT at least I can stop worrying about my vision now! Chemo does a lot of weird things to us, doesn’t it, I am just hoping it had sorted any little unwanted cell that may have escaped my Op! And the same wishes to you all.
Thanks for the info on vision! Feel so much better knowing I am not alone!
I scared the life out of the postman when I opened the door in pjs, no make up and totally bald. Poor thing didn’t know where to look!
Got to get my hat ready for the Royal Wedding- sure I will get an invite.
Keep well.
Andi x
Hello ladies
and sorry for not posting for what feels like ages (but in actual fact was just a week or so) but my internet stopped working before the weekend which for me was bordering on the tragedy. I really depend on it (read: addicted). In fact logging on the BCC website is the first thing I do on a morning and the last I do at night. Am I sad??? I find it comforting though…
When engineer fixed it last night( I remembered to put my wig on in order not to scare the poor bloke, unlike some of you “evil” girls with your postmen and gas men) I was so grateful and excited when he got me on line again he must have thought I was well odd!
I am entering my good week now (the one before next chemo). Intestines working again and stomach feeling reasonably good. But I know it won’t last. Must remember to ask my onc about the flu jab some of you have mentioned.
As for eyebrows and eyelashes… Eyelashes all still there (I think) but eyebrows have started thinning. Nothing too drastic though and easily fixed with a bit of eyebrow pencil.
Went to the LGFB worksop on Monday and thoroughly enjoyed it. What a fab bag of goodies! I was dead chuffed!
Hugs to all
Lulu XX
Glad you back online Lulu- know what you mean about feeling lost without the internet!
Well, Nat back at school today even though I had to force him out of the door with my poor childminder carrying him to the car. Heaping on the guilt but I NEED you Mummy! Alex( aged 9 )now off with temp, headache and a touch of mummyitis. He is ,at least, more self sufficient and able to cook his own microwave chips. Oh how the nutrition has dropped since chemo…
Still feeling floored. Nausea up and down so necking dom peris like Smarties. Improving eachg day so hoping to get boys at school and me out of the house tomo.
Keep well
Hi All
I’ve not managed to log on for awhile. 2nd chemo harder than first was 9 days before I started to feel okay. Am dreading next Monday when I have 3rd and last FEC, after that its 3 of Tax.
Have piled on weight with the steroids and generally not being as active. Have been feeling really down today feel like this is never ending, when chemo ends its radiotheapy then a year of herceptin every 3 weeks not forgetting the Tamoxifen for 5 years. Got out of the shower this morning caught glimpse of this bald headed woman thought it was bubbles from little britain.
Reading all the other posts seems all us girls are having bit of yuk time with chemo oh how positive we all were when we first started. Can remember telling my Oncologist 2 weeks after first FEC I felt I was a fraud , eating my words now.
Well think entitled to one down day which makes 2 in 4 months since this all started. Will get good nights sleep tonight tomorrow is another day I never stay down for long. Can understand why some women need anti depressants to get through this. its not nice for us all is it !!!
Maggie (whose seen my a… today)
Hi maggie
I can empathise with the never ending feeling I to have had a down day slobbed on the sofa with jim jams on all day. I had my third fec on monday and will be having the same taxotere then herceptin.
We will get there as you say tomorrows another day.
Chin up.
Love and hugs kim x
Hi kim
This time next year it will all be a bad dream. Gives me comfort knowing we are all in it together. Hope you feel better soon, I’ve planned to hibernate next week after 3 rd FEC Monday.
maggie x
Hi maggie
Yep it sure will be, yipee. I know this forum is invaluable. Hibernating sounds good to me. Might have another douvet day tomorrow myself
Love and hugs kim x
Thanks for the response about veins Bells. I’m scared about having a port fitted, foot is a bit better but…
I was really emotional about going in for FEC 3 and for some reason have fixated on the red chemical. Just the sight of it makes me want to vomit.
I’m dreading next week. Damn chemo takes over your whole life!
I don’t know if anyone’s interested, but I’m writing a blog. It might be too much to have your own experience and read someone else’s too so please just ignore it if you’re not interested.
Hi all
Ive been really down too Maggie but us ladies are made of strong stuff,hope your 3rd fec is kind to you. My eldest boy (9) says to me when im feeling terrible “its making you bad to make you better” and that just gives the little lift i need.
Todays the first day ive felt okish after Taxotere last thurs. Ive just walked the dog although it was an effort but i needed some fresh air and normality.Two left and im dreading them,didnt expect to feel so terrible,im still on pain killers as legs still achy but there is light at the end of that tunnel.
Love to all
Claire x
Hi Claire
Sorry your having a rough time with se’s. I hope your next cycle is kinder to you. Chin up.
Love and hugs
Kim x
Arr thanks Kim Guess i got away with it on fec,dont get me wrong wasnt pleasant at all but ive struggled more with tax,but your right each cycle is different so it might not be as bad next time. You look after yourself and keep well.
Lots of love
Claire x
Hi claire
Hope your feeling ok. Im starting tax next. Fec makes me sooo tired so will have to see how the tax fairs with me
Having a douvet day again today.
Keep well
Love and hugs
Kim x
Hi Ladies
Sorry to intrude. You have a lovely, supportive thread here.
Just wanted to say that I’m now two years past my last chemo but I remember it well.
The effects are cumulative and you’re feeling at your worst right now, but you will feel ‘normal’ again. Just don’t expect to be running the marathon straight away after finishing treatment.
It takes a while and you feel better by degrees but you do feel better.
Take it from one you knows - you will feel ‘normal’ again.
Mal x
Hi Mal
Thanks for that,its hard to remember what it feels like to be “normal” im fed up with hearing myself moan about my se’s! Just the comment i needed today,thanks. We will bounce back and in two years time i will write the same as you.
Claire x
Yes mal that normal feeling cant come quick enough
Thanks x
Thanks Mal
Its good to know that the “normal feeling” does come back at some point.
I am to go through 2nd FEC tomorrow - not looking forward to going through it again but on the bright side it will be 2 down and 4 to go!
Jan xxx
Normality would be VERY good! It’s nice to know there’s a light at the end of the chemo tunnel…thanks Mal!
Had wet weekend walking along Hadrian’s wall and just come back. Not ideal weather conditions to be outdoor , in truth, but good to get one mind off impending chemo.
I started reading the book recommended by Claire (The C-word) while away. I’m really enjoying it so thank you for recommending it. It’s like Bridget Jones meets BC. Really funny in places and it rings so true!! I burst out laughing in the middle of reading it and inflict funny passages on OH.
Big hugs to all. I hope you had a good, hospital free weekend. I’m particularly thinking of you, Andi!! Is your family healthy now???
Lulu XX