Don’t worry Maggie, I have bounced back. I think it was a combination of things: post chemo depression, bad weather (that kept me cooped up in the house for days, etc.). I am feeling more like my normal self again today.

In fact I’ll brave the snow and go out to buy some food. Ok, it is an act of desperation. The cupboards are bare, in true Mrs Hubbard’s style…It’s either that or starvation. Mind you a bit of starvation wouldn’t be a bad thing as I feel like a proverbial whale these days, with all the excess weight I have gained thanks to chemo…What’s going to happen at Christmas time with all those mince pies? I hate to think…

Wrapping presents, did you say??? EEK!
BLIMEY! I haven’t even started thinking about what to buy for people yet, never mind wrapping!! Do you think you can get a “get out of buying pressies” card?? Might pull that one. I’ll just give those dreaded WHSmith vouchers to everyone…Can you order them on line? ha ha.

Very convenient cancer, sometimes, to get us out of the things we really dislike doing…:slight_smile:

Stay lovely and warm (and well)girls!

Lulu XX

‘Very convenient cancer, sometimes, to get us out of the things we really dislike doing…:-)’ - definitely something I’ve thought myself. It’s hell having it so why not use it.

If I can’t get home for christmas, I’ll use it for all I’m worth, and NOT feel guilty either.

Hi Ladies,

Thanks for all your kind words and good wishes.Can’t seem to do much-body unwilling to move at the moment, so lying on the sofa barking out orders to get this pigsty sorted!

As we are snowed in, I have no incentive to ring the oncologist - waiting til feel better! So could be a long time. Really don’t think I can take anymore especially after the last ten days.

Batten down the hatches and stay in the warm.!

Keep well

Dear Andi,
So sorry to hear of your long hospital stay, you are such an inspiration.
I know the feeling of getting home and trying to get things organised your way again!
Really hope you feel better soon.

Jo90, I do hope nothing upsets your plans for getting home for Christmas.

Thanks for cheering us on, I have felt like c**p for the last two days with little niggles, tired, blah blah blah, bleeaaggh, bleeaaggh, bleeaaggh, definitely better today.
A real part of feeling off and stressed was that we are snowed in a long way from my chemo hospital, would be difficult enough getting to the local A&E if necessary.
Helped enormously by very calm working-it-through chat with one of the chemo nurses. Love them, just love them.

I am definitely using the Christmas Copout Card, have sent advent calendars to all my great nieces and nephews with cheques for their Mums to get something for their stockings, a Santa’s grotto visit or whatever, money is too short to waste it on post and things people don’t want.

Christmas cards?? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Kemo brane attacks agane

Morning chemo team
Got to brave the snow to see oncologist today, just had my ready brek got walking boots and ski poles out as can walk quicker than drive to my hospital. OH coming with me think to ensure I don’t just say I’m fine. Ironically each time post chemo I start picking up feel better than I have for some time. Don’t ponder on the 6 bad days were I am queasy nauseous with no taste buds just revelling in feeling good.
Before diagnosed had not been feeling 100% for past 10 months or so nothing I would have rang in sick for. Think now when I find out I am ER+ and HER2+ it’s no wonder all those extra substances pumping through me must have been what was making me feel off. So well done chemo your doing your job.
Now will get ready for my trek , live on a hill so may just end up sliding down.
Wishing all good health keep warm
Maggie xxx

Morning all

Andi - hope you feel better, I have only had 1 night in hospital since I started the chemo and I hated it so 10 days must have been torture. Hope you are Ok now, take it easy and let people wait on you.

I am in East Yorks and we are 30 miles fro hospital so like others I am worried in case I need it for anything , wouldn’t get there in this weather but so far so good. Was supposed to have gone for check up appointment with BC surgeon on Monday but cancelled due to weather.

I am due EC4 next Thurday so this is a “feeling good(ish)” week and we had planned few things to do this weekend , but everything has been cancelled, so I was getting really fed up until I came on here and realised I am not alone, there are many of us in same situation , does make me feel better knowing that.

Even simple things like switching tree lights on in village can cheer you up but that has been cancelled. As it is wedding anniversary next weekend when I will feel rough we decided to go for meal tonight in a nice restaurant to celebrate early but have even had to cancel that due to state of roads. Might just go to local pub for bar snack instead.

OH has been off work for 2 days due to weather and is wandering around like a lost soul , having had the house to myself for several months now it is strange with him here, never had kids but feels like this is what it would be like to keep them occupied so can sympathise if anyone has kids off school and need to keep them occupied.

Best of luck to all undergoing treatment next week. I am on number 4, keep telling myself only 2 to go but doesn’t make it any easier, like others I hate it and it makes me feel sick just thinking about it.

Love to all

Morning everyone!

How are you feeling today Andi? Did they clean the house to your satisfaction?

Know exactly how you feel Carol. It’s a mantra in my head (2 more. Be brave. 2 more)

Hope you make it up the hill Maggie!

I think I’m developing a cold and may phone the ward to see if I need to do anything extra. Fingers crosssed not.

Am venturing out again today. Stuff to post.

Love Jo X

Hi Ladies,

NO the house , tho looking improved, is still not up to standard!!
Why did I have boys? Tho, girls aged 5 and 9 probably wouldn’t be much help either.

Had long chat with breast nurse this morning about what happens next. The way I feel at the moment if anyone came near me with any type of IV fluid I would probably kill them! She spoke to the onc who wisely gave me an appt for the 14th so that we can chat about what to do next. My appt for chemo 6 on 22 Dec is still live. so have a feeling it will go ahead as planned but will be the last ie missing out 5. Fingers crossed!

OH spent two hours digging the car out. They finally gritted our road last night so almost passable in a normal car. He has taken the boys out for a couple of hours. Hoping he returns with food!Not for me, for them.

Lost 8lbs whilst in hosp and hoping to keep it off so that I can put it back on at Xmas, providing I get my appetite back!Have not had alcohol since chemo started as the permanent hung over feeling puts me off.

Hope everyone can get out and about soon.

Keep well.

Andi x

Hello girls
so glad I wasn’t the only one to feel really down. I don’t know why but chemo number 4 was the worst, psychologically. It hit me like a sledge hammer. I think I have turned the corner now, helped by the fact I’m feeling better in myself (the nausea has subsided…Thank goodness!). Plus this bright weather DEFINITELY helps. Went to town this morning and it was lovely to walk in the snow in the bright sunshine. It was blooming FREEZING, mind!

By the way Carole, how come you are behind me now? I’m sure you were ahead by a few weeks. But did you say you still have to have number 4?

Maggie, I hope you make it to the onc today. Skiing or walking… Will you need Tamoxifen AND Herceptin then? Not sure whether you can have both together.

Andi, so glad you feel a bit better. You lost 8 pounds did you say? So perhaps that’s the secret: the hospital crash diet. A bit extreme,eh? Only joking, of course. Horrid places to be in. I will keep the flab until chemo is over, I think. Glad you are home now EVEN IF it’s a mess. Being a mother of boys I know what you are going through (mind you, mine are past that stage). But I’m not sure girls are much better, talking to friends.

Lavander lassie…I’ll take your advice about Christmas cards. What a blooming chore! I’ll play the cancer card, I think.

Jo, sorry about your cold. The cherry on the cake,eh? NOT!

Have a good day. Christmas is approaching FAAAAAST!Help!
Lulu X

Ooooh, while I know you’ve had a horrible time Andi, I’m envious of your weight loss. I’ve ballooned since 4 and I was a big girl to start with. So much so I’m thinking I’ll have to do a bit of crash dieting next week. A little weight gain wouldn’t worry me, but it must be at least half a stone.

Not moaning much about the cold. It isn’t a major problem really compared to what I could be going through.

Sorry about the house Andi. Men, they just don’t get it. I caught my oh wiping something off the floor with the dishcloth this morning. And then putting it back on the sink! Argh. And me with no immunities!

Jo X

yep you can have Tax and hrceptin together…I will be having both on 23rd Dec

i shall be having herceptin alongside doxataxcil. It is actually a good thing to have alomgside chemo, thats what my onc says
x sarah

i shall be having herceptin alongside doxataxcil. It is actually a good thing to have alomgside chemo, thats what my onc says
x sarah

sorry for the repeat posting… chemo brain lol

Hi all
Made it safely to see oncologist. Will be starting Herceptin alongside tax on the 13 th December. On clinical trial called persophomy you either get a year or six months of Herceptin and would you believe I’ve got the year. We discussed keeping PICC line in but I had planned it coming out when chemo ends then I can go swimming. Also would be difficult working with line in not really bare below the elbows as we are supposed to be in hospitals. Would also be at risk of infection. However, see how my veins last out seems it’s never ending.
Decided to hit the gym big time next year get all this flab off , look like bubbles from little Britain.
Came home yesterday pampered myself with large glass of red wine nibbled choc peanuts & raisins whilst watching film 2012 big Hollywood block buster more special effects than acting.
Might as well indulge when I can taste, thought next chemo taxitol would be easier than the FEC but apparently not still nasty SE hoping won’t feel as queasy will have to go with the flow. At least the FEC Fecked with now!!!
Got Xmas decs out summing up motivation to do something with them.
Snow still here " it’s grim up north"
Maggie xxx

Maggie I love the “bubbles from Little Britain” description! Thats just what I look like. Have put on LOADS of weight since starting chemo! Very depressing but hey, the thin me will come back next year along with the the hair!

Glad I am not the only chemo fatso on the thread. It’s really getting me down this ridiculous weight gain! Bald AND fat! Our OHs are surely getting the sharp end of those sickness and health vows. With ugliness thrown in the equation. Bubbles indeed!

Isn’t it amazing how each and everyone of us is on a different chemo regime? Quite fascinating, in a sick way.
And isn’t it funny how for us chemo ladies words suddenly conjure up completely different things from the rest:
TAX evasion for me now has got nothing do with finances but means avoiding being administered that nasty chemo regime.
and a 4X4 is a4 Tax and 4 Fec regime of chemo, not the car I wish I had in this weather! lol

Hope you stay safe and warm this weekend, girls!

Lulu X

And FEC is a swear word!

Too FECing true!

Bald and fat. Thats me EXACTLY. I’m really glad they didn’t tell me about the weight gain before, i’d have flipped out.

To date I have been compared to: Cardinal Wolsey (the evil pope apparantly) because of my hooded dressing gown, Boy George because I tried on a trilby, Matt Lucas and Fred Elliot from Coronation Street. Such love and respect from my nearest and dearest.

Has anyone got any tips for how to pysch yourself up for the final 2 chemo?

Jo X

If anyone has tips for psyching up please leave them here…I had massive wobbly last week about going for no 3 last Thurs as I felt so good and didn’t want to feel crap again…4th lot will be worse as 1st Tax + Herceptin and on 23rd of Dec…just in time for a really happy christmas not!