I really wish they could just knock me out for about 24 hours on chemo day. No one that hasn’t had it knows. I think even some other chemo isn’t as bad.

One step nearer the end Kim. Come new year, you’ll be done.


Thanks Lulu,yes i saw the link on TNBC and on my bad day which made me feel so much better. Im terrible for digging and always read stuff that scare me to death so was lovley to read something positive x

I understand where your coming from Jo about your Bf and nicknames,and your worries. I met my partner in April,only 3 months before dx,he called me GI Jane when he shaved off my remaining hair for me and i think that was to lighten the mood! It must be just as hard for them having to see the ones they love go through this. Thanks for sharing your feelings,its nice to know we all feel the same at some point or another x

Good luck Kim,will be thinking of you x


Can you send me the link about triple neg please Claire? Cancer’s bad enough but when they say, after chemo and rads thats the end of treatment… Terrifying

Thanks girls for the support if i was getting it at home i would be fine its just the hospital environment i dont like just psychological x

I confess I stopped reading new posts as avidly as I used to because it used to scare the living daylight out of me, particularly the ones about secondaries. I have decided to cross the bridge if and when the time comes. On the other hand I am a sucker for ANY positive threads, good stories, tales of survivors,etc…Do send them my way. Yes, i know there IS a dark side, yes I am aware women die of BC but RIGHT NOW what I need is reassurances that beating cancer can be done.I need to stay positive and focussed.
Claire, Lisa Lynch’s story and blog is a positive one to follow, right? She was triple negative and had 23 nodes affected, if I’m not mistaken.
If anyone is intersted here’s the link to her Alrigh tit blog
Worth the visit!
Jo, I wish I could be put to sleep for the whole duration of chemo, never mind 24 hours! A nice induced coma. Wake me up when I am through, please…:slight_smile:
If only,eh?
Enjoy your evening
Lulu X

Thanks for the link.

OMG, the description of chemo. THAT IS IT! And she’s right. It is the worst thing I’ve ever done. And I had a 2 day labour. And I’ve had a root canal. And been in two planes that have developed problems over the Atlantic. And teach 15 year olds.

We deserve medals. I think I may just have some shoes when I’m done.

Hi All,

I think that we are all feeling down because of cabin fever. It is difficult being cooped up indoors all day. Plus Christmas is almost upon us and I’m sure I’m not the only one who is far from ready!

Also, we have been trudging along this path of poison for over three months and realise the damage it does and even though the end is in sight it is at the top of a steep hill!

The fat, bald Uncle Fester look is not good and no amount of make up hides the fact!

Thus we have every right to feel crap, rant, rave and snap at anyone who is not going through this who says " Oh well nearly done now."


Feel so much better now!

Keep well

Andi xx


Jo…Im not sure how to post a link on here but if you go through the forums it called Triple Negative 5 years on. Hope this helps!

Lulu…Yes Lisa Lynch’s book the C Word is a positive story and a lovely read so ladies have a look at her blog first. Im not sure she was TN though but then my chemo brain isnt to good at the mo so might be mistaken! Will check now :slight_smile:


Actually you are right Claire, come to think of it, as she might be on Tamoxifen…Still she certainly had an aggressive type of cancer which had started to spread. I love her humour.
Lulu X

Hi all
Today felt good and for a brief min forgot what I was going through then the tiredness hit and bugger I remembered the chemo !!!
Maggie x

if anyone wants to buy the Lisa Lynch book I’m selling mine on ebay!

I annoy myself. I don’t want to wait for chemo to be over for life to begin again. I used to work in a hospital. I KNOW I may need more chemo some time. BUT this doesn’t feel like real life.

Sorry ladies. I can usually manage to be positive but am a bit down I guess. OH has annoyed me tonight too. What a rarity!



It is obviously getting tougher for all of us as we progress-maybe I should write “progress” as it sure don’t feel like progress except down hill fast here!
I feel I don’t have it as bad as some but am getting more and more tired, don’t sleep well, OH has been very stressed by the snow situation and knowing how hard it might have been to get to hospital if there was a problem eroded my calm positivity (you mean you didn’t notice it, my aura of serenity?)
Reading other people’s postings, I am pinning some hope on the fact that this may have been the tough cycle and next one may not be so bad.
Not helped this evening by looking for my new boob and not finding it. Thinking when did I last wear it, chemo 13 days ago? (Get red marks from any bra in the week after chemo) Can I remember anything except chemo ? Not a thing.
Tracked it down in a drawer eventually.
I hope I sleep tonight
Love to all of you, it helps so much to know there are others who understand

hi all
Had FEC 5 yesterday. May I have a rant!
I arrived in chemo unit at 9am. Finally canualted at 10 ish. had saline then my zometa(bone stuff) and then told they had lost my notes. Finally began chemo at 12.30 ish. No meds had been ordered. ARRRGHHHHHHHHHHH! Waited until 3.30 for them to arrive from pharmacy, yes 2 and a half hours wait on top of chemo. When I checked them, and good job I did, they had missed something off. That was not a prob cos they had it on the unit. I was in tears by the time I left, a combination of tiredness and low blood suger. Home at 4pm. Then at 7 I realised that they had notr given me the bit of paper the district nurse needs for my gcsf injections. Resolved that this morning phew!
I had to phone the chemo suite and whilst i was at it booked in for my next session since they hadnt done it yesterday Good job I did cos they had me down for Tax! I explained that NO WAY would I tolerate the wait I had this time. I have tried to be understanding cos the nurses are under a lot of pressure but a six and a half hour day for what should be a 3 or 4 hour session is rubbish!
OK, rant over!
Nippy isnt it? We have been concerned about getting to hospital cos of the weather too. Luckily we have not had much snow, but frezzing fog instead!
x sarah

Hi All, just wanted to check in and say hello to everyone as been a while since i have been on. Sounds like some of you having an awful time between hospital admittance, sickness, tiredness and delays. I really hope you get a little respite soon.

I had 5th fec on Friday, still sticking with cold cap which really does make the whole experience quite awful but its working - only one more time.

I have been incredibly lucky compared to most of you as I am still only getting minor sicky feeling and tiredness. Fingers crossed stays that way until the end. For some of us we are near the end of chemo - stay positive and look forward to some normality soon. Got my radio measure up on xmas eve (same day as last chemo). 5 weeks of it so should be set to jet off on ski holiday end of Feb!


Good evening ladies
Christmas is fast approaching and what have I achieved so far? ZIPPO! I haven’t bought a SINGLE present yet. Never mind sending cards! Can’t quite get into the spirit of it yet. Can you suffer from pre-Christmas tension? ha ha

Let’s face it ladies: the only way is down, like Lavender lassie said, until we get that last bl***y chemo out of the way. (By the way Lavender lassie, you are a bit rude turning your back on us… lol :slight_smile:

Sarah, you were more than justified to rant away. For heavens sake! Can’t they get our meds right??? We are already stressed out as it is without adding some more. You should have had a proper tantrum, there and then. That would have scared them. Chemo rage! Get them told!

Andi, I hope you feel better after the scare you gave us!

Isobel, I think you win the prize for miss chemo girl here. You managed to hang on to your hair (respect!) , you haven’t put weight on (even more respect!) and you are feeling upbeat with only minor side effects. Well done you!

Well wishes to all the other girls on the thread. COME ON!!! We are nearly there…

Lulu XX (who in truth is DREADING next week, like Maggie, and feeling ill at the thought of chemo number 5)

Hahaha Lulu, that is me showing the acceptable view of my wig! Very pleased with the back view, can’t get the front to look like me at all.
Feel it looks as if I have been to an old ladies’ hairdresser

Sarah, that sounds awful, I had a very long wait on FEC2, as my blood count was odd, but they didn’t cannulate me until they knew it was OK to go ahead. At least I could go to the loo without a drip stand!

I was supposed to be writing some Christmas cards today, but…
but if stuff doesn’t get done this week before FEC5 it won’t happen.

Even though I was unachieving today, I feel much better today, thank goodness.

Love to you all, especially anyone having a chemo day tomorrow

Sarah- Just what you need long delays when you are feeling yuk and vunerable.

Lavender L - Wigs who’d have em !!! I have one that looks great from behind but some how can’t get to look right head on. Have found I am wearing scarfs and now two lovely hats Joe made me. The wigs don’t feel like me and I am told I hold myself differently when wearing them.

Saw hypnotherapist yesterday don’t know if this visualising nice calm space will work as I felt like giggling, think will evoke the image of me containing laughter at my next Chemo session should have same feel good effect.
Maggie x

Maggie, what’s happened to the heart (at least i think it was a heart…)? Is it bambi I see in the distance?
Never thought of hypnotherapy myself but the idea of going to the next chemo and bursting into laughter DOES appeal. Is it working, you think?
I am having acupuncture at the moment, to boost my immune system. Who knows if it’s doing the trick but so far so good. Could be a coincidence, of course. Who knows,eh?
Lulu X