Hello, I will be starting FEC- 6 cycles, but not til early October as am still getting over the ANC I had a few weeks ago, seroma issues. (my mastectomy was 5 yrs ago,and they didnt do chemo, so this is a 2nd time for me.)
May I ask about hairloss, how long is it before it goes after treatment 1? I realise everyone is different, an idea would be helpful. I have been given a voucher for a wig, yesterday, and a feeling very odd about this SE and what to expect, and when to organise myself for in terms of hat/scarf or wig. It took me 4 years to come to terms with wearing a prosthesis and even now I still struggle with that all the time, so I am really not sure about a wig. My friend asked me about eyebrows… I have no idea, do they come off too, and do you just leave a blank face or have them painted on?
I am sorry if my questions seem “simple”.
Sarah x

Hi, I am nine weeks past last chemo, FEC/TAX-C, the hair goes pretty much in the first cycle, mine went at day 20, the scalp starts feeling peculiar, like a stinging and itchy feeling, and it fell out the next day, I was washing it and it all ended up in the bath. I did wear the cold cap but it didn’t work for me! My hair was below shoulder lengths and I wish I had it cut short before chemo started. Now it’s growing back, slowling but surely! The lashes and brows went bit by bit, I used lots of kohl eyeliner and penciled in by browline, no one really noticed I must say, but it did make me feel odd. Again, my lashes and brows have grown back already and are long enough for mascara. I have a wig and used lots of hats and buffs.
Everyone deals with the hair coming out differently, lots of ladies here shaved it all off before it falls out, I never had the courage and kept a few whispy strands! Be kind to yourself and good luck!

About taste buds, do things taste of nothing throughout the treatment once they have gone , or do they recover a bit in time for the next cycle. Any ideas about what i could eat that actually tastes of something? lol. I am now on day 9 of my first FEC and am awaiting baldiness…
x sarah

Hi ladies
I am going to start my first cycle of chemo tomorrow, 22nd Sept. EEK! Like Sarah I had problems with seroma building up (HI Tina from seroma thread!) so had to wait 8 weeks after second op. I am due 6 EC in total. Radiotherapy to follow as well as Tamoxifen for five years. Being diagnosed with BC was the BIGGEST trauma of my life. Particularly if you consider I thought I was really healthy up until then. (Ha ha) Somebody up there has got a sick sense of humour, I say.
Seriously…after the initial shock I have more or less come to terms with the disease and with the idea of having to undergo chemo which scares the living daylight out of me.
Still it has helped a lot to read other chemo threads on this website. I too have “daft” questions like Sarah.
I am pretty up to speed with what happens to your hair but what happens to BODY hairs (i.e. pubic mainly). Do you lose it all gradually? Or find it all loose in your knickers one sunny day? YUK! Silly I know, but nobody really mentions pubic hairs…:-0
I am going to try the cold cap too. Apparently I have 50/50 chance. Worth the try, I say. I must say I am PETRIFIED about the idea of going bald, albeit I have resigned to the idea it might happen.
To cover all eventualities I went to a Headstrong session yesterday where they taught me how to tie scarves. I thought it was very useful and fun. Even bought some lovely colourful scarves JUST IN CASE. Surely that means I won’t lose it now, right?
Keep the spirits up ladies. We will get through it and come out stronger at the other end.
Big hugs to everyone
Lulu X

Lulu - hair loss is a bit random. I’m on day 15 of 2nd fec and about 90% of the hair on my head fell out on day 15 of fec 1 but so far the rest has stayed put. I just look years older and on a really!!! bad hair day. Hair on my legs, eyelashes and eyebrows has stayed put but pubic hair has fallen out.
Cromercrab - my taste buds have dulled lots so texture helps keep appetite going, cornflakes and cold milk is good, except sweet stuff which tastes so good.
Hugs an good vibes to all

sending you ladies a big hug,i finished my chemo 6 fec in october last year,i didnt find mine any harder than the first,and before you know it you will be on your last,stay strong love xxxxxx

Hi lulu, good luck for tomorrow! Pubic went in a few goes down the shower, really odd, had fine light hair on my arms which went over the first few cycles, coffee and tea didn’t taste right week 1&2, but better week three. It’s very individual, I remember my Chemo nurse insisted that I took my meds even if I felt ok. Sat in the garden first day after fec waiting to feel poorly, felt fine and went shopping! As I did the cold cap, I took a big warm jumper, it can make you feel really cold- shivery. Big hug.

Hey Tina and Ali
thanks for sharing that. It would seem that if I am going to lose my hair (the one on my head!) it will happen between day 15 and day 20. That seems to be the norm. I’ll keep a close watch. If I go over the 21 days barrier it means the cap is working.
Ali, are you going to shave off the last 10% or hang on to it? I think I might be tempted to shave it all off.
As to my other body hairs…well, I am not that bothered if I lose them, in truth. Always wondered what a brasilian would look like…ha ha.
Thanks for the sweater tip while using the cap, Tina.
I’ll report back.
How are the other September chemo ladies doing?
Now I’ll try to get mentally ready for the big day tomorrow. Must wash my hair too. It might be the last time it doesn’t all end up in the plughole…:frowning:

Hi Ladies

Im had my second of my 4x EC last tuesday. Im havin 4xEC and 4 xTAX then Radiotherapy. I have to say the thought of havin the chemo was worse than the event itself!!! I think its not knowing that gets us!!! I had really bad headcahe first time for 3 days which Dr said culd of been anti sickness so this time tried another anti sickness that cut out the headache but has made me feel sick!!! cant win!!!
Im 25 weeks prgnant so feel’s like im going back to the days of morning sickness although it is starting to settle down!!!
I am trying cold cap it drives me crazy sitting for hours after!! hair thining all over but not lost it all yet!!! i had really long hair but got it cut really short before chemo started! i was gutted but as people keep telling me its a small price to pay…

You are all really brave, take every day as it comes some will defo be better than others!!!

Take care Steph x

Hi all,im day 14 from first fec & hair has started to fall out,not clumps yet but is defo the start,pubic hair too Lulu! :slight_smile: Didnt opt for the cold cap,look like torture to me& i think we have enough to go through,but good for you ladies giving it a go,i get a bit claustrophobic so i just couldnt sit for hours with that cap tight on my head.
I feel great,dont look to hot though,bit pale & dark round the eyes. Mentally im not to worried about the hair loss as this is my second time round,different cancer though.I think im more worried about loosing my eyebrows & lashes.
My taste hasnt been affected to much,although i found mysellf adding salt to meal yesterday which isnt good! Lets hope this is as bad as it gets.

Love to all
Claire x

Now into day 14 post first FEC. No hair loss yet but have wigs ready just in case - I might not wear them at all, not sure. Feeling very fed up and tearful just now. Have felt reasonably well up to now, apart from the cold sore and mouth ulcers, in fact I was considering going back to work. However, I’ve now developed a Bartholin’s cyst! For the uninitiated - imagine sitting on a golf ball!! It’s very uncomfortable and very sore. I have antibiotics to take but I’m hoping it might burst (eeewwww). Oh well, just another thing sent to try us. I just don’t like being me at the moment :frowning:

Oh,I feel more enlightened than before, even about hair I hadnt thought about…, so thanks for that everyone!!! :slight_smile:
I hadnt thought about taste issues either, which is going to be interesting challenge for me as I work in food manfacturing and have responsibility for flavour and quality of foods…
Good luck with all the other SE too it seems to me that there will be some personal issues to come to terms with but hopefully not too embarrassed to share them here…
thanks for the support

My head hair started to fall out on day 12 after first FEC and was really bad by day 15 which seems to be about the norm. I decided to shave it all off rather than pull it all out gradually. Pubic hair is still falling out gradually in the shower each day! I’m day 6 after 2nd FEC now and what hair was left on my head is now parting company with me as well.
As for the hair on my legs I have always used an epilator which is like being waxed and can be quite painful although when I did it last week it didn’t hurt at all so I guess the hairs must have been ready to come out.
I’ve read that eyebrows and lashes go about 9-10 weeks after first treatment. Not looking forward to that at all!
Good luck to everyone and embrace your baldness!

Hi ladies
reporting back less than 4 hours after first EC chemo. Quick or what?
Like many of you had said the reality of it was less scary than what you imagine. Mind you, had a bit of a wobble when I went through the hospital’s doors (managed to be “brave” until then by keeping busy) so was mighty glad my hubby was accompanying me (to squeeze my hand).
So far so good, apart from wee that looks like Fanta, courtesy of the Epirubicin.
No sickness as yet (early days?) so made a healthy green soup for tea, which with hindsight may not have been the greatest idea as if I DO get sick it is going to look like a scene from the Exorcist!
Asked the chemo nurse if steroids were going to make me look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. She assured me they won’t… Phew!
The cold cap wasn’t as bad as some women had said. Very bearable. I looked like a jokey. (My husband did snigger…)But will it work? Watch this space.
So SarahD don’t be afraid (I know you are next).
It really has helped me to read about all the other ladies comments about hair loss, SE, etc. So many brave women out there. I am particularly in awe of Steph (I think that’s your name. Sorry if it isn’t can’t navigate back) who is pregnant. I am thinking of you…
Have a good evening everyone
Lulu X

Hi Ladies

Im 11 days off from next chemo which will be my 3rd of EC. Ive still got my hair which is a massive surprise!! It has thinned but as ive had it cut short you cant tell!!! Sickness now gone yyiippee!! Baby doing great!

Reading your post ladies you are doing ace and are all really brave…
Keep smiling and take care x Steph

Hi All

Quick update to report that 1 week in and I am not doing too badly. My main problem has been stomach cramps and diarhoeaa - advised to take Immodium which has helped a bit but still a bit worried to eat too much in case it goes straight through.

My new hat arrived today from Subabrban Turban - looks super and their website is worth a look if you haven’t done so already.

Overall reading these posts I think I am lucky that I am not as bad as some of you, I am full of admiration for everyone particulalry for Steph, I could not imagine going through this if I was pregnant so well done, hope all keeps going well.

Icequeen - how are you doing ?

Love and best wishes to all


Steph I’m so glad you and the baby are doing well. I can’t imagine how it must be to be pregnant and having chemo. My heart goes out to you and anyone else in the same situation. I know there are a few ladies on here in the same boat. It must be such a worry but I’m sure you will all cope.
I’m having a down day at the moment. Weeping at the drop of a hat! I think it must be my hormones as I’m having a period which I wasn’t expecting (I thought they would stop!)so I’m all over the place emotionally.
Anyway ladies, hope not everyone is feeling crap today. Chins up!

Hi September Ladies

Having started off really well after my 1st FEC on 8th Sept with four ok days, I went downhill and resorted to sleeping tablets, anti sick pills, strepsils, bonjela and painkillers - I’m rattling as I walk!!!

Day 16 and still yuk, hair in the nether regions almost gone and losing a few strands on the head but nothing major yet ( cold cap seemed to be doing its thing so far!)

Went out to get card for my sons birthday-9 tomorrow and managed to faint in M&S- oh the shame!Given a seat and glass of water and beat a hasty retreat asasp.

Taking ten boys bowling after school tomorrow for birthday treat- can’t wait!!! Life has to go on especially for the children’s sake.

Feel better for the rant!

Take care.

Hi all, I started my first FEC last Friday and thought I was doing well! I too had that ‘odd feeling’ for a day but then came the lovely constipation and the last two days I can barely keep awake! Funny it is only after reading the threads on here that I realised that it was o.k and it is best to just ‘go with the flow’ I reckon the more you try to fight what is happening the more tired you become! I am having my chemo to shrink my cancer so op to come along with radiotherapy anyone else doing the same? This an amazing forum and will surely become my bible! Hugs to all

Hi Emmy
I’m the same as you, chemo first then op and radiotherapy. I’m a bit ahead of you with treatment tho. Had my second FEC last Thursday. Was fine after the first one but after the second I felt like I had the hangover from hell without the fun of the party! Only lasted a couple of days so not too bad. I seem to have developed a chesty cough today tho so staying in bed.
This website is so helpful. Anything you need to know, someone will have an answer for you. You can go through this horrible time with people who know how you feel and it makes you feel less alone and that its ok to feel crap sometimes so you can come and have a rant!
Keep in touch and we can compare notes!
What area are you in? I’m in Bristol