Good morning to all
how true that this website is a life saver! It is so uplifting to realize other women are having the same worries, going through the same terrifying ordeals etc. It certainly makes the whole procedure more bearable. A trouble shared…as the proverb goes.
Well…day 2 after my first EC and I must say I am not feeling too bad at all. The first night I hardly slept (but I understand that is the steroids doing their job). I was also feeling queasy and panicky in case I was going to be sick (I had bucket at the ready) BUT it wasn’t to be. Yesterday I just felt below par but nothing too dramatic. I know I shouldn’t crow too much too soon ( see other ladies who reported being fine for the first few days only to be hit by a sledge hammer later on) but so far it has been a lot easier than I feared. I’ll take each day as it comes and listen to my body.
It must be hard on women with young kids still to look after! You have to keep going even if you feel like death warmed up. I really feel for you (Andy, was so sorry to hear about fainting episode in M&S…:-0)
As to food: I don’t know why but yesterday I really fancied roast chicken. Do you know the ready made one you can get at the rotisserie counter? Yummy! Also bought myself some Bovril (another thing that appeals at the moment…don’t quite know why). My appetite is not great though (which is not a bad thing as putting on weight is not something I’m planning to do…).
Another thing I have done since being diagnosed is taking extra care with my appearance (make up, etc.). Took me the best side of 5 minutes in the past and didn’t put much on other than mascara, lipstick and eyeliner but NOW I have invested in blusher, foundation, illuminating creams, concealers…you name it. I have also treated myself to a DVD from the Look Good Feel Better website (I am planning to go on one of their workshop in November)which gives really good tips about make up, etc. to ladies undergoing chemotherapy. It is excellent stuff and I heartily recommend it. The result is I am possibly looking better than before because of the extra effort (will be a different story whn I start losing my hair, eyebrows, etc…I know) so invariably when people see me, knowing I have cancer, etc. they are shocked :“But you look so good!” (meaning: shouldn’t you make more of an effort to look like a cancer patient or something?"). Ironic or what??
Have a good day everyone!
Lulu XX

Hi all,
Had to take a few days off here as feeling rather ropey but nothing to do with the chemo I have a chest infection. Glad to see most of you are doing not to bad. It’s not as bad as we all imagine is it girls yet my heart goes out to you mums. An applause to you all, as I dont think I could cope with young children as well. You’re all an inspiration to us who have the luxury to take life a lot easier when we choose without thinking. Steph, I’m glad you’re feeling okay you will have to keep us all informed on how your little baby bump is doing as well. Also must importantly how you are keeping and maybe even post some photos as you progress in your pregnancy. I hope you keep feeling fine as for the hair you have such a pretty face you’ll be able to carry off the no hair look and it’s not for ever. Wait till you c me without hair he he witch of the west I think. I’ve decided to keep a blog on facebook for my friends, the bald look the wig the hats etc all in an attempt to make it light hearted as that is how I deal with things. This way I can hopefully let them see it’s not as frightening as they perceive it to be and I’m still me and in control. It will also make some of my friends more aware of Breast Cancer, espically my younger friends who believe it or not some have never checked their own breasts. I have a friend who is going to try and give me a Ziggy Stardust look when I go bald for my 1st pic so watch this space hope she can achieve it. Laughter is the best medicine no matter what.

Hi Icequeen
I’m doing the same thing on Facebook. I’ve had fantastic support from all my friends on there and it makes me feel good that everyone is rooting for me. I have posted a couple of pics of me in my new wigs but not the bald pic as yet although I might do that at some point!
If you would like to be Facebook friends, PM me and I will let you know my name. It would be nice to have a few friends on there who are facing the same battles. I was thinking about starting a thread for that.
Anyway, can’t wait to see the Ziggy look!

Emmy & Debs im chemo first then op (double mastectomy with recon) although ive had wide local incision on one breast,they took 20% of my breast away.I carnt have radiotherapy had it before.
Deb i had my bad day last sun,crying & feeling sorry for myself but we’re allowed! You get fed up putting on a brave face all the while…So hope your feeling ok soon.
I havent been as brave to share this on facebook,but would love be facebook friends with any of you ladies,facebook is more personel & a lovely way to follow your stories & make dear friends so i think you should start a thread Debs! Had lots of support from close friends,friends,hospital,family,made a couple of new friends on the way & of course this forum has helped me in so many ways,was just reading threads for a few weeks before i actually posted something myself.
One more week of feeling normal then Fec 2,just 4 treatments left then!
Still havent had to resort to shaving hair off yet but its coming out loads now.

Love to all

Hi Buzzy, I am in the west mids I live near to both Hereford and Worcs and having chemo at Kidderminster Hospital. The staff are amazing and yup I am one of those wimps who hate needles too! the nurses take it in their stride and even had one admit to the same phobia!
I am a bit better today that ‘fuzzy brain’ feeling has lifted though my family assure me that is actually normal for me! (lovely) I am glad you are doing o.k and so glad there are so many wonderful ladies out there! funny it is not something you are aware of till it hits you!! so massive hugs to all, onward and upward!

Hi everyone
On day 13 from first FEC and have been on the lookout for my hair coming out. I had to laugh tonight when I went to the loo and hair from where I hadn’t thought of is merrily coming out in clumps! lol.
Hope everyone is feeling ok,
x sarah

My hair started coming out yesterday - day 17 from first FEC. Not in great lumps but enough to be noticeable. I’ve had a strange sensation on my scalp for a few days - not sore exactly but definitely unusual. I think that kind of told me what was going to happen!

My Bartholin’s cyst is clearing up thank goodness - as if I didn’t have enough to contend with.

Have blood test tomorrow before second FEC on Wednesday. Bring it on!

Love to all - take care.


Hi ladies think of the money we are saving on gel and razors ha ha

Ha ha! There is a lot to rejoice about losing your body hair (not the one on the head, mind! I’d sell my soul to the devil to keep it). That’s true! I am not even bothering shaving my legs and armpits at the moment waiting for the big fallout to happen. Lazy or what? Mind you, Sarah (Cromercramb), it would freak me out to see it all come out in a big clump! It sounds a bit like Hell (Hair?) Raiser.
Jan I am glad your Bartholin’s cyst is receding but what a funny name! It sounds like a character straight out of one of Dicken’s novels…:slight_smile:
Enjoy your evening ladies!
Lulu XX

Hi ladies!
I am on holiday at the moment, going home tomorrow, and am very relieved not to have to de hair pillows etc. Its different when you’re at home isn’t it. I know what you mean about the brave face…I have caught myself being a bit morose at times. I have bone mets too , dx at same time as primary. Double whammy or what! Still, hanging on in there.
x sarah

Hi all

Day 20 and off the anti-sick tabs. Two days of feeling normal then back on Weds for 2nd fec!!!

Jan- we are neck and neck- both weds girls. Good luck for this week.

The head hair falling out enough to block the plug hole but not noticeable to anyone other than me. Wore a hat on the school run because it was raining and loads of mums commented on the new look- I ended up whipping the damm thing off to show that I still had hair!

Totally agree with the annoying “You look well” comments. I am painting on a face every morning( including illuminator under foundation which I must say works) to make me feel better perhaps I should look green to make everyone else feel better!

On a sadder note have just found out another mum at school had a lumpectomy last week. There are only 45 pupils in Year 1 and three of the mums are being treated for breast cancer- It is like an epidemic or we are living in a dodgy area.Who knows?

Off to hoover throughout before school run and the mess reappears again.

Keep well

Love Andi xx

Got 2nd fec thurs,so just behind Jan & Andi. Washed my hair tonight (whats left of it) & omg it came out in handfuls! Guna get my partner to shave it off tomorrow,it looks awfull now.I had the ponytail pain being, best way to i could describe the feeling on my scalp for the last few days.
Has anyone noticed there skin being dryer? My face feels really dry & when i moisturise it doesnt seem to make much difference.

Love to all x

Hi Fitz
I was told that our skin ages 10 years during chemo (but does recover after!) so we need to treat it with a moisturiser in the next age group up. Luckily I had some money off vouchers so got a day and night cream and have been applying it regularly since starting chemo mid August. My skin has been even drier the last week but at night have applied a thick layer of the night cream, left it to soak in for 10 minutes before wiping the excess off with a tissue and have felt my skin is not as dry.
Good vibes for 2nd fec on thursday, I’m due 3rd one tomorrow,

Went for blood test today, and failed, so second FEC is delayed by a week. I’m really disappointed, especially as chemo nurse says there’s nothing I can do to improve it. Just hope I don’t fail next week’s too.

Noticed on Saturday (day 19 after first FEC) that my head felt a bit weird - like I’d bumped it on something but knew I hadn’t - and on Sunday the comb was full of hair, twice. I was really upset. Kept telling myself that it’s no big deal and will grow back, and if I can get over a mastectomy (and there’s no way way that’s going to grow back) then I can get over hair loss. Ho, hum.

But I’m still optimistic. I used the cold cap (not bad at all, I found) and have been really gentle on my hair (naked shampoo and conditioner, tepid water, wide-tooth com, no brush, no hair dryer, no straighteners, satin pillowcase - am I obsessed?) but now notice thin patches at my temples. Perhaps the cold cap didn’t cover those bits properly. Expecting my body hair to go soon but haven’t noticed any changes yet.

Hoping to go to a Look Good Feel Better workshop in Luton soon - anyone else?


Hi tara when i was doin my chemo i had a district nurse she came a give me a booster injection to bring my cells back up it was done the day after chemo never had any problems after that hope this helps

Hi Tarragon
I echo what elaine-r says. I had 7 days of white cell boosters. First bloods after first FEC will be taken on Friday, so we wait and see.Try not to worry, your count will probably be fine next test
x sarah

I was told that my blood count was low before the first chemo, just not low enough to delay it and I was given an injection of neulasta the day after chemo to boost the li’l white cells. Just as well they did, as it turns out :slight_smile:

I had been joking that I’d be eagerly looking forward to Christmas for the first time in years as, if everything went according to plan, I’d have my last chemo a few days before Christmas. So now I’m looking forward to New Year instead and should be in tip top condition on Christmas Day.

Every cloud …

Hey Tarragon
sorry to hear about your hair and delayed chemo session. Damn and blast!
I wonder if it’s true there is nothing we can do to boost the little buggers (=the white cells). Particularly food wise.
Day 6 for me after first EC and feeling ok. Had friends for lunch and cooked (not roast chicken and bovril, I haste to add…).
Hopefully I’ll be ok till next session.
Hair still on the head (and elsewhere) but it’s early days. I’ll let you know if the cold cap has worked.
Lulu XX

Hi Ladies,

I’m new to the forums and started my chemo on 9th September. I am due 4 x Epirubicin followed by 4 x CMF. I will then be having 12 months of Herceptin.

During my pre-chemo assessment on 8th Sept (the day before 1st chemo cycle due) they decided my veins weren’t good enough and that I would need a PICC line inserted. This went okay and my chemo was delivered successfully. However, over the course of the next week I had problems with my arm and was admitted to hospital. Scans revealed that blood clots had developed and the line has had to be removed. I am on daily injections of Clexane to thin the blood for the next 6 months.

Has anyone else experienced similar problems and how did your chemo proceed?

Apart from the line and arm problems I feel I have done well through the 1st chemo. No sickness or diarrheoa, mouth okay at the moment, appetite and taste okay. My hair started to come out around day 13, just a few extra hairs to start with. I had already arranged to have all my hair shaved off last Friday (day 16) and my wig fitted. I took a very good friend with me and managed to avoid crying in public. I got home, shed a few tears and now just get on with it. I plan to wear my wig when I go out and wear hats etc around the house.

Good luck to all ladies currently undergoing their chemo treatments. I think I will find this forum an absolute life saver. Gill xx

Thanks Ali,will have to treat myself to some good moisturiser,have been using Aldi’s Sienna day cream which i have to say has always been good enough but its just not enough at the mo.Been trying to drink more water too. Glad im not imagining it,guess your right about our skin ageing,thank god it recovers eh!!
Bald & wrinkly now,ha ha!
Hope all goes well for your 3rd tomorrow.
