I’ve just had second FEC and feel much worse this time than first one. Finding myself waking early hours and unable to get back to sleep. I try not to dwell on this too much - i put a little light on and read for a bit until I feel sleepy again. Oh woe - what a bummer this is. Love to all xx

I was the same with my second FEC Jan. Thankfully sleepless nights only lasted a couple of days and I tried to make up for it by having little naps during the day.
Got my 3rd next Thursday. Already dreading it but trying not to think about it too much.
Hope you’re feeling better soon
Big hugs

Hi Girls

Get some sleeping tabs. I was awake for three days following my first FEC and collapsed in a weeping mess by day 4. Got tabs and just took 2 a night for two days then 1 for a couple more and go back to usual routine.

Had 2nd FEC on Weds taken 2 tabs a night and slept 7 hours straight.Bliss!!!

The onc said do not be afraid of taking more tabs ,they cannot do anything worse than the chemo is already doing! Just take, rattle and glow!

Andi x

Sorry not been on for a while but unfortunately have had a bit of a rough ride so far. I was sick for over a week and taste buds had diffo gone. Then I got a chest infection and required antibiotics, so no energy. Just got over that and had two really good days only to be ask to go into the chemo unit as running a temp and white blood count low. Luckily my temp was only 37.4 when I got to the hospital but I still required the booster injection to get the count up. Got home and was awake from just after 3 with pains in my back and hip, good news when I went back the blood count was fine. Now we have a new plan I get the booster injections for 5 days at the start of the chemo so hopefully it will be okay and they are going to up my sickness drugs. Just now starting to feel normal again. Need to catch up with a few of you Juno how is things hope you’re keeping well. Carol how’s things, haven’t seen you on for a while? As for my hair, or lack of it started to come out in chunks on day 14, so on day 15 I removed the rest. Now for a little chuckle when I removed my hair my hubby said I looked like an older version of Sinead O’Connor. What did he mean by the older version LOL. I have been using baby moisturising bath and baby cream and my skin is lovely so far, as for the face I have just carried on using my normal skin regime. No waxing either yippee and I really don’t miss it LOL. My next thing to do is have a look at whether to have eyes lashes done or just buy some full lashes to use when mine have gone. I can deal with the bald look but no eyelashes that’s a different story. Anyone else have any thoughts on this? The nice thing is I could buy some really funky ones I suppose for a giggle.

Hello ladies
and isn’t this weather TERRIBLE? At least up North wher I live. It won’t stop raining …:frowning:
Day 11 after first EC and hair still on head. I gather I won’t know if the cold cap has worked until …what…day 20 or so?
The queasiness has now gone and I feel more or less back to normal.
I have a good week to look forward to (next week). Fingers crossed.
I admire so much the ladies amongst you with young children to look after. You are amazing!
I was just wondering, since we are roughly at the same stage, whether the BC diagnosis has made an impact on your lifestyle at all. Particularly food wise. Have you made a conscious decision to…say…go dairy free? Or organic? There are many theories out there. Some rather scary.
I’d love to hear from you…
Enjoy the weekend DESPITE this s**t weather…
Lulu XX

Hi Lulu

Healthy eating was the original intention but finding that I am eating anything that stops the nausea- bbq pringles just two hourly, bourban biscuits, bananas, toast but not too dry, aniseed balls for horrid taste, ginger beer but has to be fizzy.

Did manage to lose 7lb first FEC- hoping to continue at that pace but somehow doubt it!!!

AH! Hair. Well had hair a week ago ,Day 19 of first cycle(used cold cap),then lost a tennis ball sized amount daily from then. Shaved the rest off Friday and feel so much more in control.My young boys are ok with it so long as I don’t go out bald!!!Wearing scarf and fringe at the mo but popped wig on for Asda earlier.

Hope the rest of your cycle goes well.

love Andi

Well…I thought my diet was healthy previous to dx (plenty of fruit and veg, hardly any processed or fried food, varied diet, etc.) and look where it got me!
However I thought I could try even harder to improve it. Have now limited my coffee intake to one, max two a day (I confess I DID like my caffeine before. Perhaps to excess. Cafe Nero will lose a valued customer there). Have started drinking 2-3 cups a day of(that foul tasting )green tea every expert raves about (albeit had to put it on hold while undergoing chemo as the thought alone makes me sick).
Was considering for the best part of half a day whether to follow Professor Jane Plant’s advice (I read her book) and eliminate all dairy (which I LUV) out of my diet. I have decided I am not prepared to do that sacrifice and go the whole hog (the jury is still out on that one anyway) BUT I have somewhat cut dairy produce down and have stopped eating chunks of cheese as a snack.
I now buy organic milk and I get a box of lovely organic veggies a week delivered to my door.
I have also become a juice fiend. I resurrected my juicer which I bought on an impulse many years ago and never used (because it’s mighty faffy)and now make delicious fruit juices daily. I go through tons of fruit in a week but it’s gorgeous stuff!
So I have made SOME changes, albeit nothing drastic.
Whether it is going to make any difference who knows! Probably not but I’m sure it’s better for my general health anyway.
What about you ladies?
P.S. Thanks Andi about the hair message. I am not that hopeful, in truth. I shall have to wait and see.

Thanks for your reply Debs. I did sleep better last night but honestly feel like sh*t this time. Have spent most of the past few days in bed - hope this doesn’t last or I’ll really be dreading the third FEC on 20/10. Hubby is a tower of strength - nothing’s too much trouble and he’s keeping me fed and watered. I’ve found that anything with a ginger content does help with the nausea so loving the ginger beer. If I feel better tomorrow I might make some ginger bikkies!

Love to all
Jan xx

Hi all
Weather is awfull here in the Midlands too Lulu,hasnt stopped raining alday.
Still tired since 2nd fec on thurs,feels like ive run a marathon.Was feeling guilty today cus other half has been doing everything so i just hoovered downstairs & omg i had to sit down after,i hate not being in control of my body,makes me feel low. Not looking forward to the next one on the 21/10,just behind you Jan. Appetites poor & my taste buds have dulled considerably.
Sounds like youve had a terrible time so far icequeen,nice to your still upbeat & cheerful.
With regards to the food/lifestyle changes,ive looked into it a bit but thats as far ive got. I think ive always looked after myself with diet & exercise,never been very good when it comes to fruit mind,have to make a conscious effort to eat it,more of veg girl myself. So any info is welcome as theres always room to improve.
Love & hugs to all

Claire x

let OH do everything if you feel so tired. Really! Don’t feel guilty about not being in control and listen to your body. It is telling you to REST, right? The hoovering can wait. You are much more important than the state of the house…:slight_smile:
I think you are great to keep going with your little ones. But don’t feel bad about accepting help when you can get it. God knows you need it.
Take care and don’t forget that veggies are as good as fruit!
Lulu XX

I started fec chemo in September, i have now had two lots. I found losing my hair the most distressing part so far of my illness. I had a double masectomy in June and then my ovaries removed in July. Now to lose my hair its as if i have been stripped of all my feminity. As i work full time i am wearing a wig and and a scarf in doors. I do not like wearing the wig at all, it makes me feel so hot and uncomfortable. I am doing my best to be positive especially around my two daughters but its very hard at times.
Working full time is draining and work have not been supportive, i am a single parent so have no choice.
I have found the worst part of the chemo is the effects on my bowels, and i am getting up to go to the toilet several times a night so never have a good nights sleep.
Can anyone tell me what the next steps are after chemo, i know i am to have endocrine treatment and a aromatase inhibitor but have no idea what this means.
Also does the Onocologist discuss with you if the chemo has been succesful? And if so do you have regular check ups?
Any advice would be great x

Hi all.
I have just returned from second FEC and am awaiting SEs! Am trying to drink as much as poss as that helps to get rid of the toxins… well that’s the theory.
Fairhead, my onc reviews me just before each chemo and checks bloods etc.
I am now almost hairless and avoid looking in mirrors. Those hats I have been knitting are really coming in handy!
Fitz, whereabouts in the Midlands do you live? I am in sunny Coventry :sunglasses:
Lulu, I bought J Plant’s book. It has lots of good advice but really you need to go with what your body is telling you. I tried to go dairy free but found it too hard. I just have milk on cereal and have mainly fruit and green teas. Go online and go to TEAPIGS site. They do a green tea that is the nicest I have had. They also do a fantastic fruit tea and a green tea with mint. YUM!
Hope everyone has a good week and good luck to those who have yet to have chemo this week. I reckon it is the anticipation that is worse than anything
x sarah

Your right i know Lulu,im learning… Was an independant Mum (like the term better than single Mum) for 4 years & used to doing everything by myself but its great to have someone around to fuss over me now. Need all my energy for Boys!
Hi sarah im just a few miles from you in Rugby,are you being treated at Walsgrave?
Hi Fairhead,i dont know how your managing to work fulltime with everything youve already gone through & now chemo! Im taking time out from work,they have been lovely & keeping my job open for me to return when im ready.Its only a little part time job but it keeps me sane. I carnt help with next steps after chemo but im sure there will be lots of lovely ladies who will help with advice.I can understand you not liking your wig,ive got a lovely one but its so uncomfortable so ive been wearing my comfy headscarf out & about & commando in doors much to the horror of my nine year old son,bless…hes getting used to looking at me now.
Love & hugs to all

Claire x

Hi Claire,
yes I am at Walsgrave although I have had a few tests done at Rugby. That’s a nice hospital. Do you come to Walsgrave or Rugby? maybe we could meet up when we both feel ok? It would be nice to have a chinwag
and indulge in a spot of retail therapy
x sarah

Hey Sarah
I am glad second FEC went well and thank you for the Teapigs tip off. Had a look at what they have to offer. Loads of nice teas but VERY expensive. Will definitely consider for a treat though.THX!

In the meantime I’ve done some research about teas and discovered that rooibos tea (red bush) has some amazing properties. Apparently it’s rich in antioxidants (even more than green tea), has several healing properties (is strongly recommended for people suffering from irritability, headaches, disturbed sleeping patterns, insomnia, nervous tension, mild depression or hypertension) and might have anti cancer properties. Here’s an exctract from a page from BBC website:
“Researchers are studying the health effects of rooibos tea, and some believe rooibos may eventually be classified as a drug, due to its protective and health-giving properties. It is being studied as a preventative against environmentally and dietary-induced cancer. In laboratory trials using rats, rooibos has been shown to slow down or even stop the cell mutations that can lead to cancer.”

For the full article go:

Well, it certainly won’t harm us to give it a go. I tried it yesterday. It does have a very unusual flavour BUT I can drink it (unlike green tea) quite happily. In fact I rather like it. Having a cup while posting…:slight_smile:

Have a nice day…
Lulu XX

Hi All

Sorry not been on lately but have been making the most of the good days before the bad days come again!.Went away in caravan for weekend and despite the rain on Friday and Sunday we had a lovely day on Saturday.
I have just been for blood test so hopefully if OK will have 2nd EC treatment on Thursday. Early appointment at 9.00am to get it over with. Worst SEs last time were stomach pains and diaroheaa, hospital said could have been tummy bug not treatment but we will see what happens this time.

Icequeen - glad you are bit better nice to know you are so upbeat an keep cheerful as possible. Guess you must be back for no 2 treatment tomorrow . let us know how you are.

My hair is all gone, started to fall out on day 13 and by weekend was driving me mad as getting everywhere so was a relief to actually shave it all off on Sunday. Have worn wig out couple of times and everyone says looks OK, Went to surgery fo sick note for work and doctor wasn’t sure if hair was gone or not until I told her. Also just got some new scarves and another BUff arrived today from Banadana web site, very pleased with scarves as cooler for indoors. and ready tied so no fiddling to make look right as I am no good at that type of thing .

Good luck and love to all having treatment or SEs this week .


Sarah,im being treated at Walsgrave too & i have to say they have been great,eveything moved very quickly from the start without scaring me to death & the support,advice has been great ever since,so feel like im being looked after. Rugby hospital is a lovely its shame they dont do much there now. Would be nice to meet up for a chat sometime,im afraid Rugby is a bit pants for shopping so Cov would be best!

Lulu…can you get that tea from Tescos etc? Guna put it on my shopping list & give it a go! :slight_smile:

Claire x

You can get the tea from Holland and Barret. It IS quite nice. I had bought some and then forgot I had it! hanks for the reminder
x sarah

I found a Rooibos (redbush) tea in Tescos called Tick Tock. Its in a red box and is quite cheap and tastes really nice and quite fruity. Its caffeine free and rich in anti oxidants. I was drinking it long before diagnosis so not sure if it fights cancer cells or not but worth a try. You can usually find it on the bottom shelf underneath the normal teas!

That’s the very same I bought! Tick Tock (it’s organic too). Obviously it is not going to be a cure for cancer (or bye bye oncologists of this world) but if it’s true it has got all these healing properties it’s worth the try, I say. It may help us counteract the effect of chemo (it aids sleep for example and I don’t know about you by my sleeping pattern is well and truly b*****d)…Who knows,eh?
Good night and hang in there
Lulu XX