HI Tara
Try talking to them about injections. They are very expensive, which is why they are not always offered, but I don’t think I would have made it through chemo without them,as I had major problems with white blood cell count throughout (otherwise hardly any SEs). However the hospital gave me whole packs of injections which I did myself at home, and they saved the day.

Thanks for the info Sarah. I shall definitely be adding ‘DIY injections’ to my list of questions for Monday and the next blood test.

Not sure about the idea of doing it myself but this whole adventure is just a series of things I don’t like the idea of, so what’s one more? ha, ha.

Hi Gill and welcome to the forums

In addition to the valuable support you will receive here please feel free to call our helpline on 0808 800 6000 for a listening ear, the line is open weekdays 905 and Sat 9-2.

BCC have published booklets about the chemotherapy and herceptin treatments you have been prescribed which you may find helpful to read, you can read, download or order these via these links:*/changeTemplate/PublicationDisplay/publicationId/110/*/changeTemplate/PublicationDisplay/publicationId/123/


The booklets contain information about our other support services which may also find useful.

Take care

The hospital would have done them, or sent a nurse round to me, but all of this seemed too much of a palaver (especially since by the last few cycle I was having 10, 1 per day) so I opted for DIY. Its into flesh, not a vein, otherwise they wouldn’t have let me. A nurse suggested ice cubes to numb the area, which I changed to a coke can from the fridge… you get used to anything!

Hi everyone,

I had my first TAC on Monday. It wasn’t as bad as I expected :slight_smile: No side affects yet other than a red face and my taste buds seem different. Oh and I’ve been wide awake since 3am !!! Starting my white blood cell injections tomorrow. Is it really true about chemo aging your skin? I hadn’t heard that before? Maybe I need to invest in some decent creams.

It so nice to hear from other women going through the same thing. Good luck everyone :slight_smile:

Phee xxx

Hi All

As if having scars,sore gums,upset stomach and baldness isn’t enough we age 10 years!!!

I have been using cheap and cheerful aqueous cream on body and my skin has never been so soft! My face is really soft and smooth- using cheap n cheerful lidl on it.I am also using illuminator (avon) under make up and( tho I say so myself) look better than I have for months.The Head at the boys school stopped me to say how good I was looking-lovely man!!

I would recommend putting on make up even if you can’t be bothered. I no longer have to do my hair as I am moulting faster than a labrador at the mo- but at least if I catch a glimpse in the mirror I can think not too bad for a chemo girl.

Just back from 2nd chemo had pub lunch with my friend and am chilling waiting for the boys to come in and destroy the peace n quiet.

Tara- Good luck for next week .Lets hope they can sort you out!

Keep well

love Andi xx

Hi ladies

I completed my first FEC last Thursday, have been pretty queasy since which I expected, always been a bit rubbish at hangovers and apprently that’s a good indication on how you’ll manage chemo!

Andi, I agree a bit of extra skin care and make-up helps. I seem to have developed tanned skin in the last couple of day - weird, anyone else notice this? On some advice I ordered “Underly Smooth” cream for my bald head (think it’s something to do with cow udders)

My very kind friends (hairdresser) hubby is cutting my hair off Friday, an opportunity to go for a mad short style before it goes and If I hate it I’ll be glad it fell out!!

Tara, hope those cells start doing thier thing for you - good luck.

Love reading you threads, gives me much needed chuckles

Lucy xx

I totally agree with you about the need to really make an effort to look our best despite evil chemo wrecking our skin, hair, etc.
I have never taken so much interest in my appearance since cancer struck. I am forever buying products on Ebay (various concotions, foundation brushes, make up, etc.). The postman must be sick of me by now! This is all courtesy of the great DVD I ordered through the Look Good Feel Better website, designed for ladies undergoing chemo (mentioned before). I have learnt loads about how to apply make up correctly, etc, how to take care of your cuticles (never knew I had them before…), etc.
I am turning into a right bimbo!
Seriously, it doesn’t harm to do something that boosts your morale, does it? And it’s nice to see the look of shock on people’s faces who expect us to look like washouts…
Only problem is they won’t believe we are suffering from cancer if we start looking too glam…hey ho!
Lulu X

Agree with the comments about putting make up on, something which I didn’t bother with much before. Also try to co-ordinate necklace and earrings with outfit and bought myself a new winter coat in the new “in” purple colour. Found one of the advantages of being off work is I have time to internet shop so when I get out I know what to look for to try on which saves time as energy doesn’t last as long as it did. I’m now the one saying to the kids, can we go home now! Had lots of nice comments from people which really boosts the way I feel though feel a bit guilty when I see work people and get comments about how well I look. I just reply that it’s one of my good days today.
Had FEC3 this week and so far same side effects as before but easier, perhaps our bodies get used to it,

Hi All

Lulu- does your hospital hold the Look Good workshops there are lots that do.I have one booked on my chemo 4 day. Apparently there are around 12 chemo chicks and a consultant that shows you how to make the best of yourself and the best bit is you get around £200 free cosmetics etc.

Lucy- good for you having the chop. I had mine cut short in July to get used to it. Managed to keep it all until day 20 after chemo 1. am now losing about a satsuma sized ball each day and thinning on top and bald over left ear.Had cold cap both sessions but feel that I will shave it all off this weekend.I have a lovely wig which needs trimming as I have a small head and the fringe is too long. I need to be bald to get the right length as it will not grow!!!

Keep up the glamour girls!

A plus, I lost 7lb first cycle so could be three stone lighter at the end. Every cloud has a silver lining!!

Love Andi xx

Hi Andi,
yes I had also booked a LGFG session at my nearest hospital. I can’t wait. I suggest to the other ladies to google this charity and find out whether there is a session near you. Every single woman who has been on one has raved about it…
Whoever said that women with BC can’t be glamorous?
By the way, went to MacMillan coffee morning today organized by a dear friend (complete with illuminator,blusher,etc…). She does that every year. Didn’t realise THIS year I would be the guest of honour, so to speak. :frowning:
Sure enough people who knew me were coming up with the: “You look so good” lines.
Got it in one! -felt like replying- I may LOOK good but sure as FEC (pardon the pun) I ain’t!
Anyway we shouldn’t be too harsh on these people as they mean well.
Day 8 post first EC and hair still on my head (and elsewhere). I can see I am going to have to get the Epilady out! Thought I could get away with it…
Lulu XX

I had a wig fitting today, and joy of joys walked out with it frimly in place. So glad about that, feel a bit more human now. Hair coming out in unbecoming tufts now.I reckon I will book into one of the LGFG sessions. Chemo has caught me a bit by surprise.
x sarah

Hi Everyone,

I have had my first FEC chemo on Tuesday morning and I have to admit I thought it would hit me like a train, but apart from rosy cheeks that feel a little warm, seems to be all of the symptoms to date.
I have to have 6 in total but dont expect to escape for that length of time.

I have my appointment with the wig lady on monday 4th October. As it is winter coming in I need something on my head as I dont do hats. I am trying to keep positive but this may just be the kicker.

Am I right in thinking that the symptoms will be worse with each cycle, I have not met anyone i can ask this of as all I know of are friends of friends.

thanks for listening


Hi Ann
I was the same after my first FEC. Kept expecting to hit “the wall” at any moment but it never happened. After my 2nd I was ok until 2 days later when I felt like I had the worst hangover ever but it only lasted a day and then I gradually felt better each day. Having number 3 next week.
As for the comments about make up etc, I wear a lot more now than I did before just to compensate for not having hair! I had my NHS wig trimmed by my hairdresser yesterday and I have to say it looks fantastic! I wore it to work today and everyone said I look better now than I did before I was diagnosed! Don’t think I’ll wear it to work any more it’s way too glam! I’m saving it for nights out instead. I bought another cheap one which is nice too and ok for every day wear. I’m loving being able to change my look from day to day. Have bought wigs and scarves and hats from ebay. I must stop now!
Going to LGFB next month. Looking forward to the goody bag!
Hope everyone is well
Debs x

i dont think everyones symptoms necessarily get worse each time, though general tiredness did for me. I finished my six chemo sessions in august. My first fec and my first tax were the worst, the subsequent ones were definitely easier,

good luck and hope the lack of side effects continue!


Hi Ann

My onc said that the only thing that should get worse is the tiredness.I felt sick for 19 days first cycle so she altered my drug regime and so far, fingers crossed, things better.

Would recommend to keep on anti sick drugs even if you don’t feel like them I stopped and that is why I suffered.

Good luck.
Andi x

From my chemo diary this is how it has gone so far for me
Ist FEC - sickness really bad on first night but other than that just of indigestion, feeling cold and tired, days 3-5.
2nd FEC - no sickness but stoamch ache, indigestion and constipation made for 3 miserable, sleepless days, same as last cycle days 3-5. Really tearful and depressed as well which for me chemo nurse put down to the lorazepam they gave me to help combat sickness.
Had 3rd FEC on tuesday and have been waiting for bad symptons to hit but so far ok ish, slight stomach ache and indigestion but no where near as bad as 2nd one. Given diazepam this time to help sickness and not tearful or depressed like with #2
Perhaps our bodies get used to it or I’ve got better at managing the se’s. No doubt as I finish the steriods tomorrow I expect to feel tired over the weekend but so glad this cycle has been so much better than the first 2.
Hugs and good vibes to all

Hi all
Had 2nd fec today & just feeling totally drained now,legs feel like lead,but thats all at the mo. Had a phone call from hospital to tell me to get there an hour early as needed another blood test done,the one i had done on tues was borderline & if it was still the same they were going to postpone till next week,luckily it had rallied enough to go ahead with treatment. I was mentally prepared so was pleased to get another one under my belt. Might have to have white boost injections next time,guna see how bloods are next time. 2 down 4 to Yayyy!

Love & hugs to all

Claire x

Hi Claire
I was alot more tired with number 2 as well so can understand how you’re feeling. Spent about a week going from bed to sofa and back again. Rang bcn as also had breast and underarm pain and she said it was the chemo killing off all those stray cancer cells and to rest so it could get on with the job. So far with number 3 have had no pain so here hoping it’s done the job!
Rest and pamper yourself as much as you can
Love and Hugs

Thanks Ali.
Feel better for a good night rest (it took me while to drop off.) Think i over did it after hospital,had to rush to boys to footy training & the dog hadnt been out so decided to walk them all over! Note to self,must remember how tired i can be after chemo. I think i can still rush around like a headless chicken!
Im glad your pain has settled down,i havent had to deal with that.
You rest & pamper too!

Love & hugs back

Claire x