Starting chemotherapy on Thursday

Hi I recently been through diagnosis Nov 23, had WLE, followed later by a shave and full left arm lymph node removal due to having invasive lobular cancer (oestrogen related) in left breast. Saw my oncologist yesterday and start chemo on Thursday (EC x3 and Docetaxal x3) I had just about got my head into the right space when she asked me if I’d like a full body scan which has now freaked me out. I asked her why as I’d never been asked or told about this and she said it was just what she did normally for all her patients. I asked if it was because they had seen something on the last results and she did try to reassure me it wasn’t but now all I am focused on is why? Has anyone had this too? Sorry just feels like I am now worrying about everything and dissecting anything and everything. Thank you.


:heart:please ring the number on here and speak to a nurse or post on ask the nurse section :heart: it’s easy to :rocket: at everything, think we’ve all been there :heart: when I went in with a suspected infection during chemo they whizzed me off for chest X-rays, I was :flushed::rocket::flushed::rocket::flushed::rocket: because no one said why and it was because they were trying to find infection and this was standard but I’d had couple of hours being :rocket::flushed::rocket::flushed::rocket::flushed: It turned out I had a uti and it resulted in 6 day stay in casa nhs. Take everything one day at a time a step at a time, hour treatments can change as they tailor them to you, quite a few of us had changes like reduced chemo or change to type of chemo but we got through and you will too :muscle: because you are amazing and stronger than you know :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Thank you for your reply and sign posting. I was never any good with roller coaster rides and this is definitely a doozey :face_with_peeking_eye: every niggle I have every tweak I’m in over drive but this forum is a life line - thank you


Keep reaching out in here :two_women_holding_hands::heart: step by step a day at a time you will find your own drum beat :+1: do it your way and what you need to do for you :heart: it’s like going into chrysalis phase for a bit but the butterfly does come out the other end :heart: your team have seen it all before and are there to support you and care for you do do ask away with them too and ask all you want they will help you too :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


I had a full body scan as automatic but I was using BUPA. Grab it with both hands, nothing sinister, just a medic being thorough.

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Hello, I think CTs/MRIs are a very normal part of most treatment plans at the moment so please don’t worry. I’ve had a CT to check for spread very early on in my diagnosis just to be sure. I also had a bone density scan so they could check how steroids are affecting my bones. It can be so scary waiting for results, I couldn’t sleep properly until I knew but I’m so glad they were done.

All the best, and good luck for your chemo!


I had a full body CT scan after my breast cancer diagnosis as a check to ensure nothing anywhere else. I would want to know this
I had cancer in both breasts, had a double mastectomy in 2022 followed by chemo and radiotherapy in 2023. I also had ECx3 Taxal x3 chemo every 3 weeks. I tolerated it well considering but found the side effects kicked in on day 4 after treatment when i would be very tired and feel sick although i wasn’t actually sick. The tiredness lasted about 1 week to 10 days and then I felt better until the next session. My advice is to keep active go for walks and to do the cold cap I kept over 70 % of my hair and as a woman it really helps you feel more positive. You get used to the cap after initial cold shock go armed with a goody bag and hot drinks and gloves. Really hope you don’t suffer too much and I am happy to answer any other questions.
good luck

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Thank you all so much - I am and do stay positive but have the occasional blip - you all and this community has really, really helped me cope. I have prepped for the start of my chemo on Thursday - bought myself some EarPods and nice socks and a headband :blush: and I have my CT scan on Saturday.


@gsd1007 good luck for tomorrow. I have my 3rd EC on Friday.
I too had full mri and ct with contrast before my mastectomy back in September. I assumed it was usual practice to check for spread. None here, thankfully.
Apart from immediate taste and smell changes (my partner assured me I was producing the smell), my downtime for both previous EC started the afternoon following giving myself 1st injection in the morning. Very tender and swollen glands from neck to waist. Paracetamol and rest for a couple of days and it started to ease.
I’ll be having Docetaxel x 3 after.
There is a monthly chemo starter running which you might like to join x


Please dont worry the scan i guess will be your Bone desity scan, to check levels before future treatment, you don’t even have to remove many clothes only those containing any metal. Have you been given any of the booklets about chemotherapy, they are a bit vague, but you team are there to translate, and i don’t have my notes to hand - sorry i was an avid note taker and asked loads of questions.
One worry related to breast cancer is hair loss… I would check what hair you loose normally in your hair brush, and don’t panick when you loose any at the start of treatment, i’d also recommend you ask about Cold Cap treatment, which does work. yes the process means your sessions are longer and the initial cold is awful but after the 1st 10 mins you do get used to it. Take an extra jumper and blanket, and don’t be afraid of asking for a mug of coffee or tea during your treatment.
My carpet looked like the dogs had rolled over it by my 3rd session, but. BUT i didn’t loose all my hair just 50%, i still retained a full head and now i have curly hair, which in the past i’ve had to pay to make the straight locks bend.
We were given the voucher to go and get a free wig, mine was never needed, neither was my sisters before me 10 years ago. Take a magazine or book to read, or your i pad. And don’t be afraid, there are many women myself included who have successfully been through this before. Dont be afraid to ask many questions however silly they may initially seem to you. another tip when it comes to having your 5 day imagine the clock face, between 3 and 9, so first day inject at 9, then 10 etc clockwise. I’ hope you can gleen helpful details from these notes, if not come back to me and i’ll dig out my notebook. you will get through and those around you are there for all you ladies about to start. ps week 1 you feel awful, week 2 you improve and week 3 is when you should get anything importatnt sorted. Just remember to rest and not push yourself. love and hugs, sorry i don’t know how to add hearts etc i’m not techie Moonsox xxxx

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Well that’s #1 of my chemo down - cold cap was ok as I had taken a note of all the great tips (thank you ) and I am feeling a little more rational about the scan. Thank you all for helping me on this first step :heart:


It is the not knowing what will happen before you take each step that makes it scary I think. I was so stressed before my first chemo session as I had no idea (except from TV/films) what to expect. You have taken the first step, and we will be here to offer advice and answer any other questions you may have.