starting chymo

Hi I start my chymo on tuesday (16th) FEC T, and was just wanting some advice and suggestions of how to deal with it.

Hi Melly Mel

I am still only a novice at this as I have only had one FEC and have 5 more still to go.

I was very worried when I went for the treatment. I dont know what I expected. But the nurses and the others having treatment got on really well. We all chatted away. It was very informal.

It took about an hour and 20 mins for the nurse to inject all the drugs as they have to do it slowly.

I had a little headache that evening but was ok the next day - just felt a little nausea.

The hospital give you 3 days of anti sickness drugs to keep you going.

I will be thinking of you next Tuesday

Take care


Hi melly mel i have just finished all my treatment 2 weeks ago Surgery .chemo and 20xRads i have posted loads of tips from ladies that helped me through on Starting my pink road of chemo thread have a read and join in as the ladies on there are all starting around the same time as you and we are a friendly bunch xxxx thinking of you hugs Julie xx

heres a link to follow in case you cannot find us xxJulie,-15th-nov-t28539s12.html

Just to add to juliebtaurus - I am on the starting my pink road thread & there’s lots of newbies on there at the same stage as well as our knowlegeable & also hilarious “old timers” (referring of course to experience not age!!!) - please join in - there’s already loads of really good info plus some funny stories & we’ll all be there for a long timne to come too - going through this together. It really does help