Starting Radiotherapy 8th Aug 3019

I am 4 weeks post chemo when can I start eating food I had to avoid during chemo? starting Rads next week do I put cream on morning before I go my appointment is 3.00 thanks


I also start radiotherapy next Thursday at 1.30 for 4 weeks. I have started moisturising once a day - I’m using Aveeno cream. Hope all goes well.



Meant to say - sorry I didn’t have chemo so can’t answer your first question x

Wishing you good luck next week.  I’ve been using aveeno through my chemo so I will carry on with it and see how it goes.

Hi Avalily 

I was told to put cream on morning and evening as less likely to forget when dressing/undressing. My appointments are all teatime. Good luck ?

Hi there,

Don’t know about the cream as I only start rads on the 19th (but I would imagine after treatment is better) but regarding normal eating after chemo, I was told after you could go back to ‘normal’ eating once the last 3 week cycle had finished and it should be fine. 

