I think I need some encouragement. Yesterday I had my dry run and am booked for CT scan, planning, and tattoos end of next week. The radiographers were lovely and all went well yesterday so after more than 6 months of this and finally with light at the end of the tunnel why do I feel so wretched? I feel so bleak and down despite my lovely family starting to arrive for Christmas tomorrow. Am I just weak or ungrateful? I don’t know.
I wish all of you going through, waiting to start, or having completed your treatment a lovely Christmas however and wherever you are spending it. This forum is so helpful.
All the ladies on this forum can empathise with how you are feeling, because at some point in this process, we have felt it too. Be kind to yourself. Your life was turned upside down six months ago, and then there has been a conveyor belt of treatment. When you begin to get to the end of the conveyor belt, it is really common to feel as you do. Several ladies have mentioned a ’ moving forward’ course to move on from this.
I wish you a peaceful and happy Christmas
Jane xxx
It is only reasonable that you are going to have “down” days you have been through a lot, which we can all relate to, but as you say there really is light at the end of that tunnel now, I am assuming this is the last part of your active treatment.
Have a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends
Hi there! Your not weak I too feel the same … this all came as such a shock to me …emotions I didn’t know I had?
I am waiting to see my oncologist on the 16 Jan , just had an MRI so if any of the pesky little blighters are lurking it could change my treatment of just radiotherapthy & hormone treatment… just don’t know what to expect…the waiting is killing me (pardon the expression) …
the worst is when someone says you look so well and your really feeling crap - what do you say?
im sending all things positive to you and hope some of it lands on me…
i still sometimes think is this really happening…do you feel that?
It was nice to find this forum here. I am staring radiotherapy next week after my operation for high grade DCIS in October. I really thought it would all be over by Christmas and hadn’t reckoned on RT starting almost three months later. I’ve tried to carry on as normal during this waiting period, but it has felt just that- a wait. I don’t feel I can plan anything until the middle of February. I feel that my life is on hold. My family and partner are very supportive, but it is a very lonely feeling. I’m sorry to come across all miserable, and I know there are many, many people worse off than me: women with children, people without close friends and family, people with worse prognoses.
But there it is, and I realise how fortunate I am t o have routine mammograms, free medical treatment, and the support of the marvellous staff- all of them, consultants, porters, nurses, therapists, cafe staff- at our wonderful hospital.
Good luck to everyone beginning RT this January, and to all those finishing their courses too.