starting Radiotherapy

Picking any brains… I’m due to start 3 weeks of Rad. in 10 days time. My husband has the opportunity to go and stay with our daughter in Laos within 2 weeks ofme finishing the treatment. He is worried about how I might be and doesnt want to go. Do you think it’s necessary to have someone around at that time or am I likely to be quite able to look after myself?
Help neede to reassure him…

Hi Millie

I live alone and got through both chemo and radiotherapy just fine.

You might get tired and you probably will get a bit hot and sore, but nothing that should stop you from looking after yourself.

Good luck with your treatment.


Thank you! So much.

millie2 x

Hi Millie
I hope by now you must have started you radiotherpy or about to start all will be well
you can do this.l went alone for my radiotherpy without my hubby and along the line l saw others that come for the same treatment
Wish you luck.