Starting rads in December

new to this sit am about to start rads on first dec any advise welcome


Hi margat and welcome to the BCC forums, along with the support you will find here please also feel free to call our helpliners to talk any concerns or queries through. Lines are open 9-5 during the week and 10-2 Saturdays on 0808 800 6000

Here’s the BCC information about radiotherapy which I hope you will find helpful:

Take care
Lucy BCC


Take a look at the November Rads thread. There’s loads of good advice on there and great mutual support. Hopefully others who are just starting will join you on this thread. I’ve just finished my 15 and am starting my 5 boosters next week. I’ve been ok, skin fine apart from a burn that has developed under my boob but the prescribed Flamazine cream is very good. It seems each department has their own guidelines re moisturising so take advice from them. Best advice I think is go bra less as much as possible. And put your feet up when you can. I was dreading it but honestly it’s really doable. The good part is that if you have any worries you have access to the medics on a daily basis, so use them to air your concerns and worries.
Good luck
Wemblo xxx

Hi Margart.

I will be starting my rads on the 27th November so most treatments will be in December. I have been following the thread for November and have found it useful and the ladies on there have some good advice. 

Best wishes SML X

I’m waiting to start mix December. had my planning and dots…

hI margart,

i started radiotherapy on 1st december. im having my right breast and supra clavicular fossa (for my remaining lymph glands) zapped! how about you? any ill effects so far? how are you coping? i was scared but looked brave! no soreness so far but i feel tired. dont know if that is just because of the stress of the situation.

best wishes


I’m starting tomorrow


Mine starts tomorrow.  Reading some of these posts makes me think that the health professionals really minimise it.

Just a little extra advice. Where a soft bra or if going bra less clothes that are dark or not expensive. I wore a nice white bra but it got ink marks on . They put ink marks on you everyday so when your finished and get dressed they could transfer on to your bra or clothes

Hi all,


I have completed 5 zappings. 1st three were fine, no problems.


Day 4, I felt ill after radiotherapy! Headache, slight nausea, muzzy head. 


Day 5, I reported my problem to the radiographer who advised me to drink lots of water, which I did immediately (3 cups in 5 mins!) and continued all day. Felt better than Day 4, but still not marvellous!


Dreading starting again tomorrow!!!


Best regards to all fellow zappees!



I think it’s the principal and will fight for anyone. I’m toying with going wig less now anyway but I know some won’t even let their other halves see them Un winged. The changing room is just the staff trying to cut corners it seems to be the only room like this being the oldest with an awkward layout the others are more user friendly and I’m sure the staff are so used to naked bodies they no longer think.
agree some days I am more touchy and yesterday I was unprepared for the dramatic change in procedure from what I’d been told and a bit worried about a sore boob. They will have mirrors and use the room by the time I’ve finished .
amazing how once your in treatment mode your body seems to not be part of you I wouldn’t get them out in a communal changing room but a young man grabbing them on a treatment table is normal.