Starting Rads in July 2012

To Pelma,
Ask your Rad doctor about Xclair cream. Is working for me.
Good Luck


thanks jecky will do. as it just seems to get more red and sore and my nipple is so sore and dry pam x

Hi Maryland…thanks for the helpful directions. It looks like the whole area might end up peeling!
Take care
Twinky x

Hi LikesLilac, thanks for your reply, Yes I was surprised too when I got the appointment through - 2 days after final TAX ! I have spoken to them since, and I am having the pre-assessment and the scan on that day (will still be high on steroids!) but the actual zapping will now be just under 3 weeks from having Tax, so that sounds a bit better, would have prefferred a bit of a longer break though… especially as I have an hour journey each way to hospital so I am going to feel really knackered!! Thinking of buying a tent and camping outside!!!
Also, has no -one tried the Aloe Vera plant actual Gel??? I would have thought, non stabilised 100% Aloe Vera plant goo would be much better as it wouldnt have been interfered with??? and its 100% natural, but I dont know whats best, or who to ask.
Might try it anyway, it works wonders on burns…
Wendy x

Hi Ladies,
Hope you don’t mind me joining (from April chemo). DX 18.12.11 operations Jan and Feb, started chemo in April. Had my last chemo 18th July (so glad its finished) unfortunately Swindon don’t do radiotherapy so was told will have to wait 5-10 wks for a letter from Bath for an appt. Had a phone call last Monday for an appt on the Wednesday! Bit of a shock as I’d arranged to go back to work phased return Tuesday and Wednesday. I’m very lucky my emploer is very understanding. Its going to be a pain of a journey took me an hour and half each way and will be 4wks 20 sessions. Now waiting for a start letter/phone call.
Really good reading your posts as I feel much more prepared (I have a list now always good) and glad to hear I’ve got time for the chemo tiredness to ease off before the rads tiredness kicks in.
Gentle hugs to all x

I had my planning meeting last week and start rads at the start of Sept, just over 2 weeks from last chemo. The radiographer said to use aqueous cream and not E45 as it had some perfume in it. I asked about aloe Vera gel and she said we recommend aqueous cream but then said’ I m not supposed to say this but aloe Vera gel, the 99% stuff is good but I didn’t say that!’ . I will try both as I’ve already got aloe Vera gel.
I had thought about going on holiday the week after rads, possibly Spain or Greece, probably not too hot 25ish. Reading above posts I am now thinking this is prob not a good idea so soon. Any advice welcome.
Gaynor x

Hi, I have had my first session of radiotherapy today. All went well but when I have got home I feel so hot - is this normal? I thought it would take at least a week for any side effects to start.
With regard to using cream, I have been given a leaflet today which tells me to use E45 or diprobase and the part which said aqueous cream has been crossed out.
Hope everybody is keeping well.
Heather x

GMT - When I was diagnosed in Feb I cancelled my planned cruise as I did not know what was going to happen. I finished Rads on the 9th July and the cruise departure date was the 20th July. All I can say is that I’m glad I cancelled as I would not have enjoyed it. The fatigue kicks in about two weeks post Rads, if all you’re going to do is lie on a beach then maybe your holiday will do do you good, but you MAY enjoy it more if you delay it. I have not had chemo so don’t know if that makes fatigue worse.

Ladies - 99.9% aloe vera is wonderful, take it with you to your appointments and apply as soon as you are done.

Good luck to you all.

hi all finished rads last wednesday iv used the aloe vera and found it to be good and heather5 i to felt hot but was like that all the way throu went to see my onc today and becouse im so sore under my boob were my scar is thy have given me flamazine to use hope this clear it up and have to go again for bone scan waitin now for appointment good luck all

I will be three weeks from finishing tags tomorrow. Energy levels have been very good this week but skin still healing & needing treating every day. Peeling from the armpit area so still using intrasite gel as the aqueous cream can’t be used on broken skin.not so sore now. Peak soreness was 2 wks after finishing. Amazing how much you cook afterwards. I sailed through rads bit skin suffered most the 2 weeks afterwards.

Twinky x

That’s really helpful Twinky, thanks. I finish my last of 23 rads sessions today (15 regular and 8 booster) and the skin under my breast has peeled and is sooo sore and manky!! Radiographer said it would get worse before it got better and I’m using intrasite and weird plastic dressings! Glad to have some ‘real life’ confirmation and reassurance that the soreness will eventually subside. Also found that bathing area (especially around nipple) in good old salt water has helped. xx

Well, I’m 2 weeks post rads now so I’m hoping I’ll reach my peak soon! In a way I’m pleased I’ve been cooking since I finished as I had no problems at all during treatment and now I feel I’ve got proof it’s working. I’ve got a squarish patch of red which I’m sure is the same shape as the gel pad they used for the first 5 sessions. It’s more dry and itchy than sore so I have to stop myself scratching. I gave up on aqueous cream and have been using aloe vera gel generously - maybe a bit too generously. Yesterday I thought I’d started to peel but it was a dried-on layer of the gel.
I’ve just got back from a four day break at the seaside. Fortunately (?) it rained a lot of the time so there wasn’t much danger of adding sunburn to my other discomforts. We’ve got a holiday in Greece planned for mid September, then I’m going back to work. When I booked the holiday last November, just after I’d had surgery, I sort of imagined I’d be back to normal except for being a bit thinner. Instead I’m a stone heavier, my son assures me my hair looks like an old man’s and a lot of the time I feel exhausted or just plain miserable. I am grateful though for all the treatment I’ve been given. I know I’ve taken it for granted but I dread to think how many thousands of pounds have been spent on me and not every woman has access to the kind of care I’ve been given.
Love and best wishes to everyone at whatever stage of treatment. xx

Hi just had my 3rd rads today,so i have come on here for some good tips to help my skin,i think the aloe vere sounds good,last time i had 30 rads and it was very sore and painful.can you put the aloe vere on befor treatment,i have only haveing 15 this time,i am finding it hard doing this again,take care

Hi ladies, wonder if anyone can advise me? On Friday I had 21 out of 30 rads. I have mentioned to the onc that I keep getting back pain and pain in my right shoulder. He asked how long it had been like this and I told him i had told the surgeon about it when i had my op in June. The onc suggested I take painkillers. I have been told I have small nodules on one of my lungs. Should I be worried?
Take care everyone and hope you are all fine. x