Starting Rads today and a bit scared!

I am having my first of 15 rads today and am feeling a bit scared! I was diagnosed with BC on 30 November, had offending lump removed on 15 December. Throughout the whole thing so far I have mentally felt totally numb - in denial almost. Its as if its ‘not happening to me’.
So why am I now constantly thinking about it all and why am I so nervous about the Rads? I’ve come this far and all of you lovely ladies out there seem to be coping with it all brilliantly - just wondered if any of you found that it only became ‘real’ when you started rads?
Thanks for reading this, hope i’m not alone in feeling this way

Hi AmberT

Welcome to the BCC discussion forums you’ve come to the right place for some good support. Unfortunately you’ve just joined the forums when we are going to be closing the forums for posting new posts for a few days while the site is revamped. You will still be able to read posts that have already been made but will be unable to post any new ones until the new site is up and running.

If you need to talk to someone in confidence then the helpline here will still be open and taking your calls. Calls are free, 0808 800 6000 lines open Mon - Fri 9-5 and Sat 9-2.

I hope you keep reading the forums and will continue to join in again early next week when the site is back to normal.

Take care,
Jo, Facilitator

Hi Amber,

I started my rads on the same day as you (15 treatments also). Haven’t found it too bad so far (fingers crossed)and skin seems to be holding up fairly well.

Hope you overcame your fears and are coping a bit better.

Pauline x

Hi Girls,

I am three weeks post rads. Haven’t had any skin problems, which I did expect, I’ve used lots of Aqueous Cream and am still using it. Have decided to avoid prefumed shower gels and creams until I have my follow up appointment with oncologists.

I think most of us are nervous about rads, Amber. I Know I was really worried and would lie there having the treatment thinking “I don’t believe I’m doing this”.

I hope all is going well. Keep us posted.

Love Tina

My 4 weeks of rads start mid April, and guess what - I have Good Friday, Easter Monday, Kate & Wills Wedding and Mayday Monday holidays within the session. So 4 days out of 20 (4 weeks) is off, thats 20% I’m not having. I think I should ask for more sessions - what do you think? What happens in other areas? Any ideas? Thanks!
I x

Hi Izzi,

I think if you are to have 20 sessions then that is what you need to have and your dates should just be extended. In my first week, I only had 3 days (started on the Tuesday), and the machine was closed down for routine maintenance on the Friday so I had that day off. However, my slot of 15 treatments finishes with two days on 28th and 29th.
I would definitely query it if you think you are only going to get 16 treatments because of public hols.

Pauline x

Hi Izzy the days you have off will be added on to the end as Pauline says so you will still have the 20 you are supposed to have, I also started mine on Tuesday the onc said they dont always start on Mondays,

Thanks girls, I will ask for the full 20 sessions.

I xx

Hi All,
10 Rads down & 5 to go. Feeling really tired & woke up this morning with a glowing red boob!!! Using loads of the aqueous cream so hopefully it wont zing too much! Will start slapping on the aloe vera to cool things down. I really got myself worked up before starting Rads but my fears were unfounded. I realise now that the treatment is necessary for me and its (hopefully!!) the final stage in licking this horrid disease.
Reading all the comments on here has helped me hugely so to anyone else out there just about to start Rads, don’t be scared… they are necessary and a few side effects, whatever they are, are a little price to pay to be rid of BC.
Love to all

Hi Amber,
So pleased to hear all is going well.


Hi Amber

Hope all is going well. I finished my 15 sessions last Saturday (19/3/11).
I did a Tuesday to Sat shift. Went very well; I’m a bit pink & look a bit like I did in my teenage years (now 51!) gone very spotty but not itching thankfully.

Main discomfort was week 2 rather than the third week as my “nipple” went very sore. Radiographers were great with thier advice & gave me some “gel” squares you put in the fridge for an hour then put them on in the appropriate spot (what a relief).

Also told me to keep aqueous in the fridge.

Funniest bit was in week 1 when my left arm went a little stiff; they demonstrated a few arm exercises; resembled the “birdy dance”, I laughed so much almost fell of the treatment couch!

Very relieved it is over, just the follow up appointment in about a month. Not sure what I’ll do with myself; waiting room a bit like a social club. Met a very nice lady & we had a competition to see whose boob was the pinkest. She won.

Take Care
Lynne D


I also started Rads on 8th March. Skin is ok, a bit red but overall good. What is worrying me is the “lumpy” feeling I have in the throat and the chronic indigestion I’ve had ever since starting rads (I also suffered from heartburn during chemo). Are you also experiencing this? Is it beacuse I’m having the collarbone lymphnodes zapped as well? Help!