Hi, just wondered if anyone else is starting TAC in the near future. Part of me is dreading it, and part of me just wants to get it over and done with. Went for a wig fitting this week, which was an absolute disaster - there was a power cut and the room only had one tiny window, so I could hardly see what I was doing. The wig lady didn’t have any curly wigs and I have naturally curly hair, and no I didn’t fancy having a straight hair wig. Had to resort to ordering three from a catalogue to see what they are like, but they won’t arrive until after my hair has fallen out.
I am sorry to read that you are worried about starting your treatment and just wanted to say that you are welcome to call the helpline for extra support and information, it sometimes helps to talk things through with someone in confidence. It’s open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm on 0808 800 6000.
Hi sunnemeg 18
I have just had my 4th out of 6 doses of TAC. It’s not nice but it is doable. Just make sure you get all the help, advice and medicines from the Oncology nurses that you can. They are real stars and can help with any side effect problems. I am keeping a diary of how I am affected day by day and it helps to look back and get some idea of whether it will be a good day or not so you can plan accordingly. Different people have different side effects, and my main one has been a nasty taste and nausea but with medication and advice from the nurses I have managed to keep that under control. Good luck with your treatment, when do you actually start?
Keep smiling it’s not as bad as you think it will be.
Thanks, had the first treatment today, and despite it taking five hours didn’t seem too bad - so far. I have a bad attack of the burps though which is a bit of an embarrassement. Got home to note saying royal mail had tried to deliver a parcel, so it looks like my wig has arrived - hurrah, Thanks for the keeping a note of how I feel idea, I have a five year old, so it would be really useful to know when I am likely to be bad for future sessions so I can arrange someone else to look after him for me after school.
Hi sunnymeg and snap! Another of us starting treatment today. I too found it fine - met some lovely women & didn’t feel it when the onc nurse found the vein. She’s the best I’ve ever had, and I’ve had a few in the past.
I so admire you women with young children - this takes real courage to face - and it sounds like a diary would be a good idea for scheduling. Here’s hoping you never need a carer for him, that you get a smooth ride. Perhaps you could stock up on some good DVDs you and he can watch together after school if you don’t feel up to more active child care. He’d probably love the chance to snuggle up beside his mum and have her individed time (if not full attention).
Best of luck, M-L
hope wig is ok for you! I’m to start chemo in the near future and I’ve been told I will be on the TAC regime,so I’ll be interested to know how you get on. I also have kids,mine are 13 and 6 but still childcare will have to be arranged. I think it’s the unknown which is the scariest!
Luckily I’ve been told that my chemo suite offers comp therapies before each treatment starts.It’s been recommended to me by my oncologist to help with side effects.So I’m planning some reflexology!! Do you have anything like that on offer?
My pre-assessment is next week,not sure about the wig thing though! I’ll be watching this space.please let us know how you get on
Well so far I don’t feel too bad, a bit sicky and off my food, but I have managed to do some housework this morning, and also give myself my injection rather than trot along to have it done at the surgery -so I’m feeling quite proud of myself. I was told that TAC is accumulative, so we shall see how it goes after a couple more sessions.
The wig isn’t too bad, the fringe looks rather false so I will buy some hairbands to wear to make it less obvious, but it didn’t look terrible which is the main thing.
Unfortunately we have no complementary therapies on offer, though there is a make up session that you can go to, I haven’t worn make up for years so I might pop along to that to find out where I should put my blusher - I’m very pale naturally but chemo will make this worse.
Hi Sunnymeg
Hope all is going well with you. I haven’t worn my wig yet, and it’s number four TAC next Friday, tend to stick to hats but now the weather is getting warmer maybe I’ll brave it with a wig. The thing is I’m not used to having tidy hair so my wig looks like I’ve just been to the hairdresser according to my hubby and I’m not sure if that is a compliment or not! Aren’t you brave doing your own injections, I have the District Nurse come to give me mine. Mind you, if I had to go to the surgery, I would think twice, all those germs and things it’s the last place you want to be. I must admit to being paranoid about infection and steer clear of public transport, supermarkets and anywhere there are crowds. I only go into work one day a month to do the wages, then I spend the first 15 minutes cleaning the keyboards I have to use, but it has paid off, up 'till now and I haven’t had any nasties.
The chemo made my skin go browner, I am usually very pale but I have noticed on my face, legs and body I look as if I have got a very slight tan. I did read that chemo can change the colour of your skin and I know you have to be very careful in the sun as it makes you more sensitive to burning.
Look forward to hearing how you are getting alond
Love and hugs
Nonny xxxxx
Hi, Well my hair starting falling out yesterday so I braved the school run today in half wig and hat. I have bought some ‘Hat hair’ from America and hopefully that will see me through most of the summer, it was only about a third of the cost of a full wig, so I shall try and save my wig for the cooler months before wearing it. I also think the hat hair will be cooler than the full wig if the sun is beating down. I have had a very upset stomach for the last week, but other than that no real side effects. My stomach has always been tempremental, so it was only to be expected.
Nonny, you and I sound really similiar, normally I am very pale with very wild hair, and can’t quite get used to the idea of a nicely styled wig. My skin has gone a bit red and blotchy so am now wearing foundation for the first time in years.