I saw my onc today following my first CT scan since being diagnosed with cancer in my liver and spine. Unfortunately, it shows I now have multiple small tumours all over my liver. I will be starting chemo the week after next. 6 or 8 cycles of Vinorelbine.
I’d appreciate any advise/ information re this chemo. My onc says the side effects are usually mild.
I’d also appreciate your thoughts re carrying on working. I work 3 days a week as a primary school teacher and the other 2 days I will be looking after my baby grandaughter.
I love working with children and work in a great school with a lovely staff. But will I be able to cope with the constant stress and paperwork.
Hi Kelley,
I started vinorelbine last Friday and have second lot day8 tomorrow mine is in tablet form as we need to give veins a rest. I did feel a bit sick and preferred ondancetron to the tablets I was given so I will be speaking to them tomorrow. I slept Saturday most of the day but by Tuesday I was more awake, but I think this could be due to deterioration of my disease and not down to chemo.
Keep us posted as to how you cope we can comare nots.
Love Debsxxx
So sorry to hear about your diagnosis…if this a new diagnosis…you are probably feeling upset, angry, confused…a host of different feelings.
I had 6 cycles of vinorelbine 2 years ago and a further 3 cycles earlier this years. I found I got very tired for 3 days each part of the cycle. I didn’t work…I did work during primary breast cancer when I had different types of chemotherapy. I have taught older students in school and I think I would have found it very hard teaching youger primary school children, but we are all different. I hope your head teacher will be sympathetic in helping you make a decision which is right for you and and the school. Also talk to your son/daughter about how much time you can spend with your grand daughter. Also bear in mind that your overall good health and stamina may change as you take more chemotherapy. Cycle 6 may be harder than cycle 1.
best wishes
Thanks Debs and Jane,
I guess the least I can expect is to have fatigue. I suppose I’ll have to see how the chemo affects me and consider my options then. I’ve only been teaching about 12 years so my pension would be very small but I guess the money has to be put in perspective when it comes to health.
Jane - I was diagnosed with secondaries to my spine and liver 3 months ago. The onc changed me from Aromasin to Anastrozole and said to wait 3 months to see if there was progression. Unfortunately there has been so it’s chemo for me.
Hi Kelley, I would definately just wait and see as everyone is so different. You may find that you might just need a week off now and then, good luck xx