Hello everyone
I’ve been reading these positive posts and it reminded me of my situation 17 years ago. I was visiting my very ill, hospitalised. Mother in NZ, far from husband and family, when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. A small town, word spread, and I had four visits from women to tell me how they had breast cancer 12, 15, 20, and 30 years previously and were all disease free. It gave me huge encouragement at the time, and still brings tears to my eyes thinking back
So here I am 17 years after a 43mm, grade3, lobular tumour with 3 positive nodes, and also now, 6 years after another 25mm, her+ tumour in the other breast. I’ve had a lumpectomy, two mastectomies and pectoral muscle ‘shave’, two lots of chemotherapy, 5yr arimidex, 5yr tamoxifen, radiotherapy, a year of herceptin injections and 3 years of zolendronic acid infusions. I just got discharged from all follow-up.
As for recurrence worries, yes the issue is always at the back of my mind. I try to rationalise new symptoms but I do ask my GP to investigate when things don’t settle in a reasonable manner. The 4 weeks of headaches were hypertension, the ongoing back pain was a slipped disc, the 6week cough was sinus problems… what next I wonder?
So here I am, currently on a lovely skiing holiday (and yes, everything is aching:joy:
) but I feel healthy and well, and enjoying a nice rest day.
I love volunteering for BCN and keep an eye on the forums because I feel for everyone starting out on, or immersed in their various ‘journeys’. These stories can seem overwhelming sometimes, but it is important to retain that long term perspective and to remember that for each of you currently immersed in all the horrors of diagnosis and treatment, there are THOUSANDS of us who have been there and are living long, healthy lives thanks to all that treatment.
If there isn’t a separate thread of positive stories perhaps there ought to be, by way of encouragement.
Good luck to you all