stereotactic? biopsy. Scared!

I’m 45 and I’ve had a recall from a mammogram (mother had breast cancer). A 1cm “suspicious” area was seen. I’ve had an ultrasound and needle aspiration of a cyst but now the radiologist wants to do a steroatactic biopsy. This is a core biopsy taken whilst seated at the mammogram. I went for this earlier this week but unfortunately fainted after the local anaesthetic had been put in so had to be unclamped from the mammogram. Because of the local anaesthetic the area was obscured and they couldn’t continue so I’ve got to go back again on monday for another try. Has any one got any ideas on what I can do to stop fainting again? It must have just been fear cos it didn’t even hurt really when the anaestetic was injected. I’m so scared.


I have had the biopsy done before twice it will be fine try to talk to a nurse and not look ask her to stay with you and talk to you thats what i did and it took my mind off it all. hope it goes well for you. fingers crossed for you.xx


Hi there

I have had these done in both breasts…I found it less uncomfortable than all the mammograms I had done before it. I did my best to relax, closed my eyes and held on tight to a nurses hand whilst it was done. Once they get the mammogram in the right place its not so bad - the actual biopsy doesn’t really hurt they only take very small pieces for testing, it just sounded (to me at least) like a staple gun going off. I know its so so scary what you are going through but you are stronger than you think…all of us on here have found the strength from somewhere to go through all this…you can as well.
My dad always told me that you are never sent more than you can cope with…and I know you can cope with this…us girls are strong people you know, we must be as we all seem to cope with everything that life throws at us.
Take care and try not to panic.
Let us know how you get on.
phillippa x

Hi madcow

Sorry to hear about what happened - the same happened to me too - it’s such a horrible procedure. It wasn’t that I was in pain at all just don’t know why. I couldn’t breathe properly in the machine and it’s was just horrible. What actually happened after that was that I had to have it done on a lying down machine at a different hospital. Can you ask to have the same?

Hope it all goes ok
Best wishes
Ruby xx

I agree with all the above. It’s not a pleasant procedure but it isn’t painful, and I have a very low pain threshold. I had to have 8 pieces of tissue taken and was more worried about moving when the clamp went in. There was a picture of a beach on the wall, strategically positioned to the left of the machine. I focussed on the picture for the entire time and didn’t look at what was being done to my breast. I felt very weak at the end of it but that was because I had had an emotionally charged morning, ending with the biopsy.
You can do it, I’m sure. What we women have to endure! Take care.
Annys x

Can you perhaps ask for a sedative from your doctor on Monday morning before you go? I was prescribed some diazepam (and also lorazepam which is shorter acting) for various things which have helped me on those sorts of occasions where I needed to take the ‘edge’ off any anxiety during treatments. My core biopsies were not painful either by the way, (had six samples taken). Good luck for Monday.

Thank-you all so much for your replies. I really appreciate you taking the time to reassure me. I’m trying to stay positive and tell myself I will get through it this time without fainting! My friends think I should ask them just to prop me up by the machine until its done if I do faint! At least I won’t be aware of it! I’m sure its my fear and anticipationof pain that made me faint before cos I really didn’t find the local going in bad at all. In the meantime my lovely husband and white wine are keeping me calm. I’ve been practising relaxing on that beach in my mind and will try to send myself there on Monday morning. Phillipa - I like what your dad says and think I tend to agree with him. I’m generally a glass half full person but must admit this is getting to me. My worst fear is for my daughters. They need me and I want to always be there for them. Sorry to go on a bit!
Wishing you all a happy and peaceful weekend
Madcow x

I had this done recently and although very scared its no where near as bad as you expect it to be. I had 18 samples taken from my left breast. I talked (prob complete rubbish) throughout the whole procedure but didnt move my eyes away from a picture on the wall.
Getting your breast clamped into the machine is the most uncomfortable part of the procedure. The noise of the needle is not pleasant but take a deep breathe when they tell you they are going to do it and then relax…you will be just fine.
I promise you, the fear is worse than the procedure!!!

good luck for Monday, will be thinking of you


I did it! Had five biopsy taken and didn’t quite faint but did in very woozy with last one! Can honestly say it didn’t hurt. Just a little sting when the local went in. Unfortunately I’ve got to wait til next Wednesday to get the results tho. Thank-you all you lovely ladies who have taken the time to talk to me! Xxxx

Well done you I knew you could do it, the fear is nearly always worse than the actual thing being done isn’t it!

I can’t tell you that the next week of waiting will be easy as it won’t be, whatever you do take someone with you next week as no matter what they say to you (good or bad) you won’t remember much of it, so having someone else listening in is a good idea(I took my sister as OH would probably have been worse than I was!)

Take care this week and try to forget things - ha ha yes I know thats a stupid thing to say but hey we all say it - and let us know how you get on.
phillippa x

Well done Madcow, so glad you survived the biopsy. I agree the waiting is definitely the worst part. Phillippa’s idea of taking someone in with you is a must as you will find it difficult to take everything in. I dissolved into tears the moment the dreaded word mx was mentioned, which it was, before I had even sat down! I would have liked a few moments to blubber away, to get used to the dx and the projecvted treatment but no, catalogues came out and callipers to measure me up for an implant, all whilst I was crying my eyes out. My Oh was no good, as he was feeling sick in the corner and the BCN was looking after him. I wish I had taken my sister in with me, she definitely would have known all the right questions to ask and the pertinent inofrmation needed. Oh well, through the other side now but I wish you well with the waiting and let us know how you got on.
Annys xx

Hi madcow,
so glad you did the tests ok. The waiting is the worst thing in this ever all you can do is try and keep bust i know its harder to do then to say. but thats the best thing to do wishing you alll the best and hope its all ok for you.xxxxx

tracy xx

I got a phonecall from the breast clinic to tell me that my biopsy results were back and it was the wall of a cyst and nothing to worry about! I’m just going to carry on having yearly mammograms cos of family history. I am so relieved.
I want to thank all you ladies for taking the time to answer my questions and reassure me . I really really do appreciate it. I wish you all lots of love and healing. You’re a very special and kind group.
Much love

That’s great news - thanks for letting us know…:smiley:

Theresa x