Sticky Vicky

Hi,ladies,I’ve just been on the USA website inspire that Vicki is a member on and the dreadful news is that our wonderful Vickie has passed away. She was a truely wonderful lady who always fought for a voice and recognition for MBC ladies.
Love to her family at this very sad time.

I was so sorry to here this news I pm her because she had gone quiet I did not know how ill she was. I will miss her xx

I am so very sorry to read this sad news. Rest in Peace Vicki, my sincere condolences to all who knew and loved you. X X X

Dear catlady
Please pass on our sincere condolences to Vicky’s family and friends at this sad time from all of us here at BCC, thank you for your post

Helen, thank you for letting us know and this has come as a complete shock. Vicki was one of our group of Hants ladies who had started to meet last year and, although I knew her treatment had changed, I had no idea that things had progressed so quickly. I think we will all be in a bit of shock in our little group as one of our other lovely ladies passed away a couple of weeks ago. I will certainly remember Vicki with fond memories, she was a lovely lady to meet and a lively contributor on this forum. She will be sadly missed.
Nicky x

I am very saddened to hear this news about Vicki. I never met her but she did offer me lifts to the Hants meet ups but I haven’t been able to come to one yet, I am on Isle of Wight & it is a bit of an expedition.
She will be missed & I am thinking of her family at this time. Rest in peace Vicki.
Helen xx

Such a shock for us all, I didn’t know StickiVicki myself, but her posts on these forums were always wise and worth reading.

With sympathy to Vicki’s family and friends.  I’ll be lighting that candle again…