still feeling exhausted

Hi all


I had a theraputic mammoplasty and axillary clearence over three weeks ago I am still suffering with pain int the arm due to the nerves coming back to life but the breast is nearly pain free which is great.  I am however feeling exhausted all of the time.  One of my lymph nodes came back as showing signs of live cancer still so I am having to undergo another three round of chemotherapy but this is not starting to 05 July.  I am normally a healthy fit person and before surgery I was walking at least 12000 steps a day with no ill effect, I have put on loads of weight which is getting me dowm, in fact I think that Im focusing on that rather that the cancer.


Is anyone else feeling exhausted all of the time is this normal or could it be sign that the cancer has spread, I have been recalled to the breast care centre next tuesday after being discharged as they have seen something on the ultra sound, this was not really explained to me very well so I am very worried about this.and Im feeling quite low.  I have been really up beat about about the whole treatment so far and coped well with the hair lose and weight gain but I now find myself crying on a daily basis.


I just want to feel like me again, go back to work and start running and losing wiight.


Sorry to go on but does anyone else feel this tired.

Poor you.  Yes, have an almost constant low level thrum of fatigue.     Had lumpectomy and sl done on 4 May.   Week 4 went on hols and came back feeling great.  Then went back to work.  That floored me and just made me so tired.  Have had to have another op last Thursday and so back to feeling ok most of the time but just fatigued.   I too seem to have got rather porky and can’t seem to shift it.   I haven’t walked today coz of the heat.  May do that later or first thing in the morning.


i’m just getting bored and a bit frustrated by all the things I can’t do!

Hi. I have been feeling knackered for about a year,  I had lots of tests done at the doctors and other than having high iron nothing showed up,  so they decided I had fibromyalgia.  Then in march I was diagnosed with bc. I haven’t been at work for 4 weeks,  and have been doing a lot of sleeping, so currently I am just sleepy rather than exhausted.  I am due to return to work next Monday so not sure how I will be then. I seem to have done nothing but eat since the diagnosis and the stone I lost has definitely been put back on.


Hope all goes well on Tuesday.  Sending hugs.

Went for a lovely walk this morning early on and that’s given me more energy.  I may or may not just have jet washed the patio…  Not doing anything else though for the rest of the day.   I think I will pay for this tomorrow when shattered - seems to be one day on, one day off!

I had just started getting my energy back after chemotherapy before surgery and then it got knocked right back again. I have now been informed I need more chemotherapy starting on 5 July so back on the treadmill. I am trying to do 10000 steps a day but not always successful. I have not been to work since treatment started in January so coping on SSP which is hard But I have been keeping up beat and hope at the end of all this I will be cancer free and getting back to full health by the end of the year