Still having a lot of pain

This is my first visit to the forum. I had a lumpectomy in June 07 after which I had 4 weeks of radiotherapy. I returned to my part-job on 22nd October. In the last month I have had to go on the sick again. I have pains in my chest, arm, shoulder and breast. My gp gave me anti inflamatory tabs and paracetamol. After 4 weeks I am still the same. I’m not one for sitting in front of the telly all day and I do try to get out for walks and do a bit of housework but can anyone tell me if this is normal. My breast care nurse is referring me to the local clinic to see a lympodaema specialist. They have told me at work to come back when I am feeling better ( I work in a surgery on reception) Should I still in pain after 5 months. I would appreciate some advice. thanks lennonp


It seems a bit much …

A chum has had pain since May last year and she eventually got treatment for cording and still has regular visits to a nurse who specialises in BC care and I know she finds it to be of help.

I’m sure the lymphodoema specialist will look after you and improve things.

Hi Dalia

thank you, I have had several treatments of physiotherapy for cording and this seemed to be getting better. I am at the hospital tomorrow so hopefully the will be able to advise me. Sometimes I feel like I’m moaning a bit when there are other people a lot worse than me.

Thanks again

Hi lennonp

Welcome to the forums, I am sure you will continue to receive lots of helpful advice and support from your fellow forum users, in addition, you are welcome to contact our freephone helpline on 0808 800 6000 where you are able to talk to one of specialist nurses in confidence about any queries or concerns you may have, the line is open Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm, Saturdays 9am - 2pm.

Kind Regards

Thank you Katie I will bear that in mind. Sometimes it helps to talk to someone who knows what you are going through.


Hi lennonp
No one thinks you’re moaning, this site is for all of us when we are worried about something. I had my lumpectomy early August. I still find it quite painful to lie on my bad side and still have numbness and pain under my arm. I have now developed a problem with my shoulder in certains movements. It’s like an awful toothache that builds up for a few seconds then fades
Whats more worrying is that my OH spotted some small dark patches behind my shoulder which look like bruises.
Have appointment for hospital physio Thursday, so hope she knows what they are.

Good Luck

Norma xx

Hi Norma

I have a pain in my shoulder too!! Its more like frozen shoulder, I can only move my arm in certain ways. A couple of months ago I was able to put my bra on no problem no I have to put it on from the front. Good luck Thursday.


Thanks lennonp
I too was fine up to a month ago. Will let you know what physio says.
