Still in limbo

Hi ladies, thanks to all of you who read and replied to my last post.well i got my results today they have found something on the bone scan behind the breast that has tumour.I have to go for an MRI scan,how I hate all the waiting as my operation has been cancelled ,till they get this done.Does anyone think I have anything to be worried about.? Have been put on tamoxifen until I go back for results.hope you are all keeping well Thanks x

Hi Meggy-moo

I am sorry to read that you are still waiting for results, please feel free to call our helpliners to talk things over, they can offer you support and a listening ear to help you through this difficult time.

Lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturdays on 0808 800 6000

Take care


Hi there Meggy
I cannot give you a definite answer but thought I would repply just offer some support. The waiting is horrid - I went through the Bone scan, MRI then CT scan last summer - it seemed to take forever. At the end of it all the powers that be will have a clearer picture and be able to put together the best treatment package for you. All going well it will be dealing with the primary and nothing else. Radionucleotide bone scans show up all sorts of damage and bone disease from old breaks to arthritis and areas of uneven growth and it is tricky to tell whats what - hence the need for the MRI
If the worst comes to the worst and there are mets in your ribs then there is a huge ammount that can be done - there are ladies who have had bone mets for 10year plus so please don’t despair.
Thinking off you and hope all goes well for you -
Cyberhug while you are a lady-in -waiting.